We really had some beautiful posts yesterday didn’t we. From the heart post.
Thank you all for feeling safe and loved enough to do that.
I worked last night and I had a really good day , ( or night ) I am really loving it actually.I have rediscovered a love for this that I thought was totally gone. Nursing that is. Our D.O.N. has it sit up to where you really do have time to do the things that you need and want to do for patients. It is really neat. Makes you rememeber why you became a nurse in the first place.
On the way home it was so foggy but the moon was bright and full , was really weird looking , looked like Halloween pictures. Didn’t see any witches flying around but did see several deer…Also saw a couple of coyotes that may have been why I saw the one bunch of deer. Altho we see deer out here all the time, lots of them, day and night,. We had one come up on the back porch here while back. Don’t know what she was looking for but my outside dog must have been asleep lol
Wow there are lot of people getting their surgery dates , that is just so cool. In Oct so far we have Geno on the 12th, Amber on the 19th, Julie Carver is having a hip replacement on the 22nd and my Angelette , Sheila, is on the 26th. So everyone can mark these on their calendar. We have a full month and lots of bench polishing to do.
Well im not too wordy tonight it seems even tho im not sleepy. But I guess I will get to bed soon as I do the recap as I am taking the great grandbabies into walmart and buying them Halloween costumes tomorrow. Lol. They have them for babies one is a bee. Looks cute we will see. Also im buying me something to wear, I have to work on Halloween and they have these real cute flannel pants that have different Halloween designs on them and cute t. shirts that is what I will wear that night to work lol. An will have a new pair of p.js too.
NUTTI: So sorry about your friends daughter, I know that isnt easy to see. So did you find time and place to go get weighted? How much have you lost?
I sure wish you could have come to COF meeting and brought a sample of your tiny things you make. I know they are just beautiful. I saw some of the pictures. Amazing.
So you think you want another little girl just like the granddaughter you have. It wont happen that they will be alike never does. What ever the one is the other one wont be lol
That is really a wonderful way of putting it , about being cocooned in your fat and as you lose you are emerging. I really can see that and that is about the way it happened.
TAMMY: I know what you mean about your days off going fast and enjoying working once again. makes you feel like the world is alright again doesn’t it?
LOL they probably don’t function right you know, they have learned to depend on you .
Will pray for your little princess she sounds like my tiny great grand daughter. She has been runnig fever off and on too. We are thinking hers is teething but don’t know.
Tammy that is fantastic 130 pounds in four months is really a miracle isnt it? Wow!!!
If that didn’t make you change and feel better about yourself something is wrong with you. Lol. That is just so great/
Have you heard anything from Brenda since her surgery?
I was just thinking about her today.
Hope you two get to come back up in Oct. that will be awesome.
Yes our board is really growing and it is amazing there is always room for one more…I think it is really really great.
DEBBIE D: lol I know the boys aren’t too pleased with having to learn all of these things but I know their future wife will bless you. Lol that is really great that you don’t let them slide because they are boys. I only had one boy and 2 girls and I taught them all the same things. Now my son lives by himself and he said he sure was glad that I taught him all that stuff about how to do things.
Im glad that you are getting to go to water aerobics. I sure wish I could do that . Just not anything around here.
REBECCA: It didn’t rain in Cedarcreek either on Tuesday night. We got wind and lighting and thunder but no rain.
I think almost all doctors follow up is sort of fast and all. just weight you and ask is everything all right ? and bye bye. Lol
I told them that I think I will call in my weight the next time lol
You might want to try to increase your protein to help your body to lose weight more and try like craszy to get in at least 64 oz of water a day. Ok
I really love my protein shakes. I wish I could make you one of mine everyone that taste them love them. Is more a smoothie than a shake lol
Most days I drink 2 and sometimes 3 a day. That is like 90 grams of protein a day. With 3 of them.
You will get there soon on your goal of not being afraid of what others say. The new self confidence in your ability to lose and to do things shoulds start appearing soon.
Hang on the fun is just starting.
Oh and I love sharing with all of you , thank you for posting on here for me .
