Jan C.
on 9/17/07 1:11 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Oh my gosh we are really getting spoiled with this beautiful weather aren’t we? I finally got a 5 gallon bucket of Iris planted. I hope I didn’t wait too long on them, but I doubt it they are really resilient, they look all dried up and dead and you plant them and before long they start getting green again. amazing little plants.

So if you don’t have a green thumb this is something I would encourage you to grow. They only require sun and the top of their rizome not to be completely covered. That is about it really.


Lillies are another plant that require not a lot of care after they are planted , and they will come back every year and will get more and more of them as the years go by.

Just a couple of  plant tips again.

It is starting to get to the time of year that I have to put a lot of things to bed. Lol

So to speak. I have to tomorrow got buy about 10 bales of straw. Hopefull this guy still has some this year.

I use it for fall decorations and then later for covering for my plants that stay in the ground.


Joe and I kept the great grandson,Brendan, while mommy and daddy went car hunting. They found one but probable overpaid for it but it cant be helped when you don’t have any credit and have had a bankruptcy recently, and have no down payment ca**** is a shame how some people thrive off of poor people. I know that if we had wanted to  we could have co-signed for them a new car and got a lot better deal than what they got but I really think it is important for kids to stand up on their own two feet rather than jump in to save them all the time. They don’t learn much that way. It is just hard to watch them struggle.


I know Brenda is already up to where she is having her surgery on her feet Tuesday morning so please everyone say a prayer for her ok? We will all be thinking of you during your surgery and waiting for Janet to let us know how things are.

Hope you have some reading to do when you get back , all of that t.v. would drive me nuts.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMBER PERERSON….Hope the day is great for you.



BOBBY JO : how did your appointment go with your doctors yesterday?

Hope everything is going well and Yeah this has been a fast two weeks for me lol


I think the most important thing I took to the hospital was my gas x strips. Great stuff.

I took a lot of things that I didn’t even look at. I did the next day change into a pair of my p.Js so I wouldn’t have to worry about how I lay around and at that time I was still being hot all the time so I didn’t want cover on me. And then I didn’t have to worry about wearing a robe either.

My cell phone was the best thing I had with me , it helped pass the time away some.

Kept me in touch with my friends and family too.


I took one of my pillows with me the one I sleep with so I would be more comfortable. I cant sleep on anyone elses pillow so I always take them with me no matter where I go.

And it really helped when on the way home to help cushion my ride in the truck.




JANET: Did you invite Shannons mother to come to the CoF meeting in Springfield ? How is she doing with her maintaining? Did you know that she had , had the surgery before ?

You sound like you have been doing the going in circles too long lol.

So you don’t make all the deer into jerky? That is good because there is some really good eating in them too. Like the tenderloin, that is the best part .

You ask if I like Jerky, Yes I do and especially home made deer jerky it is really good. I bet yours is extra good too.



VESTA: Im glad that you plan on being at the next CoF meeting sure does seem like it has been a long time since I saw you. I really meant that about staying at my house the night of the meeting. I know it is on your way home so it would be only half way you had to drive instead of all the way or if you want to come early and stop and ride up with us then you wouldn’t have to drive your car up there or back down to our house . that might work better. But you are welcome anytime.



SHANNON : my mom use to make summer sausage too but she didn’t necessarily make it out of ground deer , she would use ground beef too. It is fairly easy to make just have to have the right ingredients,


YOUR NEXT STAGE SAYS YOU CAN EAT Pasta, rice and bread??????those are all nothing but carbs. And are all whites that I have been told we need to stay away from.

And we were told to eat the dark meat as it was more moist than the white meat.

Wow sure difference in what is being told patients isnt it.

Who was your doctor?




WOW you and Janet and your sales….i hope the two of you make so much money that you cant decide what to do with it.

Well my toes? I dropped a whole box of tiles on the pinky toe and the toe next to it , I think because it was so heavy that it sort of deadened it , it is totally black but it really doesn’t hurt that bad. I put ice on them and sort of wrapped them to keep them steady and still but other than hurting if I happen to bend them they don’t hurt much.


It got sort of hot here for a little while today and I turned the a/c on for awhile but I have it back off now.


That was a nice surprise that Nutti stopped by and saw you. I wish I lived somewhere that people could just drop by sometimes.

If anyone comes and sees me it is arranged and can get complicated. Lol


So do you all have your house in Joplin rented out again? I hope it is someone better than the last ones. Lol did you check to see if they have access to any zoo animals?


Good luck at the eye doctors. That is something that I am going to have to have done soon too.







