Jan C.
on 9/29/07 2:30 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Wasn’t Sat beautiful? I worked outside almost all day , pulling flowers that are past their prime, getting the dirt ready to put in several ornamental cabbage, and  some panseys and more mums. Things that will last thru several light frost.

I found a place that had the cabbages on sale for 4.00 a piece and have so far bought 20 of them may go back and buy more don’t know. I have 4 large pots that I am doing also to put on the back porch and front porch for décor. Since they are sitting under the porch they should last way into the winter.


We will be going to my daughters in Holiday Island tomorrow. She is the one that is selling Avon and I have a big order from her tomorrow to pick up. Plus I just want to see her.

We will probably stop and see the other daughter in Shell Knob on the way home too.

Kill two birds with one stone lol


A guy up the road came down and mowed the two big lots behind us that we are thinking of buying , if the financing comes thru. He came over and said , I mowed your lots for you, I don’t know if he wanted to be paid or not but I didn’t offer. LOL . I for a fact know that the son paid the other neighbor to mow it and this guy came and did it for her . I guess he wouldn’t know that I knew that. Anyway it didn’t work.


Janet I hope things are beginning to work out for your daughter whatever is the problem. Bless your heart you have things happen so much , but I guess maybe that is to be expected with a bigger family I don’t know. Just know that we are all praying for your daughter that God will be with her and that He will hold and keep her. You too. So miss you on line. Always look forward to seeing you post . Cant wait till your computers are fixed.



SHANNON : sounds like you have a great week end planned with your sisters. That is very good. My sisters and I do things like that once in awhile. I am trying to get them to go on a cruise with me. But so far they keep dragging their feet.

Glad your eating is going well.

Keep up the good work.



COLETTE: sounds like you are having a busy day off. Me too. I worked outside most all day pulling up flowers that were really in bad shape. Didn’t get it all done but am off tomorrow, which is taken up with visiting and then Monday too , need to cut heads off all the black eyed susan and the cone flowers. The black eyed susan I have to dig big clumps out of them every year they spead so fast …the cone flowers too.

Seems everything that is natural spead really fast.

Yeah I know what you mean about State, Isnt it funny how you just get a feeling about when they are due?

No I didn’t do the POS this month. But I did speak up and tell her I would do them next month but only if that is all I had to do. And could be in a room by myself so it would be quite. I don’t like doing them with a lot of distraction going on.


DEBBIE  M: Wow that really was luck that David wasn’t driving the bike …Stupid punk. Im glad there was a cop there witnessing the whole thing. That was really good luck in itself. Did the boy have insurance, or will you have to use yours to repair your car?

Hope you are feeling better/




MARY N: welcome to the board. I hope you are getting all your fluids in now and feeling good.



TAMMY: That is so good that everyone is getting jobs and cars and soon places of their own. Wow. You wont know how to act when things get back to normal.

Are you still planning on coming up in Oct? Sure hope so. We love seeing you all. I got all sorts of emails from Brenda , forwards you know but not a work about how she is feeling or what is going on with her.

LOL oh after I got up and did the whats happening post I went back to bed and slept for 6 more hours. I really was tired.



Well as several people have said, Welcome to the newbies, Good luck to all that are starting on their journey and those that now have surgery dates…Want to invite all of you to post here and let us know how you are on a day to day basis, good way to get to know others and for us to get to know you.







Beverly B.
on 9/29/07 5:19 pm - Sedalia, MO

Hi all, It sure was a nice day today. I love the fall, warm days and cool nights. I bought me some really nice mums today. Now if I can talk my daughter into digging the holes I'll get them planted. I wished I could do it myself, I have 2 flower beds in my front yard that I am just dying to get all cleaned up and bring some of my iris up to the front. Maybe soon. My daughter had a get together today for my grandson that just got back from Iraq. He looks really good. He is 6'5 and really good looking (grandma prejudice) lol...He is in the Marines, another brag, grandmas have the right to do that.. Anyway we had a good time, had a big BBQ and since he wasn't here for the 4th they had fireworks and went on a hay ride. They live in the country but do have some neighbors, I bet they wondered what all the fireworks were for. Some of my grandkids work in the firework stands and they take fireworks instead of money so we have a gigantic fireworks display every year. I have 27 in just my immediate family and my daughters husband has 13 brothers and sisters (not all of them got to come) but still it is like having a family reunion when we all get together..We all get together on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas day and we used to cram into someones house but for the last few years we have rented places as there are just to many people to be in one house. But we always have a good time. I am blessed to have a wonderful family.. Well not much else to write about  I have been in so much pain I haven't done anything. I know there has to be some kind of relief for this pain. Vicodin just doesn't do anything. I can only take one at a time because I tried to take 2 and was just so stupid I could hardly talk. It is supposed to rain and I hope it does because I think that is why I am hurting more than normal. Once it rains it will ease up a bit.  Hope everyone has a good sunday...    



