Newbie and wouldn't ya know I'm a week late......
I was reading through the post and saw that you had a reunion last were literally 5 minutes away from me!!!! My in-laws live just a tad bit further down DD highway and we were down visiting last weekend!! LOL Too funny!!!
Anyways I am in the "jumping through insurance hoops" stage of Lap-Band surgery and look forward to meeting you all!!
Hugs, Stacy
WELCOME TO THE GROUP ....well that is a shame that you didnt know about our reunion. You could have popped in and said hi anyway....but glad you are here now. Hope your insurance approval comes thru quickly. we will be glad to meet you at any time. There is a wonderful support group up close to you , watch for the post of when and where. it will be meeting on the 24th and lead by Colette Swan. Jan
Howdy Stacy...Welcome to the Mo Board!! Wow that was crappy that the reunion was sooooo close to you!!! But hopefully we will be doing it next year too...I had to miss it this year...
Hope things go great for ya and you keep posting on the board so we can all get to know you...Im a little over 3 mo post op (vertical sleeve) and I have met some wonderful people here and gotten tons of info and support....
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!