Jan C.
on 9/15/07 12:33 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Well Saturday was rainy ,dreary and cool. Never got above 60 here all day. Don’t know what it did where you were but I froze all day. Wore a sweat shirt and sweat pants and socks all day.

This morning I was getting the tile out of the shed so we could get the tileing done in th trailer and dropped a whole box on my left foot. The pinky toe and top of the foot next to the pinky toe got it. I know it is broken , it immediately swelled and turned almost black. Oh well even if I went to doctor for it they woudnt do anything I don’t think, Heck they don’t even put broken arms in cast any more. Just wrap them and put then sometimes in a sling. I swear we have an elderly lady in the nursing home that has a broken arm and she doesn’t have a cast. I cant believe that but it is true.

So know they wouldn’t do anything about a broken toe lol

Stupid me I tried to get it off the shelf with only one hand and it was too heavy for me and my hand gave out. I knew that but I guess the senility kicked in again.


Went to town yesterday and got more contractors adhesive for the tiles and a few little groceries and of course I forgot the one thing that I really needed, which was dishwasher soap so I had to wash the dishes last night by hand. OH NO!!! slavery , lol.

Been a long time since I washed dishes by hand.


Caught up on the laundry, which doesn’t take me too long since I really keep it caught up most of the time. I usually wash a load daily  but hadn’t done any for 3 days now. Was beginning to overflow.


The car that my granddaughter , Kim and Ryan, had blew up last night, don’t know what will happen now for them. They have a online application to one of the car lots in Springfield filled out and sent in , just a matter of time till they will get intouch with them. Ryan is a good worker and has had his job for quite awhile so I think that is about all this place requires. I told them that if they don’t get back with him this week end that he needs to call his boss , a motel in Branson, and see if he can come into work Monday and they can let him have a room to stay in all week, then can go to school from there tues and thurs nights. Maybe even can work extra hours since he wont have to drive back and forth. I think they will do that for him. We will see, with me working there is no way that we can drive him back and forth and me get to work too. And no way he can borrow our truck with us having way different schedules but overlapping too.





BRENDA: good luck on your surgery and know that all of us will be praying for your good health and for God to be with you during that surgery, all surgeries are serious you know. Hopefully you wont gain weight too.


I know your furbabies will miss your playing with them for a few days.


Sounds like your overnight accomidations if not the Ritz Carlton, will be fine. And the best thing is that it is free. That always makes it better huh?

No I still haven’t set up a date for the tummy tuck yet? I want it soon but I hate to be down and out for the amount of time it will take to heal, especially now that I am working.

Yeah I need it badly all of this skin is getting to me. For sure. 




LANA: how was the bluegrass festival at Silver Dollar City? Hope you enjoyed it ….




JANET: I hope Mr. Jon is feeling better today. I wish I could have gotten to know him better over the Reunion week end. But I think there was way too many people around and too much going on at once. One day soon I would like to meet him on a one or one basis.


Lol about the flare leg jeans , that is what I like too. Didn’t know they were in style. Lol

The straight leg ones make me look top heavy I think , just like the flare legs better because of fitting and feeling better. So what do you know im in style???


Lol that teacher better watch it mama Janet is on the war-path, someone got to one of her babies. They better back off big time huh? I would rather someone spank a kid of mine than talk nasty to them.


Lol that has always been my luck with Cats. And I cant stand them being on my cabinets and tables. Yuck!!! Im not much for having animals inside most of the time , I have seen lots of exceptions but they always belong to someone else but any I have ever had always wind up being pets from heck.


Yeah I have seen and heard of all that stuff for deer hunting.

Oh yummy on the deer jerky. We got a  back strap giving to us last year from a hunter up the road. He was going to take it and donate it to food harvest, Joe ask him if he could have the back stap and he gave it to him. That is the best part of any deer.


If you start a group maybe I will drive over there to attend it too. In addition to the COF one too. So how many people do you all have over there?

Did you find a place?


Wish you all could get remarried at the place my daughter manages. It is beautiful out there. Red Bud valley resort. Is a little pricy tho. But very pretty.

The quilt you are making Mike sounds great. ,quite a project isnt it?



SHANNON : Im sure the two big surgery in a row probably are the reason you are being tired. Keep pushing that protein, at one year out im getting in about 120 grams a day.