on 9/29/07 6:04 pm

Hellooo Mo Board!  Im busy busy busy....I hung out with my friends daughter thursday and friday the kids had to change the ultrasound to Tuesday so I still dont know if its a boy or girl. I hope for them its a boy...they really want one. but Nannie prays for health over all. had me a wow moment today.....I have been having issues with the girls.....needed better support...poor as church mice so off I went in hopes to find something at wally worlds and Ill be derned if I didnt find one.....I think its a bit tight but the girls look better and it hasnt bothered my inscion site....been having that issue alot with the brazeres I have and its PRETTY! I usually buy black...black is better than white but its BORING sooooo next week I am buying 2 more.  I did go to the PCP on friday and his scale shows 10 pounds gone!! I wi**** would go faster. I have had less dumping lately...I am sticking with beans and cheese I did enjoy a tostada ...my first...of course it took awhile to get it ate but It was nice to be eating something from the same place the hubby got from.  I do hope to see more progress soon. I hope everyone is well and has a wonderful day! today we are doing some work on the haunt....some of the walls will go up. and I am setting up a display in the front.  the first weekend of October! time to get serious about haunting Carthage! nutti





Debbie M.
on 9/29/07 8:12 pm - Harrisonville, MO
Morning All... Jan...the punk that hit David said he had insurance but that he didn't have proof on him, we will see when we go to court. It will probably be our insurance that covers the repairs on the car with a $500 deductible. Are the ornamental cabbages perennials? My day of working outside cost me. I was in bed most of the day yesterday but am feeling better today. Do you like being back at work? I miss working believe it or not. Someday soon I'm hoping to be back in the working world...someday...soon. Janet...I'm praying that you get back online soon and that the issues with your daughter work out okay. Hang in there, good days are ahead! Mel...good to see you posting again! Have missed you and been worried  about you. Praise the Lord that you are safe! Lana...love you in your newest pics. I can't wait to see you in person. I want to thank everyone for their prayers, love and thoughts during out time of trial with the loss of Adam. We have since lost another family member but it was expected. My sister's father in law. He had a blood disorder and was having to go to the hospital constantly. he got tired and told his son's he had, had enough. He died last week, his sons and my sister are having a hard time with the loss. I ask that you add them to your prayers! As of yesterday, it has been one month since we lost Adam....things are better but I still miss him and really wish we were still waiting on him to be born! He would of been a great Christmas present! We are moving on but once in a while we step back to remember the lil guy that changed so many lives! Well, thats it fo me.....Love & prayers, Deb M

Bobbie Smith
on 9/29/07 9:29 pm - Ashland, MO
Ok so going to a walk back in time was fun but not very smart I have muscles that I did not know I owned that are calling me everything in the book and I am not talking the Bible here.....but muscle soreness is'nt always a bad thing it means you worked out pretty good...today  I stood on the scales and I am almost at my first big goal and that was to be less then 300 well this morning I weighed 300.8 if you all recall I started the liquid diet at 334.8 and then dropped to 321.4 3 days vefore surgery and now this I am so glad that I am seeing good things becaues I am still going through the OMG what have I done phase at times.....I hope you all have a great day today we are going to go to church and then rest all day .....Jan I do not know how close I live to her groups where are they at ???  I live exactly half way between Jefferson City and Columbia but we travel alot for his work so I can be all over the place at times lol   

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 9/29/07 11:19 pm - Concordia, MO
Just wanted to tell you that the KCMetro support group is approximately 100 miles from Columbia give or take a few miles. Wi**** were closer for you.  Colette
Barbara S.
on 9/30/07 3:48 am - Freeman, MO
Hey there!! Hello everyone. Jan you are so right, I was excited and happy to go to the reunion. I am so blessed with the greatest inlaws!!!!! We just got back and unpacked. Had a great time with dinner and visiting with everyone yesterday and then late night bon fire last night and breakfast this morning with all that stayed over night. Oh' an we had an auction yesterday which everyone donates something to and the money raised finances next years reunion. This year we raised nearly $500.00. We had the reunion at Lake Paradise Camping Club in Lone Jack, Mo. which is only about 50 miles from us. We stayed in a cabin and the reunion was held in their outside pavalion(sp?). Great weather, kids galore and lots and lots of hugs, kisses and laughter! Glad everyone seems to be doing great!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

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