Jan C.
on 9/20/07 1:10 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Today was spent mostly in bed or on the tolet, LOL I know too much information. I feel lots better now tho , don’t feel so bad. I felt fine this morning when I got up and then made my protein shake an I drank about half of it really fast. I think that was the start of bad tummy problems. Wasn’t able to do much of anything after than.

The only thing I have eaten since then is some chicken broth but have slept and slept.

And im getting ready to get back into bed. I have to work Friday , Saturday and Sunday so I need to be feeling better by tomorrow.


I don’t have any stories to tell or anything exciting that happened . didn’t get any emails that were interesting or anything so im going to get right onto the recap .


First thing to remember today is that Bobby Jo is having surgery early so everyone pray she does fine and her surgeon is wise and God guides his hands.



MELISSA: Boy you all sure are working hard on getting the Garage sale going. If I didn’t have to work this week end I would drive over tomorrow to rummage in your garage. Lol  

Maybe you and Janet both should go for a massage after your sale is over.

People should be able to see the pink and green posters you have put up for the sale. I will pray that you all hav loads of people and sale all of the stuff. Good luck.



JANET: I tell you , you and Mel are going to have one heck of a sale. Good luck and I hope you get enough to do some of the things that I know you have been wanting to do.

I really wish I didn’t have to work I really would be there , sounds like some interesting stuff being sold.


So Mike has a work truck that he gets to keep at home? That is neat if so.


Sweetie don’t worry about the photo paper, It wasn’t that much. Some I put on small pieces that I had that were left over from other pictures. Ayway there are only 13 pictures. I always seem to forget my camera when im doing something and I had forgotten to empty out my memory card so it was full and I couldn’t remember if I had downloaded all the pics.that were on there or not. Oh well I got that many anyway.

Did Melissa take a bunch?


Wow you are going to have 2 almost brand new computers when your ex-bil gets done with them.



TAMMY : I bet you wouldn’t have too hard of time selling the princess.

Im glad that you are starting to help at the bbq place. Nothing like working .


That is really good about paying It forward. That is what I have told most people when I give them clothes or sent them some. Just find someone else that needs them too.

BEV: Glad that you are feeling better. But really sorry to hear about your niece. That is horrible news. I don’t know how much abuse people have put them selves thu and still not realize that a lot of it could be stopped if they would only listen.but I have learned over the years that we can only tell someone something and what they do with the information from there is about all that can be done.

You take care of you don’t get down and sick by going without sleep.



TAMMY V: GREAT!! Did you really like dr. Hornbostel? That is wonderful that you will be getting word soon about when your surgery is.

I know you are going to really miss your son and your grandkids but it is something that so many of us have had to do . I know it will be hard. But we are here for you anytime.







