Sunday and I have to work again. but cant complain, I told her I would cause she ask me instead of just putting me on the schedule. She said I didn’t have to but said it really would help if I would lol. Sucker aint I ?
Hope today is real real quite at work, I need a day to get some paper work caught up that I didn’t get done yesterday. That is one good thing about working on the week end is getting a chance to catch up on all the stuff that needs to be done ….
Well Monday and this is the night of our Circle of Friends meeting. Good thing I was about to have group withdrawal . lol
Just got home from work and it was a real good night. Now I don’t have to be back at wor****il Wednesday. That is good. I need the two days off I think. And tonight is the support meeting. Wow. Cant wait.
Tuesday is payday again, it seems to come around fairly quick lol I don’t remember payday coming around so fast when I really depended on what I made to live.
Oh Colette yes the home here in Forsyth is the same as yours is. From the same corporation. Seem to be fairly easy to work for so far any way.
SHERR: wow it has been a long time since you posted or at least it seems like it.
Tell your mother hello for all of us. Is she doing her Physical Therapy, Knee surgery is only as good as the therapy you do afterwards. Im facing the same surgery and in the not to distance future. I just don’t know when to have it done. I guess when it gets so bad that I cant walk at all then it will be time.
I know you are proud of your son . that is great.
How is your Dads shoulder? What did he do to it ?
Ok so what about this guy you are dating , anything serious? How long has it been going on? Sometimes things that are different are really what we need. Evidently what you were thinking you wanted wasn’t working lol
Good luck on that scene.
Oh yeah don’t know a good deal on a halo? Thought we only got those in heaven. They sell them here on earth? Lol really don’t know what it is. Guess that tells my age huh?
Good to see you again on the board, Hope you come back more often.
SHANNON C: I thought that might be what you were referring to about the post op messages. Lol
I know what you mean about the waiters not understanding why nothing to drink. I just always tell them water please even if I don’t drink it. It saves questions.
Well I guess everyone was out enjoying the week end. Hope to see most of you at COF meeting tonight and those of you that are too far away to come I hope you have a wonderful support group in your area.that you can attend.
Got to go and get in bed as I have lots to do tomorrow.
Hellooo Mo board! lots of stuff going on to keep my busy this weekend! Like going to the rummage sale of frick and frack....I enjoyed myself for an hour or so! ty ladies and mister John who is such a cutie and knows it! Sat was my miniature group....we had lessons in using our dremels and I worked on not being scared to death of mine. imprper use can coz things to go zipping around the room at high rates of speed...very scary! Dean and the kids got me out to the Cannabis Revival....2 local bands they wanted to see were on the list of bands and we went over to look at tie dyes ....ours are much better! The kids even had their picture taken with their shirts and the sheet we had with us. by a vender.we stayed and listened to their speeches....very interesting about hemp being used for fuel and other things. and than today we started the Haunt. we have our layout and the general room design. we started setting post. Im hoping by starting early we will get done with less stress than previous years. the weather is so perfect....and now they are calling for rain. itll be nice to get some. but Im so glad the weekend was so perfect!
Have a great day!
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Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ Wow, its been a pretty busy couple of days around this part of MO, for us anyway......by the time the sale was over and done with-I wanted to crawl in a whole and hide from everyone!~ Mike went hunting on Sat-so he had the Suburban-he went to a bow/crossbow conservation area to hunt thats about 5 miles from our house maybe. Anyhow-didnt even see any-until he was in the truck and on his way home-LOL....He will be going back this weekend. Its a hassle to hunt there-because thats where he had his tree stand up last year-and it was bolted/chained to the tree-and ALL of it was stolen....however, they were nice enough to leave their rachet behind. So-Mike wont leave another there, just because. I think the conservation told us last yr when they called to do the follow up from the sheriffs dept-that they had several complaints-so they were going to be doing some sort of watch on that property this year-but we still dont want to take any chances. So, anyway, since he had the truck, my SIL came out at 6 am to pick me and the kids up to take us to the sale, then he dropped Steph off at work-mandatory Saturday...then, he also picked her up for me and then all the kids helped us move everything back into the garage and he brought us home. Steph had 2 friends stay over Sat, and we had Megan and Aaron here. WOW!!
