Jan C.
on 9/24/07 2:06 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Tonight was the COF meeting. Great seeing everyone and good conversation and visiting. ..not going to do much with  this post tonight since I have been up and going since about 4:30 this morning, and it is now midnight. Im not just bushed, I think I am a small tree. Lol


Claudette Thanks for getting us such a great place to meet at , it is really nice and that was a great meeting tonight.



Sorry I couldn’t go on to Village Inn tonight but found out why Joe hadn’t come on in, He was out in the truck with a bad tooth ache. So we went on home.



Karen, Im sorry I meant to come on down to the rest. And we could have talked more.



Was so great to hear eveyones wow moments tonight.

Good to see Lisa there again. too.

We had several new ones there tonight.



BOXERTRIO: I didn’t get to you tonight before  we broke up but you are really looking good. Proud of you.



JANE: congradulations on getting approval and getting a date for surgery.




RIANNE: Don’t forget to take your vits. Very important….You are really looking cute and like the sweet little girl you are.





Last I heard they were going to come to the COF meeting tonight, They didn’t make it.

I hope all is ok….




NUTTI: your haunted yard or what ever really sounds like fun. Wi**** wasn’t so far away would come over but  oh well  you know the rest of that story. But you never can tell


Glad you had a great time this week end. It sure was pretty weather to be out and about wasn’t it?



JANET: I hope the sale was successful. And I hope that nothing bad is wrong the reason for you three girls not showing up to the COF meeting. I hope all three of you are ok.


Oh I bet you about had a heartattack when the girl fell out of the truck didn’t you? I know it would have me. Lol wonder what some people use for brains don’t you? She sure could have been seriously hurt . Glad you had the reflects to be able to stop quick.


Were all of you sick with what ever the bug was that some in your crew had?


What is a messenger pillow? Was just wondering.


I didn’t see the wreck with the drag racing guy but I did hear about it. I was at work so wasn’****ching it. One of the residents told me about it. Is he going to be ok?


Brought you your pictures to the meeting tonight but I will get them to you …




LANA: you were missed at the COF meeting tonight. Everyone says HI (waves)




TAMMY: So glad to see you on today. I know you are really glad that your sister and her kids are moving back up …Yes your right your house will be filled for awhile unless you have a really big house. Lol

That many in my little house would be on top of each other lol


Im so glad that you are feeling well enough to be back working. I know my working makes me feel like a million dollars now.




MELISSA: UhOh sounds like you have what Janets bunch have ….that is probably why you all didn’t come to the meeting. Im hoping anyway.

Glad the sale went well.


We will make arrangements for the transfer of the Air condition sometime soon. Just hope all of you are ok.

Hope all is well with you.



BEVERLY B:  I have heard nothing but praise for Chantrix. It must be some sort of miracle drug to stop so many people from smoking. You can do it , yes you can.


The exercise machine is called the Ab-Lounger. If you get one just take it easy on it. Don’t start out trying to do 100 of the sit ups lol \


Thank God that your grandson is safe. I will pray that he doesn’t have to go back to .


Lol you are right about how much better you will smell. People who smoke just don’t realize how much it smells.Even if they say , they know it stinks, you really don’t know until after you have been off of them for about 6 months or so. It really really does stink. Women will use all sorts of things to make them smell good and if they smoke they should just save their money because all it does is infuse with the cig. smoke and makes it smell even worse.



Love everyone of you all and hope all goes really well …








Barbara S.
on 9/24/07 9:02 pm - Freeman, MO
Jan; Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you writing to us each day. The first thing I do after hubby goes to work is read your post. Best way to start my day. You always sound so upbeat. Everyone is always in my prayers. Thank You so much!!!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

(deactivated member)
on 9/24/07 11:05 pm - MO
Jan C.
on 9/24/07 11:23 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Claudette you know that goes both ways.  I think your leadership is top notch and you are always there for anyone that needs you.



Bobbie Smith
on 9/24/07 11:26 pm - Ashland, MO
Whats's up Loser's and future Loser's?!?!?!?!! Ok so now I am home and let me tell you something this little momma started some ^&#%$^#^#^ at the hopital.....first off I am doing so goooooodddd No pain medication since saturday and thats the way I like it I hate taking drugs of any kind lol....I walked so much that they continually had to hunt me down for anything at all....Saturday  I asked for a popsicle it was banana and good then I was in the bathroom a while well later that night we hear a nurse say no we do not have sugar free popsicles on this floor the bariatric patients families normally bring thm in .I said WHAT and your nurses do not know this ????? bcaue I was given one today and have been sick all day after she said yes that would be dumping and I am so sorry DH went and bought two dozen for myself and a man whose wife had no car to get to the store for some for him .... and then came Sunday...I looked at this Dr Hackalougealmedi ( dont know his real name but close enough) I said umm look I feel really funny and you have had me on this IV drop INSULIN and at home I was only taking 750 mg metformin for diabetis and youare giving me to much ( this was not the first time i told him this) he said something to the response of no you are okay and walked out .... my nurse technician walked in less then 2 minutes later took my blood sugar and I was at 58 she ran and got the nurse they retook it in less then 2 minutes and I was at 42 and DROPPING...MR. Hackalougealmedi  was no where around but had ordered for me to be removed from IV drips and shots start beng given and taught in the mean time they are pushing sugar water into my IV thick Karo syrup type stuff lots of SUGAR yeah thats what a bariatric patient needs ...... here comes my second bout with dumping....I was not a happy camper and DH was livid since of course this happens after he went home to shower and rest...so when he got back we started on the WHO do we need to speak with and so on and so on and this continued until I got answers yesterday...by the time it was all said and done they had decided that the teams that work with the bariatric patients need to talk to one another more about their past medical conditiond ( and they needed to be DR. to figure that one out)....decided that sending me home on crushed metformin was the best ( so instead we watch my blood sugar and if I need it I take it my PCP is watching me on this since she is 2minutes from my house and not 20 minutes....I caused a big enough stir that hopefully there will be more communication so that future patients do not get left behind on the way they are feeling with their blood sugar that man wouldnt listen to me and funny when they came to talk to me about it everyone came except him he was s fellow and his boss came in to see me .....anyway  I am doing great enjoying being  the loser that  I am and looking forward to accepting all you other losers onto the bench with us!~~~~~~~ thank you all for the thoughts and prayers  Rebecca thank you for being the angel you are!!!!  Bobbie JO

