Jan C.
on 9/30/07 3:07 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Well today seems like it just flew by, went to see my youngest daughter and of course she and her sorry husband had been fighting, she was drinking and feeling sorry for herself. I don’t understand what or why someone cant see that if their life is so miserable that all they have to do is change it. They have been doing this for over 6 years. I just don’t understand…She acts like she had to live like that, maybe she does, but I know that I was in that situation 2 times and after awhile I changed it. It meant that I was working more than I should have been but I had to to make it. And I raised 3 kids while doing it. She doesn’t have any kids to have to worry about it is just her. I know she isnt dumb I guess it is the alcohol no other reason for it that I can see. Would appreciate prayers for her ,,,,This is a good one for all you prayer warriors out there,. I don’t really know what to ask you to pray for for her just Gods will be done? Seems our kids can tear us up more than anything cant they? She has always been my wild one. The one that caused me more pain than the other two. But she is also the most loving one too. She can be when she wants to anyway. She has let the alcohol rule her life since she was young, so I don’t know if she will ever give it up. I don’t know if she can.  She has threatened to kill herself so many times that I have accepted it that one day she may. I pray she wont but I don’t know what to do , She isnt a child and I cant have her committed and her husband doesn’t care enough to do anything. Just pray for her, for me for her life for God to intercede…anything. Please




BEVERLY B: Well shame I don’t live close to you I could dig those holes for you for your mums. I know this was a thing that I was most interested in being able to do after I lost some weight. And just wait. You will be able to do so much.

I know you all really had a great time today with the grandson. Go ahead and be proud, after all he has to be really special to be your grandson you know.



NUTTI: well shoot huh you still don’t know whether it is boy or girl oh well it is a baby that much we know. Lol

You know I have found that Mexican is about the only food that I can really eat if we go out. They have a good choice of things that work for me.

Sounds like it is time to get the haunting underway there so you can scare lots of people lol


DEBBIE M: no the ornamental cabbages or Kale are not perennials. Im sure you have seem them at the nurseries this time of year with the mums and such.

Im hoping that if you want you too can get back to work one day soon. What did you use to do?


BOBBY JO: you will go lower believe me, it is just that some of the big goals we have in our minds I think stop us for some reason. Do a little more walking and drink a little more water and try to get in just a little more protein and stay off the scale for one week then weight and see what it says.

Collette said you lived 100 miles from the meeting of hers. Sure hope you can find one that you can get into , it really does make a difference if you can find a good one.




BARBARA S: wow your reunion sounds really great. We use to do that when we had a family reunion , the auction I mean, and who ever was in charge used it to rent the pavallion or meeting room or what ever and also for the catered meal we had on Saturday noon. Sure wish we still had those. But when my mom passed away there were just too many of the older ones that were gone or too sick and the younger ones wouldn’t show up. Glad you all still have it together.



Well guys it is thundering and lighting and im afraid I will l;ose the computer any minute so im going to post this I hope before it goes









