I have an infection
Well Guys,
Looks like I have an infection at my port site...I called Dr. Wagners office and I told him I could come in Wednesday and he wouldn't have it..he wants me in tomorrow afternoon, so it must be somewhat serious. Its really gross and dripping and red and hot...He put me on Keflex 3x a day...500mg...thats alot isn't it? Anyway..I go tomorrow..wish me luck..I have lost about 23 lbs...
I'm sorry about the infection, Stacy, but sounds like your doctor is being really proactive and getting things taken care of. My port site came open the week after I had surgery. I had to be on antiobotics too but as a precaution. It oozed and was pretty nasty for a while but it did heal up on it's own and in time for my first fill. I had to wa**** out with a peroxide and water mixture. It's certainly the ugliest of all my scars now but I don't foresee myself showing my belly to anyone anyway.
You have done great thus far w/your weight loss. Way to go!
Let us know what the doctor says.