on 9/26/07 11:58 am - Battlefield, MO
I was supposed to be there...now I have missed two months in a row.  I think I need phone call reminders!!!! Tina
Debbie D.
on 9/25/07 12:51 am - KS

Good Morning, Jan and Missouri Peeps! Jan, I truly enjoy reading your daily what happening posts!  I don’t' always reply but I do enjoy reading how everyone is doing and what is happening in all of your lives! Yesterday was a great day!  I went to Water Aerobics.  Then came home and the boys and I cleaned house.  I had to do some nagging but it got done and I am so grateful for that!  Then I took the boys out to eat at El Matador's here in town.  It's a new Mexican restaurant and is wonderful!  I am so blessed to have two sons who are becoming wonderful young men.  Then we took Micah bowling.  Micah is 12 years old and has downs syndrome.  My oldest son, Luke, has been mentoring him since last October.   Of course Micah beat all of us at bowling!  lol! Today I have to go pick up my youngest boy from his friend’s house here in a few minutes.  Then my boys are going to clean their rooms and bathrooms, and give the "girls" (our two toy poodles) a bath and blow dry them.  They are getting off easy today because it's been raining all night and they won't be able to mow.  I know they are really bummin' about that one! I am going to work on my "office".  It is a mess and I've got to get things organized!  My dh just became the new Scout Master of Troop 494 and I have to all of that stuff organized so I can help him as well.  When my oldest son moved to the bedroom downstairs I redid his room into my office.  My dh bought me a beautiful oak daybed that has a trundle.  This is for my stepdaughter and grandbaby.  He also bought a beautiful oak lateral filing cabinet and I have an oak bookcase and desk.  I guess the point is that he bought me all of this beautiful furniture (and a new computer) so I could get organized and it's been over a year and I'm still NOT organized!  Shame on me!!  So I'm going to get started on it TODAY!  Yeah!!!! I love all of you and hope that you have a great TUESDAY!  Praise the Lord for the rain!  We need it! Bye for now, Debbie D.

on 9/25/07 1:14 am - Diamond, MO
Hello Jan and MO Peeps~ First, let me say I missed you all last night. There was no way I was going-I knew by noon and had told Mel. I missed you all and love you very much! Yesterday, I knew first thing in the morning it wasnt going to be a good day. I couldnt even make it to the bathroom my back was so knotted up and stiff and hurt. I even called Megan and asked her to come over to help with Jon-does that tell you how bad it was? I never ask for help. She got here about 10:30 or so-and I had been on my messager pad, heating pad, rotating ice AND I took double pain pills-nothing helped. I did fall asleep though-and I slept until Megan left at 4 pm. I felt so bad. Anyhow-Mike got his new work car yesterday and was running late, so I had to take Steph to work. It took me so long to get to the truck-and then trying to boost myself up into it (have to step on the side board to get up there) that she ended up being 5 minutes late for work. Poor kid. I cried all the way there. To top off the trip-while I was driving her-a doe jumped right in front of us-and I slammed on the brakes...yep-it CAN stop on a dime! That just hurt me more and I was ready to just drive into a tree-the pain was soooo intense! That same spot where a doe jumped out last year and ran into the side of my new car, about this same time. I guess I will have to keep a better eye on that spot and slow down a bit. I was doing 60, but at least I didnt hit her. When I got home, Mike looked at me, and asked if I got the license plate number from the semi that had hit me-thanks honey. He said-you arent looking so good-like your tired. Told him that it was my back and I was hurting. He told me to go in. I didnt argue anymore-didnt have it in me-although I knew I would end up paying cash for the visit-I was hoping that they would give me something for the pain....ANYTHING. I didnt care. I would have eaten liver if it had pain med in it! I was deseperate by then. On the left lower side of my back-it feels like I am constantly being stabbed....throbbing-excruiating pain. I cant describe it. Dont know if its something to do with helping Shannon up. My back was hurting a tiny bit-but nothing like it was after I helped her up. Anyhow-they gave me 2 shots and referred me to my ortho. I have clld and talked to his super nurse this morning and she is going to call me back. I know he cant "do" anything for me, but maybe give me something different for the pain, since this crap isnt working anymore. At this point-I guess if I have to put us in debt-I will do it and then just work my butt off or sell all my belongings to get it paid for. If they told me I would have to live like this for the rest of my life-I would rather