Nervous of the psyh review!

on 9/15/07 1:18 pm - Baltimore, MD

Hey everyone.           Things been kinda slow for me so I done be online as much. I want to get on to see wats new an also have some suff like to ask an say. Well In 10 days I go meet wit my surgeon which Im very excited about but hoping  he dont turn me away due to the fact that my bmi is 65. Then as of two days ago I made an appt. to have my psyh review done. But Im scared of this due to all the stories I heard an this part could keep you from havin surgery. I just keep tellin myself just go in there an be myself an honest about everything. He told me it would take 4 hrs an i have to take a test. Nobody toldme that they had to do that , but if so let me know if you did an how was it ?  Well thats all for know but if you dont mind sharing your info when u went to have your review done......... would really help mite ease me thanks.

Beverly B.
on 9/15/07 2:45 pm - Sedalia, MO
Hi Barbara, I just had my psych eval this past Wed. I stressed about it too but it wasn't that bad. I don't know where you are going to have yours done but I had mine in Sedalia. It took me about an hr and a half. I had to take a test also but it was a true or false test and it took about 20 minutes. I think there was like 65 questions. The questions were very easy, nothing stressful, just more about your attitude on life. The therapists more or less just took a history of my life. Wanted to know about my kids, brother and sisters, mother and father. She took a health history etc. She was very easy to talk to. At  the end she said I would be a good candidate for surgery and that is what she would be recommending to my surgeon. Like you said just be honest and everything will be fine. Good luck on your journey. Lets us know what happens..



Tony Fuimaono
on 9/15/07 10:01 pm - Kansas City area, MO
When I had mine done in Independence, Mo. It was a peace of cake it only took me about 20 mins to talk to mine,he asked a few questions and he faxed my info right there and then to my surgery doctor in Sedalia Dr. Hornbostel and I think I only paid 50 bucks and was on my way. Just be honest like you said and everything will be just fine.Goodluck and Godbless.                                                                     Tony
on 9/16/07 1:23 am - Baltimore, MD

I wanna thank you two for ur responces I feel like im stressing or soemthing that dont need to be but god bless ya, an I will let ya know how it went take care.

Beverly B.
on 9/16/07 4:39 am - Sedalia, MO
Boy Tony, I should have used your  psych, mine was alot more than 50 bucks...



Tony Fuimaono
on 9/16/07 4:41 am - Kansas City area, MO
How much was yours?
Beverly B.
on 9/16/07 12:15 pm - Sedalia, MO
Mine was $180.00. Some of them in columbia went up to 500.00. I think that is awful...I found one in columbia for $170.00 but it would cost me more to drive to columbia. The psych here does the ones for Dr Hornbostel so she knows what she is doing and columbia bariatrics faxed them a form for the way they want it done...It all worked out. But for poor folks that is kinda of hard to come up with. Anyway its all done and I am glad it is over....



Tony Fuimaono
on 9/17/07 8:00 am - Kansas City area, MO
Im glad you got it done and over with,now all you can do is wait and all will come in due time.Goodluck and Godbless hun and let us know how things are goin
on 9/16/07 1:42 am - winfield, MO
Hello there! The actual main reason beind the psych eval is to see if you have any underlying eating disorders that may prevent you from following a strict diet and to see if you have the mental abilities to comphrend what your about to do--do you think its a easy fix? do you understand its a life long commitment etc  They also look to see if you did any research on what ever surgery you chose--because if so--they view that as being serious and wanting to make a change but also taking the time to read all about it. They are looking at to see if you can handle such a change and if your willing to do it--if you go in with a "No I didnt read up about it but Im sure I will be alright" they might have some thoughts about saying Yes you can handle this etc I hope this helps!!! Amber
on 9/16/07 6:51 am - Kansas City, MO
My psych eval. went insurance made me met w/her twice for an hour each....didn't just talk about the lap band though...discussed my issues w/self esteem and men....that are underlying from my weight....I thought it was  a great relieft to have someone to talk to about those issues and give me great advice. Was the best thing for me..what i truely needed. Go in w/an open'll be suprised... Good luck!

My first goal...weight loss of 50 lbs...

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