Jan C.
on 9/27/07 1:54 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Beautiful day today , wasn’t it? Kim , my granddaughter and her babies when to wal –mart to buy the babies Halloween costumes. The 2 year old is going to be the scarecrow and the baby is a punkin. Of course. Not a lot of choices for a tiny one.

I had her to call her pediatrician this morning and make an appointment for the baby. She nurses 3 times a day and eats 2 jars of baby food twice a day and is losing weight, now how can that be. She is 7 months old and is about the size of a 5 month old, only about 15 and a half pounds. She has been this last few days seems to be getting more lethargic all the time. And runs a small low grade fever. I am getting worried, this morning when she brought her over she looked sort of yellow to me but I don’t know she is olive complexion anyway. I never had done any nursing with babies so other than raising my own I don’t have any experience with them. Anyone out there have any ideas?


After wal-mart we went to eat , I got chicken fajitas and  ate about 1/3 of it and brought the rest home for Joe to eat.


After we got home we found out the man next door that his son put in a nursing home last week , died this morning. We have been trying to buy his property and his son came by while ago and offered it to us for the price I had offered him in the first place. He kept trying to get me to go higher by saying that others were interested in it but I knew better. Lol It was just a ploy. Anyway I guess we will buy that , as if we need more land but it is a good buy at that price. Two nice size lots to go with the 5 we already have. I think I am going to keep it open like it is for the kids to play in when they are here tho. I might plant some pretty trees back there.


Joe is out killing a huge wasp nest , im staying in the house till they are all dead. They made a big nest on the front porch and im afraid to even go out and water my plants out there. Last summer I got stung , the first time in years and years, It swelled and got really big and my doctor told me that since it did that I am still allergic to them it is just that I didn’t have any in my system right now but that if I got stung again in the next year or two ti might really be bad. Who knows.

Oh my Lord you should have seen all the wasps that Joe killed, they were up in the front porch ceiling He used 4 big full cans of wasp and hornet spray, I mean big ones . I bet there was at least 200 dead ones on the front porch and more falling all the time. Like I said I stayed inside.



BEVERLY B: sounds like you are getting all your ducks in a row now and ready to go. I hope that you will get a surgery date when you go back to Columbia . Maybe so if you have everything in to them you will.

Don’t know how they work all of it but hopefully so.


Oh I hope your grandson wasn’t delayed in getting in. I know it is so much fun to see and hug him.



BOBBY JO: hey cut your self some slack girl , you just went thru major surgery. Yeah the emotions are all over the place. So don’t worry it will get on an even keel soon. You have been so hyped up about this surgery. For quite a while and now it is over and you have a life to get back to. It is all up in the air, about a lot of things. You are feeling good physically , I know I wondered if they even did a surgery I felt so good. Lol

Hang in there it will get better. Just rest when you feel like you need it and do what you know you can. It will start being real soon.

I cant feel for you with the drain because my doctor doesn’t use them but everyone says that after that thing is removed you start to really feel good.



VESTA: why weren’t you at the COF meeting the other night? I thought you said you were comeing?

You need to come see us next month , Don’t be blue that it is getting cooler weather, It will be spring soon again and we can start planting all over again.



RACHAEL: you need to slow down woman. You are working and going too much.

I know you think you have to but you know you don’t really. What is the worst that would happen? Think about it.

Doest your husband do some of the running? If not he should. Just my thoughts tho.




BEV: So good to hear the news about your niece. Wonderful new . How is she tonight?

I hope better. Did you get to water aerobics today?


I hope you get a good report from Dr. H in a few days. Sure was nice that Dena called you wasn’t it. Tell her Hi when you go to see Dr. H. ok?



SHANNON : you are doing great on the weigbt loss. keep up the good work.

Well isnt that the second time your pants fell off? I think you are doing that on purpose lol

Maybe we all need to get you some suspenders. Lol



REBECCA: AMEN, Not a lot I can say after all you said so beautifully and I think you said it for a lot of us on this trip with you. I don’t know how we think we can live life alone and on our own do you? Know that we love you and care about you and yes a lot of us have been where you were/ are. You are loved by not only God but by all of us too. Bless you sweet one.