I cant help you on getting your ticker to download , I had no luck at all doing that.


DEBBIE  D: will how did the church picnic turn out ? was it cold ? I love this time of year tho. The cold and the crisp air. You aren’t freezing yet , if you dress warm enough but it is chilly and a bon fire is so neat.

Hey im glad that you liked my dessert that I made for the reunion. I made that again the other day for My granddaughter only on a smaller scale and didn’t put nuts on part of it so her little ones could eat it. The two year old will spit out nuts , he thinks they aren’t food I guess.


I want a nice dressy winter coat. I have several ones to wear around with jeans and stuff but need a nice dressy one…don’t know if I want to buy leather or what.


Sounds like you had a good productive day shopping with the hubby.


Yes I sure do wish I could vist with you more. I love to talk to you it was nice at the reunion to visit and talk to you. Wish we could have had more time.


Oh wow I was fussing about our electric bill , it was 158.00 this past month. That was bad enough…I guess if I didn’t have 4 ponds with pumps running all the time it would be less. Lol.




Bobbie Smith
on 9/15/07 1:39 pm - Ashland, MO
Hello all sorry that I have not posted over the last couple of days....Today (saturday) was the Heritage Festival in Columbia we got to see John Coulter that was with Lewis and Clark and hear his story...we got to see Native Americans dances...listen to ghost tales tonight.....we spoke with woman that taught us some weaveing techniques and all about shaker furniture all in all it was a great time .... the kids loved it they had an area to learn to walk on stilts, make a paper pumpkin, a bookmarker....a string and button toy it was a blast!!! I am down to 5 days come Sunday morning and I can  not wait I want to be a LOSER 4 LIFE!!!!! I hope you all had a great time this weekend ... We will be getting up to go to church I havent gotten to go the last two weeks we were out of town for the first one and last week I was not feeling well enough to leave the bed...my excersize today was walking the heritage festival for about 5 hours .... I forgot to wear my little thing that tells me how many steps i took but I can tell you this my "dogs are barking" so I know it was a lot... my feet havent felt this ysed and abused in a long time lol Talk to you all later  Bobbie Jo

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


Brenda Minks
on 9/15/07 2:19 pm - Silva, MO

We didn't have rain at our place today, we had sunshine and around 70 just a beautiful fall day! I was freezing this morning when I got up it was  about 40 - 45 degrees so I dug out some of my fleece shirts and put one on! Jan sorry about your foot eow!!! Your right about not doing much for the toe if it's broke, I broke my little toe one time and there's nothing they can do for it. It's gonna be sore for awhile! How long did the doc say you would be out of commission from the tummy tuck? Do they get the approval from Medicare or do we as the patient have  to get the pre-approval? It's 11:00 pm and I just let my babies out to go potty and I looked at the thermometer and it's 46 degrees! BURR - BURR!!! I  already have my electric blanket on my bed and have turned it on the last several nights!! Well seeing as how I'm the adult Sunday School teacher I should go study my lesson for tomorrow. I have to study it the night before or on the drive to church because if I do it any earlier than that I forget it!!   Sometimers again! LOL My sister and her husband are driving over to our house in morning and riding to church with us so I better study the lesson tonight because on the ride to church there will be to much talking going on I'm sure. Everyone have a wonderful blessed Sunday and don't forget to praise the Lord for all your blessings! Love you all Brenda

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




Shannon C.
on 9/15/07 9:37 pm - Kirksville, MO
Morning Everyone!  The Frost did not get my herbs and with that I am so thankful! I actually cooked yesterday - Homemade chicken soup with noodles.  I took over a big pot to my aunts and put 1 big container in the freezer.  I can never make a small pot of soup - I keep going up to bigger pans until I have the big stock pot.  So I just started out with it yesterday.   Ticker Help Here - After you have copied the picture of your ticker look over to the left here under the Welcome & Obesityhelp Missouri Weight Loss - go down to user settings and paste the pic of your ticker in the box for your signature and TADA it works! Thank you Sheila! Have a great day - Shannon



