Temperture and sunny back up some today, not too hot but the mosquitoes were out full force. They have been so bad this year that they have ruined some nice outside weather.
I have needed to buy some stuff to put in my ponds I think all of the water I have around is causing them to come in so thick but all the water is running so don’t know.
I have to get up really early in the morning to follow the kids over to Branson to take their car to the mechanic…so not going to stay on here too long.
Cooked a big pot of ham and beans today for tomorrow. They sure are smelling good.
Good protein you know. Since I increased my protein levels up some more I am losing again I have lost a pound so far since last Thursday. That isnt too bad when you are out a year well I don’t guess it is anyway. Lol
I think at support meeting , COF, the other night I said I was 1 pound away from goal. I misspoke I didn’t mean my goal weight I meant my big goal of losing 100 pounds. I guess I didn’t say it right or didnt say it like I meant it or something lol anyway im 12 pounds away from my goal of 150 pounds Dr. Hornbostel said 140 but I don’t know if I want to be down that low or not we will see.
Oh guess who is going to try and be at our next COF meeting? Craig has an appointment with the plastic surgeon in
BARBARA S: Thanks so much for the prayers. They are needed and hope that the prayer warriors on here joined with me can and will make a difference. Yeah you know my late grandmother use to say “ when they are little they walk on your toes and when they are grown they walk on your heart.” That couldn’t be more true.
MELISSA: your going to be such a wonderful mother when it is right for you. And this baby is proving to you that it doesn’t have to be a DNA match to be loved by you. I think you could take any child and make it yours within a couple of days.
Is such a shame that some people have babies that they don’t want and cant take care , or wont take care of. Such a shame that some babies have to live in what you describe and some of them lots worse. I hope you made that call.
Didn’t you keep any of those size 22s that Sugar gave you and Janet? There should be some of those that would fit. I know they would have to be taken up in length but should be right in size.
How is Janet doing without her computer? I really miss her nice long newsy post. How is her daughter. I hope it is getting better, what ever is wrong, I am still praying for her.
BOBBY JO: hey you sure that you are suppose to start back on your aerobics this soon? That is awfully soon. Not even two weeks? Be careful don’t do things too soon.
LOL sounds like you and that Doctors office is going to take a few turns around the dance floor don’t it? I bet you win don’t you?
Purses? What sort of purses? Material, l;eather or what? Tell us pray do.
VESTA: thank you so much and yes you are right about the prayer warriors. That is why I ask for help. Thanks.
Hey why was you not at the last COF meeting, I thought you had said you would be there.
TAMMY; WOW is right your car is going to meet itself coming and going soon. Good thing someone is getting a car of their own soon. Lol
Thanks for the words of encouragement about my daughter. I hope she will wake up one day soon. Don’t know tho.
I think they stay with each other feeding off of each other Acoholics do that sometimes.
SHEILA: hey my little angelette….thanks for the prayers please keep them up …
Wont be long till your surgery now. 24 more days. Once the COF meeting gets here you wont have but just a few days to go. Yeah,.
LANA: yes I think they are dependent on each other to be able to have what they have and to be able to drink too they need each other to do it. One of them is just as bad as the other one. I pray for him too but he isnt my baby so it doesn’t hurt me with him like it does her .
You sure do stay busy on the weekends. 2 times to the gymn? Wow.
The new tree will be a stunning asset to your yard in the years to come. How big is it already?
Hey no cruises aren’t about food that much if you don’t want them to be and they serve such a variety of things that we would be able to find more than enough that would suit our menu…even in the fancy dining room they have a dieters dinner that is so good. The last cruise we were on I was eating more or less like we do now. And found plenty of foods that were cooked right and served up beautifully.
Joe and I are thinking about a cruise over the holiday too. Don’t know but may. Altho we do have the babies here to have Christmas with this year that makes it so much more fun.
Take care and don’t eat stuff that you know you aren’t suppose to , you only defeat the purpose. Lol. Take care
Well seems I am not going to get through the first month without some struggle after all.... I spent last night in the ER with them talking of making me stay a few days...I kept complaining to my DH that my tube site was feeling hard and when i set up it felt like it was up in my throat and hurt like the dickens ....we called the DR office and finally got a call back and they said for you to complain we feel you need to get to the ER and be seen ..... so 3.5 hours after arriving in the ER I get to go lay down in a bed and see a DR.... they automatically start talking cat scan and all this and I said helllllooooo look I am a week out of surgery I stick to my diet better then someone that is feed through a tube I can tell this is infected and I want the pain to GO away NOW can we please look at it before we start calling for cat scans and all lol.....so the surgeon comes in and wow what do you know a surface wound infection...go he tells me he has to go in well with those words I automatically said what do you mean go in???? I said just like in there no biggie or IN there!!! he said the no biggie one....so he gets his things and he starts giving me about 6 shots in the belly around the spot of stuff to deaden the area.... then he proceeds to stick these dull scissors about 6 inches into my area and I look up and OMG here comes my DH straight down ontop of me about to pass ou****ching this man do this to me.... we got DH situated and he got a drink and was better ( not eating in about 12 hours did not help him any) anyway they complete and tell me you have to have this packed daily for about a week.... do you know anyone that can do this I said well DH cant he just like to tossed his cookies all over the place and the friends that I have here in MO are scattered and not living here by me... he said ok come to the hospital each day I was like UGHHHH.... My pcp god love her is a savior her sister is her nurse practioner and she is going to do it daily for me and she is only 3 blocks from my house so today was the first packing again of it and some how her smoothing voice and all kept it from hurting as bad as it should of..... so thats whats happening Tuesday here
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ I know its almost time for Wednesdays post, but I had the opportunity to get on Mikes work computer and wanted to post before I head off to bed! Sure miss you guys! I didnt get to take my puters in until Monday night as my ex SILs aunt died and they went to MN for the funeral and got back Mon night. Steve said he thinks the desk top puter will be done Thurs night. I will pick it up then, I hope, keep your fingers crossed! Not sure I would have had a lot of time to be on it anyway-its been pretty hectic here.