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 9/25/07 12:42 am - Florissant, MO
Good Morning Missouri!! OMGoodness!! Bobbie Jo what in the world are you doing climbing those stairs to the computer room already. LOL You are amazing, just be careful. I am sorry I didn't get to post about you being home till this morning. I got distracted then forgot. I did it this morning but you were already up and had posted already. LOL I am so proud of you and how you are taking charge of your recovery. Keep up the fab job.  On a personal note, I go and see the Dr today for my 4 week check up. Tomorrow is offically 4 weeks post op.  I hope thier scale reads better then mine. Mine hasn't moved in 2 weeks. It's about driving me nuts. I will post more when I get back from the Dr. I will also measure today and take my one month post of pics. I can see the difference the scale is just being stubborn. I had a job interview on  friday. It is for a company called  MY365. This is the company that goes into the local hospitals and takes pics of the newborn babies. That would be the coolest job. LOL  I, however, would be working in the call center taking orders and customer service. They told me they would call me this week either way. Well, not two hours later they called me and said they had already contacted my references and they all gave glowing references. They offered me the job and even raised the pay rate because of my experence. So I start Oct first. It will be part time, but they will give me as many hours as they can up to just shy of full time. Eventually I can go full time. This is great for right now because I still get really tired sometimes. This will let me work and still be able to recover. Well, I better get going. I have a few things to do before my appointment with the Dr. I will let you all know how it goes tonight. Thanks for all the support and emails.  Hugs and prayers, Rebecca
Bobbie Smith
on 9/25/07 12:42 pm - Ashland, MO
Congratulations on the JOB!!!!!!!! Who says losers never win???? lol hey as for being proud I am pretty proud of you you are doing wonderfully and as for those stairs as much as I hate to say this for fear that others will hate me I have no pain the stairs are easy as can be the worst pain is the gas and well once it expells its only worse for those around me lol heheheheheh

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 9/25/07 12:31 am - Republic, MO

Thanks for the kind thoughts Jan!  I was in a size smaller pants that are still a little big so I am going to dry them and not be afraid for the first time in a LONGGGGG time!  My shirt was new but I am still so nervous that I purchased it in my old size and now I fight with it so I don't flash everyone.  Needless to say, it is going to be dried too!  I am just now starting to see little changes...everyone else talks about the big changes they see but I am my own hardest critic (why I see a counselor and a very good one, I think) so I am just now letting myself see the changes.   DH and I would have liked to have went to Village Inn but we still had some places to go and I had to get some slim fast shakes as I was out.  When I am out, I use it as an excuse to get something for breakfast I shouldn't.  Next month we will go over though. I just want everyone to know that I really enjoy these meetings so much more.  I feel like I am betraying St. Johns by not going to the other but I sat in those counting the seconds till it was over and with the COF, I get sad it is over so fast!   Claudette,  (don't finish my sentence, we are safer that way! ) I am doing my darndest to get more banders in there.  I have three done here at work and one more in the process and I am working on them but they just don't see the importance of support group meetings.  You would think with our job and the people we work with that they would know why support groups are important and how they really work if you attend!  But if anyone wants to chat about my band experience, feel free to have them email me, I don't mind.  I am still learning but I can share what I do know. 


Thanks for always posting..I don't know how you keep everyone's storys  ...I get lost!  I'm still trying to put names and faces together from the group and here!  But, one thing is for sure, I always know who you are as you are always being supportive and posting and there for everyone.  Everyone keep up the hard work!   


(deactivated member)
on 9/25/07 12:38 am - MO
on 9/25/07 1:22 am - Republic, MO

Thanks Claudette! 

He has always been supportive of me, we were best friends in high school and it progressed from there. BUT, as we mentioned last night, we learned from  someone else and what happens when you DON'T include your signficant other.  It has to be a team event not just an individual when you are in a relationship.  So every appointment I go to, he is there so he is fully aware of what is going on.  He even goes to my counseling appointments when he can.  We discuss everything and agree on everything.  Sometimes he tries to push me faster than I think I am ready on the exersizing but it is just because he believes I can do it.  If there is one thing I could advise somone considering WLS, if you are in a relationship, include the other person in EVERYTHING.  I know how the one NOT included feels and I don't want Glenn to feel that way. 


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