on 9/20/07 2:27 pm, edited 9/20/07 2:28 pm - Independence, MO
WOW Twice in a week whats going on???? I am really sorry I can't be here but all of you are held close in my heart. Break wil be here before we know it and I'll be back bugging everyone.  My main reason for coming tonight is to tell all my concerned friends that  am now OKAY!!!!  Jan thank you so much for your help. I probaby woukd have lost my mind without your emails back and forth. Jan, Connnie, and Mel thanks for your support. Jan made me realize I just wasn't geting in what needed to be getting into my body. This made me feel tired and grumpy with the family. My eyebrows haven'tbeen growing and quite frankly I didn't want to get back to where I was before  I finally had the surgery. With the weightloss I have had so far I feel great and never want to be where I was at 68 pounds ago. I know I am rambling here but bare with me I have a point. Anyways, I was trying to get by on minimal calories!! This caused me to feel as though I was losing my mind. Jan helped me to realze that although I WAS eating the required 65 grams of protein that it just wasn't enough and she also made me realize I needed to get off my tush and exercise whether I wanted to or not. So thanks to her kind and patient ways I have increased my protein to at LEAST 80 gms of protein and extra water. Now hold onto your pants cause this just might make them fall down!!!  Guess what I did?????? I started walking yesterday!!! I am busy but decided that I do need to take some just me time and work on me!! I started out sayin to myself I will walk around the track just a few times because I know I can't make a mile. I go around twice and said to myself you are not tired enough yet walk a few more then when I walked a few more I figured what the heck and ended WALKING 2 MILES!!! Can you guys belive that??? Two months ago I couldn't walk to the car without feeling I was gonna die!!! 2 miles!!! I haven't done that in YEARS!! What am I saying I haven't ever done that!!!Now I am making it an everyday requirement. No cell phone no worries and no other thoughts of selfishness. It is time to work on me and like Janet said I deserve this!!! I did need to cut myself some slack. If I don't no one else will. BF drove by while I was walking on the track today and he said "I have been calling your cell phone and you weren't answering I was worried about you". I know he was but then I told him I am sorry but when I walk I need this time to concentrate on me and my thoughts. I am sorry if it makes me unavailable but this is what I need to do to take care of myself. I also told him that everyone has been so proud of me that I didn't want to let myself down or anyone else and he looked at me and said baby you have NEVER let us down you have been your worst enemy. We have always loved you and we have always been proud of you!! I wanted to cry. I am trying to get him to walk with me but he says he just doesn't have time. I know he would feel better if he would but don't want to pressure him with my new way of thinking. So had I not come here the other day and told you how I was feeling I would still be lost and upset about not losing!! Everyone here is so supportive!! Thank you guys for responding so quickly and understanding my emotional pain even if you haven't had the surgery yet. I hope to be here for you too. I also feel so selfish that I don't have more time to get in here and post. I have read the posts about people feeling left out and I am sorry about that. I hope things get better soon. I can however tell you that even in our busy lives we think about everyone here. I love you guys and wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have everyones support. Also, if anyone is feeling left out please email me I do anwer my emails every few days if it's important saytso and I wil try to get back sooner!! If you just need to talk about your day come here to the whats happening, Jan and quite a few others will address it in the next days post. I hate anyone here feeling left out. We have always been complimented on our concern for one another and have had so many miracles happen with our loved ones here.  After we have surgery we all start being more than we had ever hoped and sometimes everyone gets busy living or is having some life defining moment at home.  We are not all her everyday but that doesn't mena we don't love you. I think if myself or anyone else were feeling left out maybe we could just make a post asking for support please.  I know I think I am tying Janet here for the longest post!! I never have much to say and always look forward to her posts she makes you feel like you were right there in the moment!! I can't wait for the book. I am so glad you decided to put time away this winter to tackle that!!! Mel thanks for posting and telling me how proud of me you are because you are one great person to look up to!!!!  Jan words can't express how thankful I am for your help. Because of you I am almost back down to my weight I was two weeks ago!!! I don't plan on it stopping either. I am sure I will have more questions and I am sure I will hit an emotional bottom again but with everyones help I hope to be able to pick myself up and get over it!!!! To all the newbies welcome and to all those who are getting ready to have surgery I will pray for you. To all I didn't mention I am sorry I just have a hard time remembering everyones name to go down the list . Sorry I wrote a book but I haven't been able to post much for a while and wanted to connect with my friends!! Love you guys!! Hugs

     "You can have it all you just can't have it all at once"
                         Oprah Winfrey

Bobbie Smith
on 9/20/07 8:11 pm - Ashland, MO
 Whats happening friday?????  I become a loser thats what happens today.....walking out the door in about 5 minutes from now and wanted to say thank you to you all... for your support and your ears for listening and all and I can not wait till I am back on here talking with you all again  :)   Bobbie JO

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 9/21/07 12:50 am - Ozark, MO
Hey OH Board,      Here I am again.Today is a half day for the kids, so I decided I'm gonna take them to the park and library (they love the library and books).      JAN: I went to my meeting and it was info gathering mostly,but they did let me take an interest test and it was fun.She said forget your age,disability,money etc. and just answer the question. You had 4 choices:Love to do it,like to do it,not like it or hate to do it. Then they asked about 100 questions,like "would you like to write a play?",would you like to sing in front of an audience?,find a cure for cancer,sit on a judges bench? It was pretty fun. I go next week 3 days to take all the other tests (5 hrs. worth they said) then they see what I tend to have a talent and want for.I figure in a week or so I'll meet back with them and go from there. Schooling,training ,? etc.       CHELLE: Ya got me teared up! I'm glad you got some help. It's a great place to be here to get help.Having so many others in the same boat helps immensly. I'm worried about the eyebrow thing though cause I've been drawing my eyebrows on since 1972!!LOL Since they're already gone I wonder what  other hair (besides my head)'m gonna be losin.I'm losin the hair too. Oh well, take the good with the bad!Good for you on the walking!!I'm going to be doing that as my main exercise too. It is a good time for thinking.        JEN: You should be about home from surgery now.We all heard you did real well.Good for you!!!        Well I have a few things to do before the kids get home. Take care all.God Bless and see you at the COF get together.                                                 Connie
on 9/21/07 2:16 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri, Happy Friday to us!!!  Wonderful messages today - accolades to Jan and the Missouri Boards for the support and love given when needed.   I am not good in the memory department - can't remember names - you know the old CRS syndrome, but I love you all and care so much about your problems and triumphs and do pray a huge blanket over everyone daily.  Love the long newsy posts. Bobbie Jo I'm sure is out of surgery by now, 11AM, and a loser.  WOO HOO!!! Chelle, I love that you're enjoying walking.  I love to walk - I use a treadmill and I do two miles at least four or five times a week and I think it does help with calories - as being nine months out I can and do eat more - not so much volume as variety - and have to be careful.  I have worked too hard to get to this healthy place at this time in my life and I'm not gonna mess myself up again.  I didn't realize how sick I was until I got healthy.  My DH, who is ten years older than me, really thought he would outlive me I think.  That's scarey!!!   We went out to eat last night and I had wings - have so many left that that is lunch today too.  At Buckingham's they don't batter them so they aren't too bad, just have to pat off the oil.  I have been wanting a BLT so that is on the menu for some time this weekend.  I will just use a low carb wrap instean of fluffy white bread!!! Jan, I hope you don't get too worn out from all the working.  I think work is the most wonderful thing.  It keeps me reasonably sane and keeps my mind more flexible. And we get paid!!!!! I hope the Joplin garage sale is a fantastic success.  You women have sure worked hard to get it all ready.  That's my problem with a garage sale - have lots I could get rid of but getting it all ready just overwhelms me.   I think I told you all that I'm taking Wini the Mini up to KC to the Mini doctor for her annual physical next week.  They will give me a loaner car for the day so that should be interesting.  She has to go in annually to keep the warranty good.  I'm not anticipating any big expense for the car so I hope I don't get an unpleasant surprise.   I really don't have any exciting things to share today.  I am BORING!!!  Always reminds me of one of my daughters friends little sister who said, "Mom, make Jimmy play with me.  I'm so boring".  I just loved that and we've said that now for 30 years at least.   I will talk to all of you soon. Hugs and love, Lana  