JANET: WOW  thanks Melissa for sending Janets post to us.  Janet you don’t know how I really look for ward to your stories and day to day stuff , it is like wer are all with you.

Yeah the hunting thing is a lot more expensive than if they went and bought it somewheres

But I bet yours is a lot better.

I hope all the guys in your family enjoy the fishing trip. That sounds like lots of fun.



Want you all to know I love you all


Hugs and Blessings.





Barbara S.
on 9/27/07 9:29 pm - Freeman, MO
Good Morning Everyone; I don't have much to say on the computer most of the time but, Jan you can attest, In person I'm not so quiet, am I? This morning I am excited. Today is my youngest granddaughter's 7th Birthday. She is such a sweetie. I send her to school every morning and  today we are delivering cup cakes to her class. She'll be excited today. Tonight we (hubby, son and his family) are all going on a week-end retreat to a family reunion. We'll stay in a private resort (much like the one in Branson). This reunion is on my DH side but, I am more close to them than my blood family. They are the best people. Lots of hugs and so much support on any thing we do it's unreal sometimes. Nothing but love all weekend. I always come home from these sore all over from all the laughing. I am so grateful I now can participate in everything! No sitting under the shelter all day for me!!! I get teased alot now, about how small I am, and  now they have a hard time finding me. This is just one of many times I am overwhelmed with gratitude for God showing me the way to this surgery and this board. Please know I love you all and I feel we all have a special bond that can never be broken. Thanks for always being there for me and others.
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

Debbie M.
on 9/28/07 12:02 am - Harrisonville, MO
Good Morning.... Just checking in and updating everyone on my life....lol Jason and Wendy have moved in and are getting settled. Jason has started looking for work, Wendy still has a few weeks before she can go back. Jason has big issues about the way we eat here but he has no other choice. He complains a lot about it! I just told him that he better take advantage of the way we eat and just maybe by the time they get their own place they will have eaten healthy enough, long enough that they will carry it on to their own home. They really need to, especially Jason (265lbs @ 5'8"). Jason raises his voice a lot, like a spoiled man, it ain't happening here! He raised it to me last night and got put in his place real quick!....lol I can tell that they both have been spoiled a lot...Wendy, for most of her life and Jason, since he has been with Wendy. Their in our home now and in our home, you get what you work for...nothing but hugs are free! It was one month ago today that Wendy went into labor with Adam, tomorrow will be hard with it being that day Adam was born and died. We have a tradition in my family that I started long ago, after my brother died. We have small candles that we light Christmas morning and they stay lite until we go to bed that night. Each of these candles have the name of a family member that we have lost on it, it's our way of having them here with us on the Lord's day. All of them, until Adam had good long lives. The candle holder I bought for Adam is bigger though with two angels with silver wings holding what looks like a glass basket, Adam's candle will go in the basket. I had Jason tell Wendy about the "burning of the candles." That way she wouldn't be upset when she saw Adam's name on one. When I showed them the candle holder I explained that everyone that has a candle here at Christmas got to live and because Adam didn't, he a got a special one. They both loved the idea...Adam's candle will stand above all the others and will shine the brightest! Even though we won't have Adam with us physically this year, I'm still looking forward to the Holidays. I haven't decorated much in years. I think it's time for a change! As for my health, I have up days and down days!  I don't know if I still have mono or if I'm still contagious but I'm still fatigued!! Exausted, most of the time! I rest when I can or when I have too. I try to be productive when I can! Well, it looks like today is going to be a good day so I'm gonna get out and take advantage of it. I hope and pray that everyone is doing good pre & post surgery! To all the newbies...WELCOME!! Love & Prayers, Deb M

Susan T.
on 9/28/07 12:57 am - Saint Charles, MO

Hello all,

Just poppin in to say hello and hope everyone has a good weekend. I am home now and feeling a lot better. This surgery sure was easier that the WLS. They are pretty sure they got everything, so I am really looking forward to getting back to losing weight and exercising. I really haven’t done much of anything or have been eating hardly any protein or at least I haven’t been able to keep it down for very long.