on 9/15/07 11:56 pm - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ Well, good news on this part of MO-Mike got a doe yesterday-she is really nice-weighed a lot more than she looked-so we are going to be jerky making fools for the next couple of weeks. I told Mike that this year, I am going to make baskets to give to people-with a batch of our different jerkies in it and some other goodies. How much we end up making is going to depend on whether he gets more deer or not. I checked last night and will need to go get more seasoning this week for the jerky-since we have to let it marinate for 24 hrs in the seasoning before we smoke it/make it. We always make teryiki (sp?) mesquite and hickory, I believe are the 3. Im pretty excited-because last year when he was making all that jerky etc-I was on the liquid diet-and I did try them, but couldnt eat them~~ This year-I will have a protein filled snack/meal that is good for me. YAY...... Well, we had another fairly busy day yesterday. Didnt start out like that, but ended up like that. Stephanies event was cancelled due to the rain-so her and Shannon came here and Shannon spent the night. It rained for a long time-and hard rain too~! The kind the gets you wet walking into the store-thats for sure. I went to town to pay a bill-stopped at a garage sale, and I was lucky-everything was 1/2 price. I got a brand new cute purse from Catos for .25, I got Darrel a brand new pair of dress shoes for 1.50 and Jons Holloween costume for $2.50, he also got a spiderman backpack that also has wheels to tow it for .75....He was happy. I went and dropped some things off for my mom to try on and see if they fit before I had the sale and then went and tried to pay my bill-but they had closed 5 minutes prior (so know I get to go on Monday again!) then went and got a movie, went to Food 4 Less and came home. Jon was so naughty at the movie store-I was so afraid to go into the grocery store-but knew I didnt have enough here to fit together a meal and had 8 of us here to feed-and 7 of them eat a lot-LOL....well, a lot to me anyway. Came home and made a big old pot of spegetti, garlic bread and salad. I made them brownies for dessert. We had just started to get the plates prepared and Mike called that he had gotten his deer. So-that was put on hold, because, of course, all the kids wanted to go out to the woods and help him find her and all that good stuff. Stephs friend, Shannon, was begging Mike to let her go out too-Im like, are you sure your Stephs friend? LOL....Steph doesnt go out there very often-it scares her. Today, am making brunch and Mike and Aaron are processing the meat, then I am going to have Aaron help Steph move my couches and I have some laundry to get done. Mike will be back hunting this afternoon-trying to get his buck that has been coming through. We have some of the neatest pictures from that camera Mike leaves out in the woods-it shows this BIG raccoon out there eating WITH the deer-and it has 4 baby raccoons with it. They are soooo adorable! I also have to finish going through the stuff under the carport for the sale and get some of the stuff cleaned that has been sitting in the garage/laundry room for a yr or more-like Jons old carseats, his stroller, and misc things like that. Im so excited about getting the sale done and over with. I have some things for the kids to do today too-they will be wiping down the fridge, helping organize the freezers (or we wont be fitting the deer meat in there) and then mopping the kitchen and bathroom floors-which I cant do unless I want to be down and out for awhile.