We have a situation with Steph that came to light on Thurs, and on Friday she stayed home from school since we had some things to take care of. The kids, Meg and Aaron met us for lunch and then I took her to the mall when I dropped off Megan for work. Mike and the boys went on their father-son fishing trip on Friday night and they caught 18 nice crappie and 2 walleye. On Saturday I trained with my dad for the office job that I am going to work at a couple of hours per week-with Stephanie at my side. Then Meg and Aaron took the kids for the night, so that Mike and I could go out for our 10 yr anniversary. He took me to Red Lobster and he had a dozen red roses delivered to the table from him!! Aw-I almost started crying, but knew my make-up would run!! LOL...it was an awesome evening, then we went to the movies and went for a midnite drive. We got home at 4 am!! I was excited because I let him pick out my outfit since he wouldnt tell me where we were going! Something that would have never happened before!! I even bought new undies, in a single digit size-dont remember the last time that happened, but I bought a sz 7 and they fit me perfectly!! YAY!!! And now I am only 1# from losing 200# and I am busting my butt to make that happen by weekly weigh in day!! LOL Anyway, the anniversary rocked and then we went to breakfast and Mike cooked for me and the kids on Sunday all the fish! It was soooo good and I tell you, he is such a good cook anyway-but his fish is one of my favorite dishes=we were all fighting in the kitchen over the test tasting!! I won every time-LOL I could eat that every single day, really! I made corn on the cob and baked potatoes, even Jon ate 2 pcs of fish! I wanted asparagus, but didnt have any, and didnt want to run to town for it, so... more room for the fish anyway!
I am helping Aaron tomorrow at work all day, and then Thurs, I have to train to learn how to close shop and then working Fri nite and all day Saturday, so my dad can get away from that place for the first time in 6 months. Saturday night, we are going fishing and then Sunday I suppose I will be on the couch with the heating pad!! Oh, and I forgot, have an appt with my ortho on Thurs, to make a game plan and have him refer me to get the nerves burned in my back and go to a pain management doctor. Keep your fingers crossed, My spend down is still 1700.00 per month, but I know I wont make it until March-and dont want to even try any more. It is what it is and we will just have to make it work. Paying for the RX up front actually hurts us the most, financially right now...so I dont take a lot of prescriptions I should simply because we cant afford it. I want to thank everyone who has been praying for my daughter and I would like to ask that you continue to do so. I cant talk about it yet. Actually, Im really not talking to anyone about it, except family, have a hard time even talking to Mel. Its the worst thing I have ever been through and I cant sleep anymore, when I do try, I see the same scene in my head over and over again and Megan is having the same problem. Its taking its toll on me. I am going to be going to my PCP soon....now that I know what my spend down is for sure and all that. I know that our prayers for her will prevail, I have no doubts about it, but getting through this is proving to be a challenge, thats for sure. One I am definitely up to-I guess I became like the engergizer bunny, because I am not letting anything happen to one of my kids while I am still breathing! So, we have ALL banned together and we are all working together, to make the best of the situation and to do whats best for her. So, thank you! **Jan, I am very sorry about your daughter and I will say prayers for her. I will pray for you as well, too-because I know its so hard. I can relate, because Steph is like that, the most heart breaking, but also the most loving, when she wants to be! Im very sorry I had most of the pants from Sug, since Sug is tall like me, too, but I will be giving them to Mel. I know she got a lot of capris and such. With winter coming, dont think they will work, but I have some pants to give her. I actually wore the 18s the other day, they used to be Megans. That felt good, so pretty soon, when I get more than one pair, I will hand them over to her. Well, I am going to go, I have some emails to answer and then off to bed. Mike will have to take this with him for work tomorrow, so I may see you tomorrow night, but then again, I may not-depending on how tired and sore I am. I have A LOT to do tomorrow and after helping Aaron, I have to pay some bills and then go to the grocery store. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. All my love, Janet