questions AGAIn of course lol
well i sure hope ur right cos i been freaking out a lil over the tube being left in that long, my book i brought home with me from Dr H office is where it said the tube would be took out the next morning and then u have to drink the contrast to check for leaks,,,,,,i really HOPE its took out be4 i go to my room lol
and thanks for the calcium info....i just couldnt find chewables with the magnesium in it so will look again....
YES 25 more days!!!!! its going a lot faster than i thought it would im so excited....
right now i dont need anything else im ok and how are you doing Jan? good i hope...
wed is my scope day at 9am and then have to stick around and wait for lung test at 3 pm so will be a long day but it gets me that much closerrrrrrrr hope every 1 is doing good love and hugs