My dad talked to me about maybe working a day or two for him again. I never did get to start before-because he kept telling me next week-next week and I finally just said forget it. I told him yesterday how I felt about it and that I was upset that he did that to me-and pretty much acted like I couldnt handle it-when I worked at Freeman and the first 4 yrs I worked there-I was responsible for millions of dollars of revenue every month. I think I can handle taking someones money for their room fee. Will see-he is suppose to call me tonite and let me know and talk about it further. Would be nice to have a little extra since as soon as child support found Eric and garnished his wages-he quit again. Of course. With Christmas coming, it would be nice to have some extra money. Stephs B/F/F is moving this Friday. Her b-day is Weds, but Steph has to work, so the boys and I will be going. I hate to see her move and Steph is going to be so bummed this next weekend. Poor thing. I hated that when I was growing up. I guess after we get a more economical car-will have to go to KC and see her-and then maybe I can meet some of our Cindys or other members up there-that would be nice. **Jan-Oh man, I cringed when I read about your toe/foot. Im so sorry-I know that smarts like crazy. Your right, they wouldnt do anything for it-but maybe give you some pills-LOL....Just keep it protected, which I know you are. Do you have shoes you can wear to work that wont hurt? Keep it up as much as possible and keep ice on it, to help with the swelling. I guess thats like telling a little kid not to eat a pc of Holloween candy-huh? Im sorry to hear about the kids' car. Mike and I just saw a car last week for $500-a cute little one too-economical etc. We didnt check it out because we cant buy it right now. I hope that car place comes through for them and I hope his work will allow him to stay for the week. Will be praying about that-AND your toe/foot. Hey, I will trade you elec bills-$158?? I would feel blessed-LOL Ours this month went down $30, but was STILL $330-I sincerely hope that this was the last high bill~!!!! Dont want to see a big one this next month, thats for sure! When we got home from running our errands-Mike had a fire going. It felt so good in the house! We were really cold on this part of the state! If I make it to the group, I will bring you some jerky to try and see if you like it. I hope that you do!! Mel has her first spinal shot that day, but Nutti may go-and so I may be able to come anyway. Will have to wait and see. I sure hope so tho. I do have a pattern for the quilt-but its not the exact one for the photos. Instead of the bigger squares of material, I am just putting the photos in there and will outline them with the kids' baby outfits or blankets. I dont have any of Darrels baby outfits, but I do have one of his baby blankets and he said I could use it. Im pretty excited about this project. One of our "aunts", not really, but we call her aunt Mary-she is going to help me. She does the most amazing crafty things and she has been making quilts for more years than I have been alive and she visits nursing homes etc and does craft classes with the residents. She has done simple quilts with all of them-so if she can teach them, she can teach me-however, I may be more challenged than she is anticipating-LOL LOL......Oh well-it will be done from my heart-and thats what counts!! **Bobbie Jo-YAY....You sound like your doing so good and keeping up a good frame of mind. Im so excited for you. Do you have an angel yet? I posted it the other day, but you must not have seen it-or your like me-and forgot. Who will your loved ones be calling after surgery so they can post about it? Your in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck and we are all pulling for you. Cant wait to have you on the bench with us. **Lana-did it rain in Branson yesterday? It rained cats and dogs here. We got soaked walking from the truck to the movie gallery and it was just a couple steps away!! I hope you didnt get rained out and that you had a wonderful time. I LOVE Bluegrass. It always makes me feel like dancing. Thanks for the advice. I love you. Cant wait to see you next month at group! **Tammy Ammy-It was good to talk to you yesterday. I sure hope you start feeling better soon!!! Congrats on the weight loss and the clothes not fitting. Make sure you check that out this week-before the weekend so I can see if any pants I have here will fit you to help you out for a bit. Wont be long now-and you will be getting your stuff at Walmart AND off clearance racks. I bet you can already wear Walmart clothes-dont be afraid to try. Your not gonna know UNTIL YOU DO IT!!! Go for it-I bet you will!!!!  Im sorry to hear about Ada-I sure hope they get her shoulder fixed AND her other issues. Poor kid-if she doesnt have enough to deal with right now. Know I will be praying for all of you. Hang in there. God DOES have a plan for all of you-so stay faithful-and it sounds like he is already putting his plan in motion with your friend and the BBQ place and all of that-so just hang in there. I hope we can see you and Brenda in the next couple of months-that would be nice. When I get done posting-I will email you Susans cell #-I forgot yesterday with all the kids here and then commotion with Mike and his deer. Take care. Oh, and Im sorry about the weekly weigh in on Friday-I just forgot!! Any time you want to do it-and you dont see me do it-please feel free to go ahead-no offense taken here whatsoever. Im very happy for you. Keep up the good work. **Brenda-thanks for having Dennis call me after your surgery. I will get on here and post, ok? Im glad-I know you will be okay, but this way we can all stay updated. We will be praying for you. I just wish I lived closer to come and help you out-but its good that Dennis will be able to check on you throughout the day! **To everyone else-have a wonderful Sunday. Not sure what the weather is doing where you are-but here it is sunny and not quite as cold as yesterday. Thank goodness. I am going to get off here and start my hashbrowns and other goodies for the brunch today and I will see you all later. All my love and prayers, Janet

Bobbie Smith
on 9/16/07 2:59 am - Ashland, MO

I do not know who they will be calling my head has been so busy with trying to stay perfect on this liquid diet that I dont know lol ummmm someone got a phone number so Don can call you all and let you know how I am doing lol....hmmm wow I dont know.... sorry my head is so full of things like how will my kids be a weekend wthout me lol stupid thoughts they will be fine but i stil lworry about it all lol 

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


Tammy H.
on 9/16/07 2:17 am - Holcomb, MO

Howdy Yall...