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 9/21/07 11:01 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ This is going to be short and sweet-for me, anyway~~I am so very exhausted-Mel and I have been living on little sleep and run, run, running non stop.....The sale is kicking our butt! We did good as far as clothes went......BUT--THE ONLY BIG thing that went today furniture wise-was the crib. Darn it. I really really hope that everyone comes tomorrow and gets all the furniture.... I got home a little before 1 am-I didnt get to sleep until 3:30 and Mike got me up at 5:30-which I told him to get me up at 5, and on the third try-he said- HONEY, ITS 6:30 and I shot straight up!!! It wasnt, but thank goodness. We loaded the other tables in the truck-and Jon and I were leaving my house at 5:55.....He fell asleep before we got out of Joplin-LOL-on our way home to get Steph and take and drop her off at work. I will leave to pick her up in an hour, I have to stop and get gas and then take some movies back-then I am coming home, taking a shower-getting our clothes we are wearing tomorrow set out and get Jons toys etc put back into his backpack-and I am going to BED...and hopefully I can get a little more sleep tonite! Then, tomorrow, we will be doing the same thing in the morning, only I have to stop off at my parents place in the morning and get MORE of my clothes that were too big for my mom (to put in the sale) AND drop both computers off with Steve to fix. Yesterday I ran ALL day long-today has been a LONG day-and tomorrow will be too-so Sunday, I will have to catch up on the laundry and grocery shopping etc. I have had about 4 hrs of sleep the past 2 nights combined, and its catching up to me. The constant yawning- I was in the mist of good company ALL day! It was the highlight of my day-first, I got to spend most of the morning with Aaron, he came to help with anything we needed, then Nutti came by to check out the clothes and show us her flowers- I cant wait till you guys see these things-they are AMAZING. She is VERY TALENTED!! Thats for sure-they look REAL...so delicate and tiny-boy, I wish I had as much talent as she does! Then my adopted daughter, Heather stopped by and spent a couple of hours with us. We did get to witness to some about the WLS and the benefits and such-and one woman-she lost her 21 yr old daughter due to her weight and the health issues some have. One of the doctors told her she was a candidate-she went through everything-and I mean-signed, sealed AND delivered-and when she was to get her surgery date-he DEMANDED 20 grand in cash-UP FRONT-and said ONCE HER INSURANCE PAID-she would be reimbursed-she died a couple of months later. Yes, I know it was her time-but both Mel and I couldnt look at each other-while this woman was crying and we had tears. Broke my heart. Anyway-not sure why I decided to share that-but it sure reminded me that I felt that urgency to get the weight OFF BEFORE I turned 40-I felt like if I was still like that at 40-I wouldnt make it another year-it felt very scary to always think I would die waiting to have it done.

**Jan-Oh, I sure hope you feel better soon! Im sorry you felt bad-I am praying for ya! **Chelle-Thanks for what you said about me. It brought tears to my eyes-and I swear-I wanted to email you-and I ran out of time, its NOT from a lack of caring, thats for sure. I pray for you every day and I think of you often. I love you and I am rootin' for ya.  **Lana-be safe on your trip. We wish we were with ya! LOL. Dont think KC is ready for us together, huh??  Post when you get home and let us know how it went.

**Bobbie Jo-YOUR A LOSER!!! YAY. I know she prob wont see this post-but wanted to throw it out there. **to everyone else-have a great weekend-I am off here, need to get my weekly weigh in done-this is the 2nd Friday havent done it early in the morning-last Friday didnt get it done at all-so....Sorry everyone. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

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