Bobbie Smith
on 9/17/07 1:54 pm - Ashland, MO
Monday was a looooong loooooong loooong day and did I mention long???  Started out at DR Ramaswamy's office at 1030 seen her then a 3rd year med student then a 1st year resident ( wow they grow them cute where ever he was from) ...they said everything looked wonderful I am down 12.5 lbs from the weight they have me starting LD on so thats a good thing...had two hours to blow in between dr appointments so I went to Lane Bryant for pajamas so I found me a pair of nice soft pajamas bottoms that say CHeeky on the butt of them lol...for the first time in I dont know 20 plus years I bought a sports bra today and it fit!!!!!.....Went to see Jen and they had her husband waiting to dang long they FORGOT about him in the waiting room anyway I did not get to see her today but I talked to DH in waiting room and on phone after and I am going to see her tomorrrow and see if she isready to stroll the hallways with me :)  I cant wait OMG 3 days!!!!! This Journey to Loserville has had many curves along the way and now I am ready to fight some more for the ending to be a healthy happier better me!!!  I hope you all have a great week  Bobbie Jo

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 9/17/07 3:02 pm - Independence, MO

Guess who it is??? Is everyone falling back and hitting their heads??I am so sorry I do not get on here and type very often but I am not gone believe that. I read every post but just don't have enough time. School is going great but a very very intensive program right now. Especialy since it's my las two semesters.I miss u guys terribly. Some days I need words of encouragement and just can't get here to get it. I have lost a lot of weight but have been standing at a stand still for four WEEKS now. I am so discouraged it seems I am always at a plateau. I am worried I won't be able to get where I need to be!!Mel it is great to se you posting I miss you, Jan,Janet,erin Rianne, and the rest of you guys right now. I am starting to wonder if I am gonna make it thos semseter!! I can't seem to keep my mind where it needs to be and everything up there is jumbled. I am at a loss of what to do. I have become SO disorganized and don't understand whats going on here!! I have my protein I usually get it in everyday. But to think of something to say or to try to write a paper is now hard for me. I don't inderstand what is happening to my mind. I am seriously thinking about droppoing. I have never struggled like this. People think I am joking when I ask certain questions and most reply Chelle what is happening here we used to be the ones who came to you for help. I seriouslt don't understand!! It is all so aggravating. The only thing though is that I really in truly don't know how to help this. I never used to be like this. I hope everyone is doing great hello to all the newbies out there!!!!! ((waving)) Mel thanks for asking about me. I amgoing to school but am having problems I don't usually have. Last week I was down to 255 and this week up to 264. How is this possible??? Have a great day everyone  I love ALL of you If I didn't mention your name its because my brain isn't working not to mention the added pounds in the last day. I don't know where I am going wrong but I feel I have reached my weight that I will stay at :-(

     "You can have it all you just can't have it all at once"
                         Oprah Winfrey

on 9/17/07 11:41 pm - Ozark, MO
Hi Chelle,    I thought I'd drop a line so I could tell you your not alone in the jumbled brain area.... I've started sentences and lost what I was saying,I can't write much on the board cause it takes so long( cause my brain stops on the spelling and keys),I tried to open a can of beans with my coffee maker,I don't know my kids namesLOL.It goes on and on. I'm pushin 50 and I don't know??I used to be pretty smart but....Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know I'm losin it too. I also have to go to vocational rehab and learn things and get tested is not gonna be fun.But I'll give it my best.Maybe it's the water??                              Connie
Shannon C.
on 9/17/07 8:13 pm, edited 9/17/07 8:15 pm - Kirksville, MO

Dr J. Stephen Scott - Missouri Bariatrics at Univercity of Missouri in Columbia, MO

Those carbs can be added and I have been able to have toast but I use whole grain bread and also the pasta.  I will stay away from rice and white flour etc...  The dietician in our pre-op class told us to mix the whole grain pasta with regular if you can't tolerate the whole grain ones.  As far as the poultry goes if you add low fat/low sodium chicken broth to the meat it helps keeping it moist.  I am so ready for a change. I have a basic life support class(CPR) @ 9am so thats why I am on this early LOL I have to clock in usually @ 5:15am but then I get to leave @1:45pm and have the afternoon to do what I want.  Patients start coming at 6am for 8am sugeries. If anyone comes to Kirksville - please give me a call and we can get together to visit.  Email me and I will give you my phone #. Bobbi - will email you - both of my kids graduated from Truman and dd was back and got her Masters in English last year. Have a great Day Everyone! Shannon



on 9/17/07 11:34 pm, edited 9/17/07 11:35 pm - Joplin, MO
Good Morning MO Peep's       Well I am just jumping in to say Hello. I was at Wal Mart at 7:30 this morning picking up boxes. And getting price tags and safety pins so I can start getting things marked for the garage sale. Saw an accident this morning and I thought the 2 girls that got out were going to start whaleing away on each other. Terry is out weedeating already and put the trash out for the garbage people. I will mow but I have to wait until it drys first. Trying to make a few phone calls. Then it's off to the garage for me to start boxing and priceing things for Friday & Saturday.     I pray everyone has a blessed day!!!!! Janet: I will be callin you soon. Jan: Sorry to hear about your toes. Thanks god they didnt break. Chell: CONGRATS on the clothing!!!!   Tammy~ammy: When do you go back and see Dr. Scott??? God Bless Mel
~~God has seen you struggling, God say's its over, A Blessing is coming your way!!~~
on 9/17/07 11:46 pm - Joplin, MO
Why? Why? Why?
do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting dead?