call Kavorkian and have him pay me a visit. Its not worth it. I feel that excrutiating pain, along with it, the weather is changing and a storm is coming in-and so I have that pain that feels like you are being eaten alive. My knees, hips and back. Its just too much. So, when Steph got home from work, I went. Not before she went to heat up her dinner-and she dropped a container of cranberry juice on the floor-and you would THINK she would clean it up-but lo-and behold-I go walking into the kitchen-and yep-slid right through it-the only thing that saved me from falling was the fridge door-which then flung open. I was so pissed off-that I grabbed the mop-and while I was mopping up her mess, I was crying and griping her out. She THEN offered to clean it up-but by then I was too mad! Then she got to deal with Mike for leaving the mess there when she went into eat. Who does that? Anyhow-I have been thrown off twice already, so I am gonna finish up and get off here before this one is gone too-or I am done! **Jan-thanks for bringing the pics. Im sorry. I also hope Joe is feeling better. Poor guy! Is he better today? The messager-is a pad that you either sit on or lay on and it can message either the lower back, upper, rotate, pulse etc and it has a heater in it. Pretty nice. We have 2 of them, but cant find the controller for one of them. I bet its still in storage. Anyway, its nice-just not helping right now, I dont think. I know-I missed both girls b-days too-but I had Bevs personal email addy-so I sent her a b-lated bday wish yesterday and apologized for missing her day. I hope both had a wonderful b-day. The sale didnt go as well as I wished it would have. I only sold one of the big items and that was the crib. I still have all the rest. Am going to advertise it before the next sale on Oct 5th to see if I can get rid of it beforehand. Dont want to move it 100 times-LOL...I mean 2-3, but thats still too much. I really need to get rid of that crap so I dont have to store it AND I need the money. We have a brand new 4.3L V6 Chevy engine that we had totally rebuilt and spent almost 350.00 on it-and our van caught on fire that we were gonna put it in-so we have been storing it ever since. We are only asking 150.00 for it. Mike says that he will watch them cru**** before he gives it away. We had it honed (sp?) out to be more powerful and had all new bearings etc in it-so its a hell of a deal. Then I have a china hutch, an antique buffet/dresser with one of those mirrors that runs the length of it-its in beautiful condition-and then 2 dressers and an entertainment center and trunks etc...and a ton of really nice baby stuff, like a play yard, nice stroller and 2 car seats, one of which is in perfect shape and we pd 100. for it. These things need to go!! I also have a little tykes race car bed and the twin mattress, I looked for it for 2 yrs before buying one I could afford-I just cant store this stuff anymore-I want to get rid of it. Anyway-Please say some prayers we can sell this stuff! **Sherr-they have the Halo3s at Hastings here. I dont know if you have one by you-but Steph said they are for sale there and a lot of kids were waiting in line today (I believe she said today) to buy one. Hope you can find one for him. Good seeing you again. Hope your mom feels better soon. **Bobbie Jo-Glad to have you on the bench with us. You sound like you got the typical treatment there lately. They really do need to get their act together. I cant stand the stories I hear and what I have been through up there. Would really make me think twice about going to that hospital again, although I loved my doctor. She is on top of everything, but you know what I mean!! Welcome to the bench! **Tammy=havent been to the post office yet, dont have the box ready yet. Sorry. It may wait until you get here for the group at the rate things are going now. Sorry. Will let you know. To everyone else...hello and thinking about you. I am going to go lay on the heating pad and call Mel back. Love and prayers to all, Janet
Kerri G.
on 9/25/07 1:21 am, edited 9/25/07 3:30 am - Overland Park, KS
Hi all!   I'm sort of new to the MO board.  I hope you don't mind that I don't live in MO, but I'm close, & I work in MO.  My surgery will hopefully be in MO.   So about Chantix, I have been on it for about 2 weeks now.  I am still smoking, but I am down from a pack a day to about 3-5 a day.  Sunday I only smoked one but then my DH ticked me off so I smoked 3.   I'm fine as long as I have cigarettes available, if I run out I get real jittery.  But everyone else I know who has taken it has done well & quit within a weeks time. I called BCBS yesterday to see if they had received my preauth, and YEA!  they had last Friday, now he told me they try to make a decision within 5 business days, so guess who's calling in 3 days?  ha ha. Kerri
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