Barbara S.
on 9/30/07 4:25 pm - Freeman, MO
Hey Jan; Hope your storm wasn't too bad. You have prayers on the way for your daughter.  Sometimes  we just have to put it in Gods hands and I know you have, but as mothers we still worry. We have our reunion catered by a cousin who has a barbeque place in Preston, Missouri. He is young  (late 30's)  and  he is really good at it.  Couldn't ask for more.  Glad to see so many posting again. Love ya all!!!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 9/30/07 7:14 pm - Joplin, MO
Good Morning MO Peep's          Cant sleep so I thought I would get on here and drop down a short post. Just got the baby back to sleep and in a clean diaper. We took him over to see his daddy & mom today. And picked up some formula for him. Stopped and got a few canned goods before the storm hit. By the time we got home it was pouring like crazy. Was walking in with the baby had my arms full and slid on the back deck. Now my back is really hurting. I have tried the polar ice, heating pad, ice pack, hot shower, pain meds and nothing is helping it. I dont know if I twisted or what is going on. Plus this morning Auntie Flow decided to come visit. I was texting my neice and told her if it wasnt for the fact that Terry & I really want a child of our own. I am just about tempted to see a doc and tell him to take everything out. I go see the new sergeon on the 4th of this month. And I am hopeing he can tell me some good news. I know for a fact (by the CT-Scan that was done at the hospital) that I still have a 4cm mass on my left ovary. And that is what I kept telling my OB/GYN after surgery that I was still in pain. Expecially at that time of the month and when I am suppose to be ovulating. but of course they dont listen.     Anyhow it has been a wild weekend to say the least. We ran around all weekend long going to rummage sales lookig for stuff to keep at the house for the baby. After it was all done and over with I ended up with a laundry basket full of clothes for him. Plus oddles of toys.    His mother called this morning and wanted us to bring the baby home. then a couple of hours later she changed her mind. Thank goodness he doesnt need to be in ths situation with those 2 that drink then have knock down drag out fights. Plus the living conditions isnt even fit for man nor beast. Trying to figure out how to make an annomous phone call. So they can go out and check the place out where they are keeping the baby. It is ridicklus (sp) just kills me that they dont seem to mind the fact that their house is over ran with bugs.     I was talking to my mother about it the other day. And told her that the baby twitches and thrashes around alot when he is sleeping. I thought that maybe his mother drank when she was pregant. But my mother pointed out to me that maybe it was the bugs that were crawling all over him. That why he twitches and thrashes around like that. Poor thing I pray for him every night that he will have peacefull sleep. It just breaks our heart that their 2 stupid to do anything about it. Hopefully the phone call will help them pull their heads out of the butts.    Today I am going to finish my grocery shopping. I plan on maken some home made chile. It is getting that time of the year where soup, and stews are sounding good.    Well I hope everyone had a great weekend. I will close here I need to put on our local website that I am looking for some pants if anyone has any for sell. I am down to a 20WP to 22WP. I weighted on Saturday and I am down to 229lbs. YEA!!!!!!    Have a good day and please pray for peace for baby Adrain. God Bless Mel
~~God has seen you struggling, God say's its over, A Blessing is coming your way!!~~
Bobbie Smith
on 9/30/07 9:57 pm - Ashland, MO
HOwdy ya'll!!!!!  Not alot happening today been walking my fool read end off and  get to start back on my aroebics and all today...We got some much needed rain last night....have a sore plave where my tube was and its hard to the touch its the only place i hurt and it bothering me alot...when I went to the DR on FRiday they said come back in 3 weeks and i was like okay went up front and the lady said here you go I have your appointment already done she gave it to me and it said November 19 I said this is like 4 weeks longer then I am suppose to be seen she said well that the only date and he said three months  I said no he said 3 weeks and even if he said three months this still wouldnt be right ( they need to revamp the office there and I am about a new york mnute from telling this to them) she said I know what my books say I said well I will take this appointment because next you will tell me I have to wait till 6 months to be seen for a second time since surgery and I will take care of this myself .... so now the nurse is handling it lol it was the nurses husband that I seen anyway he is the one that said 3 weeks she even heard him she was in there .this office is going to be like OMG y did we agree to operate on this woman!!! Anyway I am going to await that phone call and sew some on some purses and all that you all have a good day

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 9/30/07 11:12 pm - pomona, MO
Jan I am so sorry, I know what you mean I had to live thru that until I got smart enough to leave, and maybe she will to, it took me 8 years to get out, and now I have a wonderful husband..I will pray for her, God is the only one that can do anything...we have some wonderful prayer warriors, there has bee many prayers answered on here...vesta


