***opps posted this on Monday thread instead of Tuesday**
Hello Missouri,
Sorry it has been a few days, I have a bad habit of lurking that I am trying to break. I have been here, just not posting much.
This weekend was great weather. I love fall. Saturday my hubby and I spent the day working in the yard. He mowed, then I came out to help with the landscaping we are doing in the front. We are putting in a rock garden in place of all the overgrown bushes and weeds that were there. We had a guy come in a few months ago and dig out all the roots of one big bush and several smaller ones. Since then I have been working on leveling it and laying down plastic and putting in scalloped cement edging in. Then of course the surgery came, and it was placed on hold for a bit. I tried not do too much considering I am not quite 3 weeks post op but I did do a little hand digging for the rest of the edging, laying down more plastic, and raked some of the rocks into place. Tim did all the hauling of the rocks and carrying of the cement edge pieces. We got about a third of the rocks filled in. Then we ran out of rocks. LOL We have to get more from Lowes next payday. By then we should also have the small fountain we have been paying on at Kmart.I love fountains. I also need to find 2 big planters for the front by the bay window area and I want to find a small bench or maybe a swing so that we can sit by the fountain. So that is what we did Saturday. Sunday was Church. I also got my hair cut and decided cut off a lot. The back isn't cut how I asked so I may go in to get more off. She said I had 7 days to decide. I am still getting used to it. I will post pics of it soon. Then Suday evening was small group.
Quick question, I started soft foods Wednesday, is it normal for weight loss to stall because of that? I have only lost about a half a lb. It keep going up and down all week long. I check the scale every 2 or 3 days. If I do it daily it drives me nuts. LOL Just curious. I am doing great on getting my protien in, not as great getting all my water in. But I also forget to add in my protien drinks as liquid so I might not be too far off. I am also doing better at getting some sort of movement in everyday. At least this week. I feel pretty good and the insicions are healing nicely.
Bobbie is my first Angelette since surgery so I will be posting for her surgery Friday and this weekend. I guess that is one way to keep me from lurking. LOL I am so proud of you Bobbie for sticking with your liquid diet. (((HUGS))) You are almost there!!!
Well, I am going to go shower.I am all sweaty from playing the Dance game. It is a fun way to get exercise in.
((HUGS)) and prayers to all,