Hello gang, I just got home, had an emergency with a patient tonight right before I left so of course I was late getting out of there. It is now midnight.
Im so tired I feel like I have just about gone as far as I can lol.
Think I will go sleep for awhile and then come back and do this.
Well I slept for about 2 hours and feel so much better. Now will try and get this done.
BARBARA: you know most times I really have to think a lot to find very much to say and others it just seems to write itself.
Barbara you sound so happy and excited about your family reunion, I hope it goes well and you have another year of smiles and hugs to remember all of them with.
DEBBIE M: I love the idea of lighting candles for family that are gone. What a lovey thing to do. Only right that baby Adams is the brightest one this year
Will be good for Jason and Wendy if maybe they can start eating right ..;.
Hope you are feeling better and healthier daily.
SUSAN::: so good to see you well enough to be back on the boards. You have been missed.
Looking forward to seeing more and more or rather less and less of you,.lol.
MELISSA: Oh I know you are so enjoying taking care of the 4 month old nephew. They are so cuddlie and sweet aren’t they, and I would have been like you about them keeping those nasty roaches at their house not bring them to you.
I hope the lawyer will be able to do well for you, no one should be treated like that.
Have you found another surgeon that doesn’t practice at that hospital. Please don’t go back there.
So you all are having another garage sale? Will it be at your house in
Will be sure to say a prayer about her daughter. Hope all is well there.
JANET: love you girl and am praying for your daughter, We all have prayed her thru one thing we don’t intend for the devil to get her now. Know that we all love you and your whole beautiful family and hold all of you dear to our hearts.
LANA: We surely did miss you over the past few days. And really missed you at the COF meeting, Yeah will seem like a long time yet till the next meeting.
LOL im laughing because of your friends thinking that John had gotten a new wife lol
Someone said that to Joe the other day and he said no I got the one back I married long ago. Lol
I know I feel like that girl from long ago again,
So did Winnie survive her visit to the mini cooper hospital?
BOBBY JO: LOL you are so funny girl, sure wish I could meet you in person.
Are you close enough to go to Colettes monthy meetings ? What ever one you get to go to they will be so pleased to have you that is for sure.
Hope you have a great time walking back in time . that sounds like fun.
If I was going to walk I want to go far enough back that I wasn’t fat any more that is for sure.
Well I have come to the end of my supply of posts and people for the night.
Hope all is well and know that I love all of you
Morning all...
Well yesterday was good until David got home...lol He took my car, a 2005 Grand Prix to work and on the way home some young punk rear ended him with a 80's model Ford truck. I will have pics on my profile later. He took my car because it was too cold for the Harley and because he wasn't feeling real good. At the accident scene, there was a cop that witnessed it so he turned around to assist. Thank you Lord! David got upset about many things that happened there as you can imagine but the one that got me was David saying that he was thankful that he wasn't on the Harley. The young punk told David "that's the chance you take driving a bike!" Both David's and the cops's jaws dropped. They couldn't believe he said that! David said if the cop wouldn't of been there he probably would of beat the punk senseless....I told David, it sounds like he was already there! The cop took David to the side, got his info then gave him the info he needed for court and told David he could go. He said there's no reason for you to stick around unless you want to. The cop said he had many tickets he had to write to the young punk and he wasn't gonna make David stick around for it. David told him thank you and left. When he pulled up here I was on the mower finishing up around the house. Both Wendy and Jason were working on breaking down my flower beds and arranging the arbor closer to where I wanted it. When I saw David's face, I knew something was wrong. He looked like a kid that had just broke a cookie jar while trying to get the last cookie. I was up in front of my car mowing when I saw him, he was motioning for me to come there. I had one last pass I needed to make around the pond and when I finished I drove the mower towards David who was now standing near the rear of my car as I was coming up broadside. Our eyes met, then I saw my trunk buckled. My jaw dropped, my heart broke but I refused to cry! Satan wasn't taking my peace and ruining my day! I got off the mower, listened to the story, then hugged David, telling him I'm glad he's okay and that I'm glad he hadn't taken the Harley. If he would of taken the Harley, I would be making funeral arrangements now instead of posting this. Thank you Lord!! I had boiled up a chicken the day before yesterday, deboned it and stuck it in the fridge. So I put the now cut up chicken with the broth, added some egg noodles, fresh carrots and seasoning which made a hearty soup and everyone munched. I'm pretty sore today, think I better spend the day resting. I don't need to get down. The mono is sticking around, I guess cause I sure get sore and tired quick. Well, that was my exciting day. I pray that everyone elses is better! Be safe and have a wonderfully Lord blessed day! Deb M
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!