Tammy H.
on 9/30/07 11:44 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Yall... Wow is things busy around our place lately....my daughter is working and dosen't have a car yet so when her ride can't make it we have to get her to work and go get her and then she has as second job 2 days a week she uses my car to do...Then my son finally went to work...he is working at a cotten gen at the moment and of course he don't have a car either so we are taking him back and forths as well....That's on top of Joe and I working as well lol lol....My poor ole car!!! But I think Ada has things worked out to get her a car this week....That will help out soooo much and then my son MC plans on trying to pay down on one after a few weeks of working so hopefully that will work out and everyone will be able to come and go on their own...... I am really enjoying my job...It is soooo great to be getting out of the house and out around people a few days a week....Walking on that concrete is kinda kicking my butt....but it's only been 2 weeks so hopefully that will get better soon..... Jan.....Sorry to hear about your daughter....Been there and done that.....It's no life at all...I stayed with my kids father for 9 years dealing with alcohol, women and him being gone months at a time....Thought it was important to do what I needed to do to keep their father in their lives....but I woke up one day and decided I was done...If I could take care of them and do it all by myself for 9 years then I could do it with out all the crap in our lives..... If there is no kids...Im not sure why she would want to stay...but sometimes it's not exactly love that keeps them there...it's more of dealing with the fact they took that leap and it didn't work out....that can be really hard for some people to deal with....I wish all the women going thru such things would realize they are worthy of more than what they deal with ....Everyone deserves happiness and deserves to be treated right !!! Said a special prayer for your daughter as I read your post....I pray God will bless her and help her to make a decision that is right for her...I pray she realizes she deserves to be happy & content and dose not have to deal with such a life! Mel.....Had a ball texting with you last night!  I know you are having a ball with that baby!!!!! I hope it's not too hard on you emotionally!  And you can make a call anonnamously (sp)....When you call the hotline you DO NOT have to give your name....  And it really sounds like the lil feller needs someone to care enough to do it! It will be hard on him to get all the love and affection you are giving him on top of getting to be clean and bug free and then have to go back and deal with it...The twitching and stuff when he sleeps could be from the noise of all the arguing and yelling....It really does affect little ones more than some realize.... I will be praying for the lil sweetie! Do you think if a decison was made for them to take him from his parents, the parents would let you keep him? Thought I might try to reach Janet today since she can't post... but if I don't will you tell her I miss seeing her on and luv her bunches? Susan...Ok Girly...Where you be???? How are you doing? Are you feeling ok since the surgery? Drop a line or give me a call so I know how you are!!!!! Bobby Jo....Congrats on hitting the 200's!!!!! I am about 49lbs from it myself and can not wait! Keep up the good work!!!!! Brenda....Haven't seen much from you in a bit....How's things since the surgery???? Love to know how your doing and how things are going....Drop us a line soon!!! A big howdy to Nuttie, Cheryl, Amber, all the MIA's including my sister Angelettes that we never hear much from anymore.....And to all the newbies and the oldies lol lol..... May God Bless each of you.... Have a great Monday... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Sheila H.
on 10/1/07 5:34 am - Marshfield, MO
Jan   my prayers are with you and your daughter, hang in there, we all love younes


on 10/1/07 5:23 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri, Seems like forever since I've posted.  Jan, I will pray for your daughter.  John's daughter went through a situation like this and they stayed together because they were dependent on each other and so addicted to alcohol.  She actually died from cirrohsis of the liver brought on by alcoholism.  She was just never sober, ever.  Drank continually but didn't get really drunk, just in a semi-stupor it seemed to me.  So sad, but we have an awesome God so I'll keep praying for your dear one. The weekend flew by.  We went to the gym twice, ate out once and I went shopping on Saturday at TJ Maxx.  Got a couple of Christmas gifts there and a cast iron grill skillet.  I'd been wanting one and I dug around in their sale stuff til I found one for $9.00 with enamel on the outside and iron on the inside.  It's just the right size for the two of us.   Barbara, I made the chicken and noodles like you make except I don't have a pressure cooker so I put the chicken in the crock pot the night before and then added noodles at the end.  I couldn't really eat much except the chicken but it had such good flavor - YUMMY!!! Did I tell you we got a new tree.  It is a Nuttall Oak, a variety of Pin Oak but it's branches reach up instead of down like the regular Pin Oak.  They haven't brought it out and planted it yet, maybe this week.  I am so excited as we are replacing an ugly Juniper that I've hated since we bought the house.   We have decided to go to Stacy's for Thanksgiving and probably go on a trip for Christmas.  John even suggested a cruise.  I've never been on a cruise but always thought it was all about eating so don't know if it would be fun now.  Surely there would be things I could eat.  Anyone been on a cruise since RNY???  That would mean I don't have to decorate my house for Christmas if we aren't going to be there.  I love my tree but it is a two day job - it's 10 feet tall and I have tons of Barbie and Hallmark ornaments to put on individually.  It's really girly!!! I need to get back to business so I'll stop for now. Hugs and love and prayers to all of you. Lana

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


Shannon C.
on 10/1/07 5:55 am - Kirksville, MO
Hi All - Made it home in one piece.  Had a very good time.  I do love Kansas City.  It was really nice being with both of my sisters.  The bridal shower was great  My niece got lots of nice stuff.  I gave her the ring bearers pillow as a gift, now I just have to finish her wedding purse.  I keep putting off getting the pattern registered/copyrighted.  Need to find the site again on line and d/l the instructions and then right out all the steps and pics of the process then send in the money and wait for the copyright etc... I had a salad and a small bite of steak and a button mushroom at the resturant at the casino and about 20 minutes later my sis said I turned a shade of green and looked like I was going to pass out.  I made it up to my room in time to be sick.  That will teach me to try and eat something not allowed yet. Still trying to find an outfit or dress in a 2x to wear to the wedding.  No luck so far.  Also need a 4 or 5x black swing dress for my younger sis. She won't even think about having wls as she says she likes to eat to much.  I feel sorry for her but she has to be the one to make the choice. I bought some protein bullits on ebay and they should be here Wed.  2 cases for $63. Have a great day!



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