JANET: You know I think an awfully lot of us more or less have the same backgrounds. I know we all feel like we had this horrible things in our past , done to us and about us an all but most of us can relate.and yeah I think a lot of us, wont say all but I think a lot of us got fat as a sort of protection. Sort of like an insulation to protect us from outside stuff. Maybe to make ourselves unattractive to the other sex so there would be any sexual abuse, which we know doesn’t keep it from happening but we think so in the back of our minds .
I know what you are saying about praying for God to take you. I did that too,. I was so tired of sitting and not being able to do things. I could remember what it was like to be able to do things and to be slim and happy and to have it all taken away was a hard pill to swallow.
I don’t know but can imagine how awful it must have felt to you at the size you were. And I know you don’t see it yet but you will soon Im sure , that you aren’t anywhere near that girl anymore. You are so darn cute and getting cuteer everytime I see you.
You need to put up a new picture so everyone can see what you look like now. I cant imagine going from where you were to where you are now , it is amazing.
Iam really anxious to read your book when you get it done. Is is about your whole life of just about the weight loss surgery?
Hey you should feel pretty cause you sure are. Very very pretty.
No Joes health problems will never be solved more than likely, we just have to deal with them as they come up. He has too many things that lead to other things that will continue to be. Like the hip that was crushed in the wreck, one day he will have to have that replace again. and the teeth, the back and the other bones that were broken they all hurt him a lot. Sometimes more than others. We are just trying to learn to live with it all .
I am going to try and come to your next sale on the 5th. No telling what I will find and will pick up the A.C. from Melissa then too.
I sure hope you can get something done for your back anything to help it some till your medicare kicks in.
MELISSA: Oh my goodness sweetie, I cant believe all of that stuff. Be sure and get a really good lawyer not some joker . After they read all th material you have they should take the case on contingency.
Oh my Lord , surely they didn’t do all of that without telling someone. That is horrible.
I will be praying that you can get justice on this matter and that they get what they deserve. FAT and WhINEY huh? I hope he remembers that later on. Lol
Love you keep your chin up
BEV: I will certainly be praying for your niece. Is such a shame that sometimes young people have things wrong with them that we cant explain.
Be sure and keep us posted about your niece, Delana.
BOBBY JO: lol you sound like me after I had surgery, I was fine as rain. Didn’t have any pain pills after they took the pain pump off of me the next morning I never had anything else for pain. I slept in my bed the night I got home from the hospital and the next night I slept on my stomach all night long.
As you lose weight I hope you regain all the love and trust you have had taken away from you. Is your daughter more trusting now since you have gotten away from all of that?
I hope that one day we can meet and know each other in even a better way than we do now. Itsnt amazing how much all of us have in common , ever tho we are also so different?
You made me laugh about the little boy at the doctors office. Lol Sometimes that is the way I feel about some of the people that work in places lol. I just want to go take them by the hand and show them how to work. Lol
Yes most of the wanting food in the early part is head hunger not real hunger. If someone told you you could have something or the other believe me you wouldn’t be able to eat it. I know. I tried and made myself so sick lol I found out real quick that it wasn’t real hunger.
So don’t do like I did. It isnt worth it.
Wow almost 30 pounds since starting the liquid diet that is really neat …keep up the good work.
I know exactly what you mean.
Have fun this coming week end in KC.
JULIA: oh wow you are feeling well enough to go back to work at the hospital? That is amazing. . We will then have an insider there for anyone that has surgery there. That will be great.
Maybe when you get started to work again you can come sometime to one of our support meetings down here. That would be amazing.
Well everyone I am going to get this posted since it is now after 1am and I need to get into bed. Will see you all tomorrow. Love you all and good night
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334
Good morning Missouri, Sorry I have been MIA, but work is killing me....between working all the extra hours and running Dalton to all his activities I bearly have time to sit for more then 5 minutes. I did not go and take the second job because I don't really think I could handle it right now....My job now is keeping me pretty loaded with hours.... I go to the doctor on Monday and hopefully he can give me some good answers....I am in so much pain that I can hardly stand it....I am going to make him draw every blood test imaginable... Melissa, sorry that you are going through so much HE!!....If there is anything I can help you with please feel free to call me....I will try my darnedest to help... To everyone else I sure hope that all of you are doing well...I miss ya guys something terrible....
God bless to each and everyone of you and your families... Rachael