Jan C.
on 9/16/07 1:26 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Sunday was a beautiful Fall day was it not? Hope it was pretty where you were too.

It got up to 74 here and sunny. I had to go pick up more adhesive to put the tile down with and decided to go to my favorite store!!!!Lowes. Well of course I couldn’t get out of there with just adhesive lol. Bought 4 flats of panseys, 2 flats of Kale and a flat of small mums to plant. Anyway I filled my window boxes with panseys and Kale. Have several of both of them left over, I think I will make  one of my huge planters full of them. The things I have in them now is beginning to look pretty bad. But will need to go and buy more   Kim ask me how many I would need to make my gardens pretty for the winter and I told her probably about 100 flats lol. She looked at me like I was crazy, lol

Told her I wouldn’t think about putting them all in the garden just a few pots for the porch and stuff.


Well the toes don’t hurt too bad today but they sure are black. I have tried to keep my shoes on all day so they would have some support. At least I haven’t stumped them on anything. That is a blessing. And I haven’t dropped anything else on them .


Tomorrow morning they are to deliver the new ref. for the trailer. Sure am glad that they got the floor all done. We are going to take the old frig and lay it on its back and build a frame around it and use it for a worm bed. Joe had one before and you talk about good fertalize for flowers. They grow like crazy, but it is work to get …Joe will sift and strain out all the egg sacs and worms and put them back into fresh dirt and compost to make more. It is a process that he can do about every 2 months In that size of container as long as he fishes enough. The worm dirt that comes out of the box can then be used as fertilizer mixed with regular soil and you talk about growing. Wow.

They sell it at certain stores for a fortune.hmmmm maybe an idea is forming.


Can you believe that Sept is half over with already. Is going fast seems like

I have lots of my Christmas bought already but have lots more to go.

Especially little ones. I have a gift for all of the little ones but need something else. And for guys I never can find stuff for them.

Hunters and fishermen isnt too hard but don’t have any ideas what to buy other men.

Like my son he doesn’t do any of that . neither does some of the other guys. The ones that hunt and fi**** is easy , I just have Joe to go and buy things. Lol



BOBBY JO: well here it is the week of your surgery, I know as a mother you are going over the list of what ifs and what do I need to do, .You know you will be amazed that it will all go along pretty good at home, You need to concentrate on Bobby for once. This journey that you are about to take requires some “me “ time and thought. Most of us got in the shape we are/were in because we pushed ourselves to the back of the shelf and thought we weren’t worth it , you can even tell that in the fact that most of us before surgery say I want to be thin again so I can take care of my family better, so I can play with my kids more. And those things are great but eventually we have to start thinking about us,me, ourselves,. That can be a scary thing to do too. But the journey is so well worth it and along the way we find out so many things about ourselves that we either forgot or didn’t know . So welcome to the best, scariest, wildest ,funniest,greatest journey you are about to take. Climb aboard and lets go.




BRENDA: Hope you had a wonderful Sunday , Im sure you did,

The plastic surgeon said with a tummy tuck I couldn’t lift or pull on something for at least 6 weeks. But that I should be feeling better in about a week or so. I assume it would be about like having any abdominal surgery.   Iwas thinking about having the arm lift at the same time but I will have to pay for that one and just don’t have the money right now. And the tummy tuck is more or less free.

We don’t have to do anything to get Medicare to approve it. His sec told me that it all depends on how they word it whether medicare will pay for it or not. I also told her that I could get a write up from my pcp about the rashes and back pain that I have had from the apron…She said that isnt usually needed but I might get her to do that just in case.


Yes I praise the Lord every morning and every night for all the blessing I have . And I have many .



SHANNON : so you all had frost ??? wow?Im glad that it didn’t get your herbs.

Hey you are doing great on your weight loss. That is wonderful , keep up the good work

You might try increasing your protein intake. Keep going up and up with it.



JANET: HEY that is great that Mike got a doe…Joe has a bow for handicapped people but he has yet to go out hunting with it. Don’t know why.

He even has a permit to be able to ride his 4 wheeler out into the woods and be able to shoot off of it.

Your deer jerky sure sounds good. A friend of our use to make that and it was so tender and good.

Wow love the idea of th camera in the woods. That sounds like that would be lots of fun to watch. . I think I will get me one of those just to watch the movies lol


I wanted to tell you something at the Reunion , I wanted to hug your son or give him something special or something, Darrel didn’t want you to sweep up the mess the piñata made because it would make your back start hurting. That was just so sweet and lovable. I should have said something then and there but maybe you can do something extra for him for thinking of you.


