Saturday was sure a pretty day, I guess. Didn’t get to see much of it really , got up and staggered around got in my bottle of water and my vits, was in the middle of making my protein shake when Melissa called me, She and Janet were at the garage sale and just happened to think about me saying I needed another window air conditioner that she had.
I hope they do really well today and get most of their big stuff gone. Man if I didn’t have to work today I would be heading out to
Neighbors that are just sometimers are down this week end. Came over and sit on the back porch and talked and drank coffee. When I came outside they both looked at me and said wow you sure have lost lots of weight haven’t you. I said well a pound or two. Lol.
They said they didn’t know if they would have recognized me just out somewhere. Good wow moment for early in the morning. Lol
Just got home from work and it is later than usual. I had a patient go bad on me right at the last minute. So spent time taking care of him and calling doctor, family etc. I think he will be ok. But not sure , never can be sure of patients in a nursing home. They aren’t in the best of health.
I don’t know what you mean when you say where is the site for post surgery messages? You mean on each persons site or what? I guess I am being dense or something. Lol
DEBBIE M: well was hoping that you would be over all your sickness by now. I know you are getting really tired of it aren’t you?
You know Jason and Wendy must really love each other to go ahead and get married after baby
Way to go mama bear with the RAC guy lol. I had to laugh . lol
Well it was really good to see you posting hope it continues,
Lol not many posting today. I guess everyone had something to do today huh.
Enjoy the weather , and the week-end. Talk to all of you tomorrow.
Everyone sounds like they are doing well and are super busy....the last two months have been eventful for my little family.
My sweet mother had total knee replacement surgery and is not progressing like she should be :'(
My poodle boyz are both 9 years old today = that's 63 in human years!
My dad is ill with something like the flu and we thought he would need shoulder surgery recently,when he hurt himself, thankfully he did not
I broke a tooth over Labor Day weekend and will have to have TWO teeth repaired the first Friday in Oct.
My sweet teenager will be 17 on the 10th, he got his progress report this week and is doing AWESOME, even a B+ in Bio-Chem..... He wants Halo3 if anyone knows of a good deal :)
I backed into a freakin' tree at the nail salon last week...$800 worth of damages. And I have a bigger deductible on the Avalanche, so it's coming out of my pocket....
I met someone in August, really liked him, guess he didn't like me so much...lol....Met someone else in Sept. not really sure how it's going...we've been out to lunch two times and for ice cream once...... Ironically, he is nothing of what I have always looked for in a guy....which MIGHT be a good thing. He is shorter than anyone I've ever went out with 5'10", he is thinner than anyone I have ever went out with...we weight the SAME :-O .....he has gray/silver hair, he pre-maturely turned gray in his teens, he's my age, and he only eats junk food, so I am being sneaky at trying to get him to "try" new healthy things.... I know he sounds like he's 5, but he's really my age...lol
I am one pound from my original goal and will be at one year out from surgery on the 29th, I've lost 108 pounds which is my 37 year old sister, both my dogs, and a couple pair of my teenagers shoes allllll put together...HE wears size 16 shoes by the way.... I bought a new sweater at Belk's. Size MEDIUM, and a pair of pants, size EIGHT, so I am very pleased. I am NOT happy, however that my feet have shrank to size 6/7 and NONE of my 8.5 shoes fit...LOL
Current BMI (Sept 07): 25
Current Size (June 07): 8 Pants/ Medium Top
Hit GOAL: 09/27/07 (in 160s now)