To everyone here, I haven’t read much of the postings but sure hope to be back on the board as a regular ASAP! I sure missed everyone. You are all in my prayers. Take care and have a great weekend!

Love Susan


on 9/28/07 1:24 am - Joplin, MO
Good Morning Mo Peep's            Wow things have been crazey around my house for the last few days.  I went to my PCP yesterday and he is referring me to another surgeon and doesnt reccoment me to go back to the one that did my surgery. Then Wed night Terry's brother went to the hospital so we have had his 4 month son with us since then. That's no problem at all I went out and bought toys and a few outfits so far. Their house is SSSSSOOOOOOOO infested with roaches that I told them when they offer to let us have him for the night all I wanted was his formula. Dont want those nasty things over here. They were even in the baby bassinet where he sleeps. Well needless to say there is going to a phone call today cuase that isnt right at all!!!!!       We go see the attorney today. Hopefully he/she will give me some kind of hope to look foward to. Then were stoppin by the garage someone wants to see the bed and Janet is going to show them. Then off to the hospital to visit the brother for just a short time. My back and legs hurt so back walking up and down the halls in the hospital and everywhere we have been that I cant do it today. I am posting for Janet again today. Until she get her puter fixed bless her heart.    ***PLEASE KEEP HER 16 YR OLD DAUGHTER IN YOUR PRAYERS. THE DEVIL WANTS THIS CHILD AND WE NEED TO BAND TOGETHER AND REBUKE HIM IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!!!!!!!! Have a great day Love ya Mel
~~God has seen you struggling, God say's its over, A Blessing is coming your way!!~~
on 9/28/07 1:24 am - Joplin, MO
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~   This is my last post until the puters are fixed....who knows how long that will be? I will keep updated through Mel though! I will miss you guys (frowning).....   I couldnt get into OH site today-so Mel is going to copy this and post it for me. The ONLY reason she is doing this for me today-is that I am asking for and in desperate NEED of prayer.   I cant even bring myself to go into details right now. Emotionally I am NOT able to, not right now.. There is some pretty heavy stuff going on with my 16 yr old daughter. NO, she is not pregnant-I could probably handle that easier than this. Please, anyone reading this, please pray for my daughter and my family right now. We need it and appreciate it.   Mel-THANK YOU for coming last night. You will never know how much that meant to have you here for us. It means the world to me and thats all I can say right now. I know you love her like we do!!  Just know we appreciate you guys.   Well, I am getting off here. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers and will be back as soon as these dang computers are fixed. Love, Janet
on 9/28/07 6:08 am - Nixa, MO

Hello Missouri, Not much going on in my life in the last couple of days.  We got back from our little mini-vacation to Kansas City on Wednesday night and after unpacking and laundry it was bed-time.  Then I worked yesterday and of course since I'd been gone there was lots of catching-up to do.  Today is slower, always is on Friday here. I had a WOW in Kansas City.  There was a couple there that I hadn't seen since the SCORE Christmas party the first part of December last year.  I saw them on Tuesday and then on Tuesday night she told me that they thought John had a new wife - they didn't recognize me at all.  It was pretty funny.  I told him and he said he sort of did have a new wife but that my heart and soul is the same.  I'm glad, too.  I sure am sorry I didn't get to see everyone at Circle of Friends.  It seems a long time until October. I hope you all have a good weekend.  It is just beautiful outside so I'm going out for awhile. Hugs to all of you, Lana

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


Bobbie Smith
on 9/28/07 10:26 am - Ashland, MO
So Rebecca gets a call from me last night me freakin out!!!! There is GUNK coming out of the tube area and I mean around the tube onto my belly me knowing nothing call her to find out if she knows and Thank God she calmed me down.... today I went for tube removal OMG how do they fit 17000000ft of tube into our bellies lol.... went walking ALOT todday we are going to Mexical Mo tomorrow to a walk back in time for the kids homeschooling gets credits for things like this and its so much fun so i will be walking my pottooootie off .... I hope everyone is doing great... I am not talkative but love you each so much good night all

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


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