So the girl that came home with Steph is the one moving to KC? Or is it another girl?


The kids are going tomorrow to see about a car. Ryan is taking off work for one day, I hope that is all they have to do anyway.


I can just imagine all the work that will go into the quilt. We use to have big big family reunions and one year I printed off onto transfer paper pictures of the family all sorts of people and such and my mom and I made them into a quilt. It was awesome. We always had an auction to help pay for the big noon meal that we had catered,,,and I think that sold for around 250.00 everyone there wanted it.




TAMMY: wow you and the former wife getting along good. That is a good thing tho cause then you can join together on teaching the girls stuff. That is wonderful that you were willing and able to give her this chance to change. Glad that she knows now that you aren’t out to get her and that she has no reason to hate you in the least.


I think the reason that my toe isnt really hurting today is because of all the people praying for it. It is black but it doesn’t really hurt. Even if I bend it so it may not be broken but it is sure black and blue and swollen. Lol




SUPER CHICK: HECK NO I LOVE FALL but when you have lost half of your self you get cold really easy. Lol



MELISSA: Did you get my email with the name and phone number?

Wow wow and another wow on the jeans size. That is great.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 24th even if there is high water and hell


Hope you are feeling better.








Brenda Minks
on 9/16/07 2:59 pm - Silva, MO

I just wanted to pop on and say thank you for all the prayers being sent up to God on my behalf!

We will be driving up tomorrow to Beaumont and then finding the surgery center so we can get there ok on Tuesday at 6:00 a.m.

Dennis will be calling Janet and she will be letting you all know how I am doing after surgery ~~~ THANK YOU JANET!!

I won't be on for several days I'm sure, have to keep my feet elevated and wont be doing much walking at all for a few days so I'll be in my bed watching TV.

Again thank you to all, if you want to call me you can get my home number from Janet or we are listed in the book under Dennis & Brenda Minks ~ Silva, MO.

Jan I did have a wonderful Sunday! It's always a great day when you are healthy and able to spend time with God!!!

God Bless You All

Love to you all


Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




Bobbie Smith
on 9/16/07 3:30 pm - Ashland, MO
Well today I have my appointment with DR. R and then with the sleepy doctor.. then I will be going in to check on Jen (livs2laff) she is having her surgery around the time my appointments are happening I am also going to see if any of Bob's family is around and see if we can get another update on him aswell.....Today i worked with DH at one of the resturants whose hoods he cleans and man you ever want to stop eating go work on a job with him a few times cleaning all that grease will make you no longer want to eat there... this is why we do not eat Mcdonalds lol we clean to many of thier hood systems lol....anyway when I stepped on the scales I noticed that I am 12lbs down since starting the LD...4 more days wow time is flying now for you aint it Jan lol faster for her then for me lol....going to buy me some pajamas and a robe tomorrow its funny you never realize that the things you sleep in at home might not be appropriate for other places until you have to go there...but then again is anyone pajamas really appropriate for the hospital... lol.... Today is also musical theatre for the girls so it will be a run run run day ...will post as soon as I get back about JEn though :) everyone have a great Monday  Bobbie Jo

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 9/16/07 11:46 pm - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ Wow, Sunday was one of the busiest/craziest days I have had in a LONG, LONG time! I caught myself coming and going all day long!! I thought Saturday afternoon and evening was busy-WOW Shannon had spent the night and Megan and Aaron were here until after 1 am. I got up at 5:30, had coffee with Mike, we talked about the school situation, then he went back out to get started on the processing of the deer. I started brunch, then Aaron came back out after he dropped Megan off at work. Darrel went out to help Mike finish the deer and then we got the meat put in the fridge after it was all quartered. We ate brunch, then I did 4 loads of laundry, marked more stuff for the sale, visited with Shannons mom when she came to get her. She has had the WLS as well, about 6 yrs ago, so we had a lot in common. Then it was cleaning up of all the stuff used to get the deer processed. I started dinner and before dinner was even finished cooking-Mike and I did up one section of the meat. Ate dinner, did all dinner dishes and deer stuff-and started over. We were processing and packing the meat until 10:30 last night. I missed the boys when they went to bed, because they were taking turns running the grinder (its hand cranked). After we were finally done-it took another hour to clean and disinfect all of the tools and clean the kitchen. If all that werent enough, poor Jon was feeling puney yesterday and needy. Seemed like every time I turned around, he was in the bathroom, needing my help. When he isnt feeling well-no one but mommy will do! I also got the pleasure of having my monthly visitor, so those normal aches and pains, on top of the worst back ache I have had in months and months, and because of the cooler weather and all, my knees were killing me.  I literally got to sit down for maybe 1/2 hr throughout the whole day! I think I was asleep before my head ever hit the pillow~~  Steph was cranky yesterday evening too-because she had slept over at Shannons Friday nite and then Shannon was here Sat night-and I know they didnt sleep much!

