COF tonight.
Well tonight is the night and I don't think I will be making it. I hate that but money here is super tight and I just can't justify drving back into Springfield for the 3rd time in one day that is 60 miles total in one day if I do. So if I do not make it here is my update.
Went for my 6th month appt. up in St. Louis and everything was as the Doctor put it "looked amazing"
he was very pleased with my weight loss of 118 pounds and also my blood work was great.
I accomplished my first real goal that weekend to up in St. Louis. I went to the Magic House and the zoo with my daughter and husband. I walked around both places and was able to stand for hours. I walked and walked, and my daughter who is 3 wore out before I did. It was the most amazing thing and feeling. I started crying at the zoo b/c I was able to do this and it had hit me that my life is becoming more active and I am able to do it with my family.
Other then that nothing else new. If I do not see you all at group have a great time. I really wish I was there. I am on diablitiy for severe anxiety and bipolar disorder. I want to work PT some where to see if I can "handle" the stress and bring some more money into the household. So keep your eyes and ears