Yesterday, I didnt plan on doing ANYTHING....but that all changed when Darrel said the dogs were out of food AGAIN, and I knew I had to go to town. Dang it. I took all the girls with me, and Steph stopped and paid her cell phone bill-thats when disaster hit. We had stopped at the dumpster to clean out the Suburban and the trash from all the kids being in it with their drinks and food-well, Steph decided to walk over to the bldg-and she started walking-Shannon (one of her best friends) was in the Suburban with Megan and I-and we were driving to the bldg (like turning around to get out of the parking lot) and the next thing I know-she is laying on the gravel! I almost ran over her legs due to the way she fell. OMG~My heart stopped. So, I got out and tried to help her up. She is about my size, maybe even a little bigger-anyhow-Megan and I got her up...I was like-DIDNT ANYONE EVER TELL YOU NOT TO OPEN THE DOOR WHEN THE CAR IS MOVING? She was like no. I said-wouldnt common sense tell you to say-Mom, I want to walk with Steph, could you stop for me? No, she was just gonna "hop out". She said-I didnt think you were going that fast-and I said-I was only doing maybe one or two-LOL, but you jumped onto gravel-thank God her legs didnt get run over-that Suburban weighs 7,000 pounds and Im sure she would have been hurt-!!! My parents came running out, because where they were sitting and we were on this hill-it looked like I ran over her. I made her call her mom and tell her what happened. Didnt want to get sued over not telling them or whatever! So-my back that had STARTED to loosen up since I wasnt doing anything really, started to spasm up-right after I helped pick her up! I still had to stop and get the dog food and milk etc...I was crying by the time we left Walmart.
Mike had said he would go to town, but then he got sick and started vomitting. By the time we got to walmart, Steph was complaining that she felt like she was gonna pass out and she didnt feel good either. By the time we got home, she was sick. Shannon said she wasnt feeling good either! Steph went to bed before we even took Shannon home! Jon got up this morning, and he isnt feeling well either. WTH is going on here? Not sure what it is. We have to replace a tire on the kids' car (megan and Aaron) it felt a little funny on Sat-and so I had Mike check it yesterday and told him it felt like it was low on air or something, a little wobbly or whatever-the steel was showing through and it was bubbled. Its always something, isnt it? Thank goodness they both work and go to school close to where they live! I was going to plant my Iris and replant my tulips today, but thats not going to be today-will have to wait until my back feels better. I will have it done by Saturday, even if I have to beg the kids to do it. Im sure Jon will be out there digging his little heart out! I didnt even get my laundry done when I got home from town yesterday, because my back hurt so bad. I laid on the messager pillow deal that Susan gave us, and also had the heating pad on. Well, I just wanted to stop in and say hi. Didnt see a lot posting from yesterday-must have all been out enjoying the weather.I hope it stays nice enough long enough to get in ONE camping trip in the next 2-3 weeks. Will see. If not, will start early next year!! Oh, we were watching drag racing (as always) and saw the crash John Force was in-and how his car split in half!! Did anyone else see that horrific accident? Man, its a miracle he was alive and with the injuries that he had-I just cant believe it. Mike and I just love him!!
**Nutti-Jon had fun with you too. He asked me, who was that girl and where did she go? You know, that one who was pulling my chair and scaring me? I like her!! I said "that girl" her name is Nutti. He said-(at 4, mind you) Does that mean she is crazy? I thought to myself-in more ways than one-but I didnt say it, LOL I just told him it was your nickname-like nicknames we have for him!!! Now Im afraid to bring him to your house-Im afraid he will tell you your crazy or nuts! LOL....Cant wait to bring the kids-even told Megan and Aaron about it-so let us know when it will start! Would love to come and see it. I also told my mom about your little flowers-mom use to build the most amazing miniatures!! She would love to come and see what you do!
**Mel-you didnt ever call me yesterday-so I assume you didnt have to get out of the house-OR you didnt feel well or something. Dont know. I figured you didnt want to talk, so I will be calling you today. I text'd you from Megans phone-did you get it? Love ya. I hope everyone is doing good. I hope you all have a great week. I will talk to you later. All my love and prayers, Janet

~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!