Why do banks charge a fee on "insufficient funds" when they know there is not enough money?
Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?
Why do they use sterilized needles for death by lethal injection?
Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?
Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Whose idea was it to put an "S" in the word "lisp"?
If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes?
Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?
Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?
Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?
Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum one more chance?
Why is it that no plastic bag will open from the end on your first try?
How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures?
When we are in the supermarket and someone rams our ankle with a shopping cart then apologizes for doing so, why do we say, "It's all right?" Well, it isn't all right, so why don't we say, "That hurt, you stupid idiot?"
Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table you always manage to knock something else over?
In winter why do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer when we complained about the heat?
How come you never hear father-in-law jokes?
And my FAVORITE......
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.
~~God has seen you struggling, God say's its over, A Blessing is coming your way!!~~
on 9/18/07 1:55 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH family!  This is my first day to work this week and I'm extrememly tired wish I were at home in bed right now.  It's that time of the month and I hate that cause it makes me so tired and I feel like I have the flu or something.....  I wasn't able to go to water aerobics yesterday cause I over slept.  I went to Wichita Sun. with my friend which was a 3 hr drive one way.  She might be going to school there next fall so we just went up there to look around.  I took my fur babies with us and it was their first long trip they did really good Romeo threw up once but I expected that cause he normally gets car sick but I'm glad there one only one throw up.  We didn't get home until about 1am Monday so that is why I missed water aerobics then wouldn't you know it later that evening I started my peiord so now I probably won't get to go the rest of the week which really bites!!!! I go see my PCP on Thurs. I have to get her to write me a letter of medical clearance and have them send my records to Dr. H so everything will be at Dr. H's office when I go to my first appt. on  Oct. 17th.  I just have one more month I'm so excited I am praying everything goes well and I get my date soon!!!  I would like to have my surgery by the end of this year if at all possible?  I don't want to have to be driving in bad weather to Sedalia if I can help it.   My dad is coming to town next week wouldn't you know it on the day of our support group meeting.  I am going to try and still go to the meeting maybe my dad can visit one of my sisters while I'm gone?   Well, I guess I better get some work done?  I hope all of you have a wonderful Tuesday and God Bless.....

on 9/18/07 2:57 am - Kirksville, MO

Hey All,       Getting very excited!! Wednesday is finnally the day I get to go see Dr. Hornbostel!!! Can't wait. Got all my paper work from my PCP today so I am all ready to go!!       We moved over the weekend so I don't have my internet hooked up yet but can come to my parents house to use it. Will let you know when I get it hooked up.


      Whis me luck tommorrow! Maybe I may even get a date!!! Take Care, Tammy V.   

My journey to live life to the fullest!!!


on 9/18/07 3:51 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri, The warm beautiful weather is great but I'm ready to start having more Fall.  I am still wearing shorts - want it to get colder.  However, I was cold in my office yesterday - wore long sleeves but not a jacket - but fixed that today.   We planted mums in planters on the weekend and I watered them last night.  The biggest one was looking droopy but lots of water fixed that problem.  Couldn't believe it dried out so fast since it's not as blisteringly hot but it did. I'm going over to try to donate blood in a little while.  I called my PCP and he said it would be OK.  He said if I'm low on iron they won't take it but he didn't anticipate any problems. Shannon, I'm amazed that your NUT said Pasta, Rice, White poultry and bread.  We've been basically told no pasta except a little whole grain, no rice, dark meat poultry and only toasted whole wheat bread at least as newbie as you are.  Most of our carbs are to come from fruit and veggies.  There is sure no consistency to what we're all being taught.  I still have trouble with chicken breast and steak or lean beef - guess it is just too dense for me.  I tasted some chicken breast at the reunion that Barbara made in the pressure cooker and it was awesome.  Asked DH for a pressure cooker for Christmas.  I guess I'm a little leery of eating some of those things as that is what I ate to get fat in the first place.  But, more power to you.  I'm sure you'll do great and there is surely more than one way to weight loss success. I had to take Wini the Mini in for a little wheel repair this AM.  I scraped a curb and scuffed the right passenger front wheel and I wanted it fixed so I didn't have to confess to DH.  They dropped me off at school and I'll get her later.  She is such a sweet little baby car!!! It's been a little frantic here at school this week already.  My boss is trying to get a lot of things completed so she can take some days off while I'm in Kansas City.  We like to go at the same time so neither has to go it alone in the office.  We're advertising for a Health Educator so there are CV's and transcripts flying in the door.   I thought I might get to go to Mexico with DD and DGS - her dad has a timeshare in Puerto Vallarta and he offered it to her.  The problem is timing and the cost of rushed passports.  She went and saw about the passports yesterday and hers would be $195 and DGS $185 plus an extra $32 dollars for Express Mail.  She said she just couldn't afford that and I agree.  No bargain if you are paying it all out for passports that might not come in time anyway.  I already have a passport but the flight is really expensive too. We didn't go to Silver Dollar City last Saturday.  It was cold and rainy and I could deal with either on its own but not together.  Cold and wet ain't happening.  Maybe this weekend. I'll miss you all on Monday at Circle of Friends. Hugs, Lana

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


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