Thining about lapband surgery need some positive feedback

on 9/15/07 12:54 pm - Seymour, MO

I'm new to message boards this is only the second time I've really looked into posting. I only recently went to a doctor to see about having the bypass. He said mortality risks are too high for someone at my age with my health problems so I'm going to check out the lapband.  I'm really nervous about the surgery and wonder if it will be the answer. Would really like to hear from someone that has gone through the surgery with success.


   JEANIE RAE            
Brenda Minks
on 9/15/07 1:51 pm - Silva, MO


I had RNY in August 2006 and have lost 121lbs so far I would like to lose another 25lbs

but I'm on a plateau right now.

You didn't say what your risks are and how old you are.

There are several on this board that have had the surgery that are over 63 or more.

I would have the surgery all over again to get from where I was to where I am now.

It gave me my life back.

Check out my profile I have pictures on there.

Welcome to the Missouri board!


Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




on 9/16/07 5:07 am - Seymour, MO
I'm 56 and have COPD, I smoked until 2 yrs ago and in addition to the lung problems I have had a heart attack and 2 episodes of hear failure.  I've been on oxygen for a year now full time. I don't think my lungs are giving me most of my problems. I'm sure it's my weight and if I don't get it off I won't be around much longer.  I feel positive about having the lapband because it is the least invasive, and I have had success in the past at losing a lot of weight. I just can't seem to keep it off. Thank-you so much for your feedback I need all I can get.


   JEANIE RAE            
Jan C.
on 9/15/07 4:09 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
who told you that you were too old? the surgeon that does the surgeries or your personal physician? what are your health problems? How old are you?  I was 55 when i had surgery and havent felt this good in years and years. Didnt have any problems having the Gastic bypass at all and would do it over and over again .  write us back and let us know the answers to our questions and we can maybe help you more with your question.


on 9/16/07 5:13 am - Seymour, MO

Hi,  I talked to Dr. Hodges in Branson. I have a history of heart failure and I have COPD with mild emphysema. He didn't say it wasn't possible He just thinks with my history it would be better for a Lapband.



   JEANIE RAE            
on 9/16/07 5:15 am - Seymour, MO

I forgot to tell you I'm also Type II Diabetic.


   JEANIE RAE            
on 9/15/07 4:22 pm - Saint Louis, MO
Hi you did not say your age but I am 36 and just had the lap band. My PCP Dr. referred me to Dr. Minkin in St. Louis because she had another patient who was 45 who had had the surgery with him successfully. I asked to be able to call this lady and she told me about the whole process over the phone and was very successful. I am pretty new here since (April 2007) when I started reading posts and learning about the specifics. I have lost 13 pds so far and most important my blood sugars have lowered about 100 points or so. I also have a pititary abdenoma which is a tumor wrapped around my pituitary gland. It causes me some female and hormonal troubles. I feel a lot better already! I was told because of these two problems I may lose slower. That will be another thing I have to deal with being patient. It has not been easy. 3 days after the surgery my husband and kids were standing in the kitchen eating chicken (they have been SO supportive of me!) so I would not have to see it, but I could smell it. I was on full liquids and thought I would cry myself to sleep. It is a process to get through the different phases and let your body heal and not to eat things that are all around you. It does get better though-today I was at a fair with my kids. We walked for hours and there was food everywhere but I brought an Absopure protien drink and sipped all day. Then when they all ate funnel cake, I had a sugar free snowcone and we all enjoyed a band. I have found there are other things to substitute for that food craving. One craving at a time. I do not mean to be flippant about it at all, it is difficult each time still. I am hoping it gets easier-one little success at a time.  I was in pain for about a week buit worked through it. If I had to make the choice to have the lapband again even with all of the hard things I had to do I would say definitely YES! Good luck on your decision!

Bret Renee Nelson

Create Your Own Ticker    

on 9/16/07 5:24 am - Seymour, MO
Thank-you for the feedback. I talked to my daughter's sister-in-law last night. She had her surgery 6 weeks ago and has lost 25 pounds. I is encouraging because she has some of the same medical problems I have. I'm 56 and smoked until two years ago. I have COPD, heart problems , mild emphysema.  I've read the replies to my post and already feel more positive and can't wait to get the process started. I should hear from Columbia this week.  Thank-you so much.


   JEANIE RAE            
on 9/16/07 6:18 am - SW, MO
I had lap-band surgery in February.  I had an easy recovery and am nothing but pleased w/my band.  Check out my profile.  I wish you the best.
on 9/16/07 6:55 am - Kansas City, MO
I had my surgery about 7 weeks ago and lost 31lbs as of now...I had complications during my surgery and infections my recovery wasn't teh best... But let me tell you this was the best decision I have ever made in my life... I am 27 and weigh the highest I ever did before the surgery...and was on BP my doc thinks in a few weeks I can get off of them. I chose the lap band..because honestly the gastric bypass scared me to death.  I love my band and so glad I chose it! Good luck to you in whatever decision you chose.

My first goal...weight loss of 50 lbs...

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