Today I have to go to Joplin to pay a bill and finish grocery shopping, if Jon is feeling better and then get some more stuff marked for the sale. Not sure how much I will get done-but I am gonna try my best!! **Jan-glad the toe/foot doesnt hurt too bad-how was it when you had your shoes off? Or did you sleep with them on?  I will be praying the kids find a car today that they can afford AND will be reliable and last a long time for them. Thanks about the compliment on Darrel. I have to say, that I am really blessed, because he is ALWAYS like that with me, and I dont think I have ever met another 13 yr old, ecspically a boy, who does what Darrel does for me, or for us. He constantly asks if there is anything we need or want and is always more than willing to do it for us. The other kids are the exact same way, however, after dinner or whatever-HE is always the first one in the kitchen, without being asked-to help out. When we were in Branson-he kept trying to do things and I would tell him to go sit down-I wanted him to have a couple of days to have fun too. He did vaccum and sweep a couple of times, but I didnt let him do any of the dishes or anything like that. I did reward him already. I wish I had the money to do something really special for him-but one day I will-and maybe I can spoil him with something really awesome!!~ Megan and Aaron bought me a beautiful potted mum, the rusty colored ones-and its so big and bountiful. I put it out on the porch and its just beautiful. They said they got it at Food 4 Less for less than $4~WOW....I cant believe it was that cheap! **Vesta-I got your message and I cant send back replies on my OH-so I will post it here. LOL....I did bring a camera to Branson, but somehow the memory card got zapped when my daughter took it to download the pics from it at Walmart-and it only took 2 pics. So-I have asked Jan for copies of hers. I know Mel got some and Susan. Not sure of who else. Sorry. Are you going to be at the COF group? Glad you had a good time-but glad you are back!!! Post when you get your energy back up. Take care! **Tammy-Ammy-Sorry I didnt get that email out to you yesterday. Mike had to fix the computer and when I tried to get on it-he asked me to help him process the meat etc-so I had to get off here and help him. I will either email or call you today with the info. **Mel-I will cll you today. I wasnt trying to avoid you. Had so much going on, and every time I could talk-my hands were full of yuckies. Trust me, I would have rather been doing the floors than the meat-LOL....Anyway-I will tt you later today. Love ya, you know that. **Bobbie Jo-your in our prayers. The kids will be fine. Really, they will. I know, I have 4 and did the same thing, but they can survive for a couple of days-and pretty soon-Mom will be better than ever before. Ditto to what Jan said. Take some time and learn how to put YOU first. Its hard-but you HAVE to do it, because you are going to HAVE to do it after the surgery. Also-I didnt wear my own pjs at the hospital-I just wore theirs so I wouldnt ruin mine or get them stained. More than likely, you wont care-LOL...I did bring my own slippers however. Im glad I did-the slipper socks they use dont stay on the right way. Make sure you bring your gas x strips and an extra pillow for the ride home-to hold on your belly when you cough etc.  Good luck, I am thinking about you and praying for a safe surgery and speedy recovery. Let us know how everyone in Columbia is-Jen and Bob. Have a good day!! Well, I am gonna jet-I want to get my calls and chores etc over with so I can get to town and get home and start marking more stuff for the sale. All my love and prayers. Take care, Janet

on 9/17/07 2:49 am - pomona, MO
Good morning Jan and board, its good to be home..I had a good time but I am still tired. tks Jan for your invation, I may just take you up on that sometime. ..I plan to be at the next meeting, I am anxious to see all of you.. love ya all...vesta


Shannon C.
on 9/17/07 4:06 am, edited 9/17/07 4:07 am - Kirksville, MO

Hope Everyone had a great weekend! Did any of you ever soak/marinate your deer in buttermilk?  It really takes the wild taste out of it.

We made some jerky last year but mostly deer burger and some loin steaks.  I have Mom's summer sausage recipe if anyone is interested in it.