Wanted to drop in and say howdy and see how everyone is doing...Didn't get a chance to get on yesterday cause I had to go to town and get groceries and etc....Man is that a job! Then on top of walking all over the place to get it all you have to load it, unload it and then put it away lol lol....

The girls mother left to go back home yesterday evening... She was here 3 weeks...Turned out to be a pretty decent visit...She even went with me to NC when I went to get my son...And went to Columbia with me for my 3mo appt....She had lots of time to spend with the girls and her and I had lots of time to talk about things we never talked about before...I am SO glad things finally changed with our situation with her...The girls have been on cloud nine lately with everyone getting along so well...She even got along with my kids really well and just loved our lil princess to death! Guess it goes to prove everyone deserves a second chance...Well actually shes had more than that lmbo but at least she has opened her eyes and now sees the "B" she was being and has decided to change her ways and attitude.... Last night when they got ready to leave, she hugged me for like 5 min lol lol....And thanked me for being who I am! It really made me feel good....I don't claim to be Miss Wonderful but it sure feels good when you do something and it turns out to be a great thing!!!!! And it touches my heart to see the girls HAPPY! Jan....OWWWWWW...Sorry about the toe! I hope it feels better soon....And sorry to hear about the kids car...Car trouble sucks lol lol...We have that issue with both our cars at the moment....Will be praying for yall.. Janet...It was good to chat with you too!!!! I plan on making it a point to get to wal mart in the next day or two to try on some clothes!!! And get back to you...That would be such a help for me at the moment! I guess I am going to go thru my clothes soon and start boxing them up to save up and then after the first of the year I hope to find someone to pay it forward too for all the help I have gotten from you with clothes...I have nothing fancy but it will keep someone from going naked lol lol..... Mel....Just wanted to let ya know Im thinking of ya...I talk to Janet about you some yesterday and I just hate what all is going on with you recently!!! Please know Im praying for you!!!! Please keep us informed...I know Im not the only one worried about you! Love ya girl!! Susan...Hope you got my email and hope things are going ok for you...Drop a line when you can.... Amber!!!!!!...Where you at girl??? Haven't heard from you in a while now...I hope your doing ok!! Drop me a line or give me a call when you get time, so you can update me on how things are going.... Brenda....Prayers going up for you on your surgery...I will be checking in to see the post from Janet so I know how your doing....Hope you do well and get well soon..Cause if I can get things took care of with my ole car, Id love to go for another meeting in Oct.... Well I got to get off here and get some things done....I hope all the rest of you are doing well and had a great weeken...God Bless each of you... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 9/16/07 7:01 am - Kansas City, MO
I must be the only one whos excited about the cooler weather!! I love it!!! Although up here in KC its going to back in the upper 80's this week....

My first goal...weight loss of 50 lbs...

on 9/16/07 7:09 am - Joplin, MO
Howdy MO Peep's      Not much going on today. Yesterday Terry & I was up at the crack of dawn and ran all over town. Fromn you garage sale to the next. Found some really good deals also. Then I took Terry out to an early dinner. Came home did 6 loads of laundry. I have to go thro my cloest and drawers to get rid of some clothes that dont fit me anymore.    ***Big wow moment for me was yesterday I bought 3 pair of jeans. Size 22W & 1 in a 20W. I was stuck between a 24W & 22W for the longest time. Well now my 22 are kind of lose around the waist. Anyways I put on the pair of 20's and they zipped right up. I dont have to lay on the bed or anything. And they werent tight. YEA!!!!! I dont think I have ever been in a 20W pants before!!!    Anyways not doing anything today. Slept in the bed last night and my back went out completely. Terry had to get up and pull me out of bed. So I am sitten with the heating pad on my back. Trying to behave lol    Monday I am cleaning our room. And getting things ready for the sale all this week. Tuesday Terry & I have our eye appointments. I think Wed or Thur we will move some stuff over to the gargae for the sale.     Well I am getting off of here. Need to get supper started soon. I pray everyone had a great weekend!!!!    Come hell or high water I will be at the meeting on the 24th. Even if Janet has to drive my car so I can sit back. God Bless Mel
~~God has seen you struggling, God say's its over, A Blessing is coming your way!!~~
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