It's a typical Monday and I just wish some people would go home and get out of bed on the other side.  Wanted to tell a couple of surgeon's that this morning but thought better of it as I like my job... I got on the scales this morning and they say 230 but will not change ticker until after dr visit tomorrow. The homemade chicken soup was great.  I ran a cup in the blender for a few meals for me and tolerated it well.  Will start the next stage wed. which adds pasta, poultry (moist white meat****oasted bread, beans, rice and peanut butter.  And can go out to eat.  Sounds exciting right? Shannon



on 9/17/07 9:55 am - Joplin, MO
Good Evening MO Peep's          I thought while I was taken a break I would pop in here and say Howdy to everyone. Woke up this morning with my back hurting. So Terry & I was laying on the bed and he was rubbing my back when the door bell rang. Nutti stopped over and visited for awhile. I had Terry shut the windows and turn the air back on. Dont know what the deal is but I was sweating my tushy off.       Anyways after Nutti left Terry & I watched a program together. And then he laid down for awhile. I went thro all my clothes (drawers, closet, ect) Got everything sacked up and went thro my computer desk and my catch all desk. I have that all sacked up and ready to go over to the other house for the rummage sale. I am pooped tonight. I think I will jump in the shower and have Terry go grab something simply for supper.     Tuesday is the eye doc day. But I think in the morning were going to get the yard all cleaned up first. Then that give me free time for Wed & Thur to go thro the garage and get stuff packed and over to the house in Joplin. So we can get ready for the garage sale. I am hoping to make enough to make a couple of nice payments on 2 bills.    I pray everyone had a great day today. Cant wait to see some of ya at the meeting on Monday. Gotta run and do a few more things. Then it is rest time for the rest of the night. Tammy_ammy: Thanks for the note. I know your going to succeed also!!! Janet: I have tried calling you several times. Whats up??? Jan: I must of missed how you hurt your toes. Brenda: It is so good to see you posting more here on the board. You will be in my thoughts and prayers for your up coming surgery. Rachael: How are you doing sweetie pie??? Chell: Has school started back for you??? Lana: Have a safe trip. You will be missed at the meeting!!! God Bless Everyone Mel
~~God has seen you struggling, God say's its over, A Blessing is coming your way!!~~
on 9/18/07 4:22 am - Florissant, MO

Hello Missouri, Sorry it has been a few days, I have a bad habit of lurking that I am trying to break. I have been here, just not posting much.  This weekend was great weather. I love fall. Saturday my hubby and I spent the day working in the yard. He mowed, then I came out to help with the landscaping we are doing in the front. We are putting in a rock garden in place of all the overgrown bushes and weeds that were there. We had a guy come in a few months ago and dig out all the roots of one big bush and several smaller ones. Since then I have been working on leveling it and laying down plastic and putting in scalloped cement edging in. Then of course the surgery came, and it was placed on hold for a bit. I tried not do too much considering I am not quite 3 weeks post op but I did do a little hand digging for the rest of the edging, laying down more plastic, and raked some of the rocks into place. Tim did all the hauling of the rocks and carrying of the cement edge pieces. We got about a third of the rocks filled in. Then we ran out of rocks. LOL We have to get more from Lowes next payday. By then we should also have the small fountain we have been paying on at Kmart.I love fountains. I also need to find 2 big planters for the front by the bay window area and I want to find a small bench or maybe a swing so that we can sit by the fountain.  So that is what we did Saturday. Sunday was Church. I also got my hair cut and decided cut off a lot. The back isn't cut how I asked so I may go in to get more off. She said I had 7 days to decide. I am still getting used to it. I will post pics of it soon. Then Suday evening was small group. Quick question, I started soft foods Wednesday, is it normal for weight loss to stall because of that? I have only lost about a half a lb. It keep going up and down all week long. I check the scale every 2 or 3 days. If I do it daily it drives me nuts. LOL Just curious. I am doing great on getting my protien in, not as great getting all my water in. But I also forget to add in my protien drinks as liquid so I might not be too far off.  I am also doing better at getting some sort of movement in everyday. At least this week. I feel pretty good and the insicions are healing nicely.  Bobbie is my first Angelette since surgery so I will be posting for her surgery Friday and this weekend. I guess that is one way to keep me from lurking. LOL I am so proud of you Bobbie for sticking with your liquid diet. (((HUGS))) You are almost there!!! Well, I am going to go shower.I am all sweaty from playing the Dance game. It is a fun way to get exercise in. ((HUGS)) and prayers to all, Rebecca

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