Saturday again already. Wow wonder where the weeks seem to go to so fast . Doesn’t seem like it has been a week ago that we had the
Go**** is cold. I have worn sweats all day yesterday and last night. Lol I don’t know what I will do when it gets winter time. Im going to have to get some long handles I think.
I made home made Jambalaya last night so I could use brown rice in it instead of white. It was really good.
New cookie recipe
Oatmeal raisin cookies.
¾ cup of butter
½ cup oatmeal
8 tsp of sweetener
1 egg
2 cups mashed bananas
1 ½ cup chopped dates or raisins
1 ½ cup flour
1 tsp nutmeg
1tsp soda
1tsp cinnamon
½ cup nuts
Pour boiling water over dates let cool then drain, brown oatmeal in oven on a cookie sheet
Cream butter, eggs and splenda, beat well and combine dry ingredients (oats, flour, soda, spices and nuts) add bananas and dates or raisins, mix well---
Drop by tsps full on greased cookie sheet
Bake at 350% for 15 minutes.
My mother use to make these for my dad who was a diabetic. I just found the recipe in her cook book. There are more too I will try to add one every once in awhile. ok?
Let me know how you like them. I remember her making them and they were good .
Tomorrow morning we are starting to put down tile in the trailer for the kids. We decided on peel and stick tile so in case they mess up a section we can get it up and replace it easily enough.
I bought enough the other day to get the kitchen and living room done then we will get the rest of the house done in the next few weeks.
We have to get the different windows in there soon so it wont be so cold in there on the babies. I just wish Joe had someone to help him get them done.
I was looking at the flowers today and they are really looking bad but I still have a lot of color too. The zinnias, marigolds, balsum, and several other things are still blooming well. Oh the morning glories I planted on the four corners of the pagoda and on the porch post are to the top and over and blooming all over the place . very pretty they are.
I even have some planted by the side of a persimmon tree and they are ¾ the way to the top of the tree and all in the tree. That is really pretty. Most all of them are blue but they are still pretty. Some of them are the pink ones but next year I need to buy some different colors to plant too.
I repotted several house plants today so they will be in nice clean pots and clean dirt to bring into the house in another month. That is so much easier than trying to get all the dirt off the pots , or to me it is. I always have pots that I have cleaned up so no problem. When I take something out of a pot I soak it in bleach water and clean the pot and then sit them in the green house on a shelf. That way when and if I need a clean new pot I have one.
I sent off and order to my supplier today for the foam plugs for my growing boxes for seeds …so I will have them when I get ready to start doing my seeds for the spring. I hate to start thinking about things like that and not having the supplies for it.
I worked on the green house today too, getting it straightened and cleaned up ready for winter. We are putting in a propane heater in there for this year instead of elect ones. Last year it like to have broke us.
BRENDA: that works really well to keep a running post for the day about what all you did or think about doesn’t it? I really enjoyed your post about your ups and downs and thoughts.
Im really sorry that Dennis cant have the surgery. Do you think he could do the liquid protein drinks maybe 2 a day and then a light meal and that would help him to lose?
I know it is hard for him . I will keep him in my prayers always and you too.
I know he is happy for you that you have been able to have the surgery and lose the weight but yes he probably does feel a little hurt and resentful too that he cant do the same and get rid of the diabetis and all. Maybe if he went on social security he could get medicaide right away and could get it done in
That is neat that you had those two wow moments. Way to go.
Love you and care about you, if you ever need someone to talk to you have my phone number. Just call. I always have my phone with me. Even at work. I have it on vibrate, and if someone is around they don’t see or hear it lol.
Hope you have a great week end. Keep posting.
COLETTE: yes when OH switched over to the new format months back they said that the old profiles would work for awhile but if you didn’t switch over eventually they would disappear. Sorry you lost yours and no there would be no way to recreate all of that would there?
So how much longer is your administrator going to work? Wonder who your new one will be.
Sorry you got sick on Kfc. I wish some of that good stuff like that did make me sick. Lol It is the good for you stuff that always makes me sick. Baked fish, baked chicken etc. gravy and biscuits don’t. but I never eat but a tiny spoon full of them only because I know im not suppose to lol. Last time I fixed them for Joe I had 1/8 of a biscuit and 1 tsp of gravy. Enough for 3 tiny bites.
TAMMY V: LOL well if you are losing it then there are a lot of us that are right there with you lol. I did go back and read it but already forgot what you posted now. So I guess we are even lol….Keep on smiling and singing your song about your son and his moving. Hopefully they wont like it and will move back home soon. Just think you will have someplace neat to go on vacation now and the grandkids can come see you all summer when school is out.
Hope you are feeling better now. And I hope it wont mean more testing after you see Dr. Hornbostel.
NUTTI: WOW!! You go all out for the birthday huh? The decorations and all sounds like loads of fun. Wish I lived close enough to you I would be over to see all of it. I cant imagine doing all of that. Lol
Well I probably couldn’t do all of that. It wouldn’t look good I know if I did it.
Go did out the old clothes that fit girl or the kids might have more to look at than decorations….the moon might be full and shining bright if you bend over and lose them infront of a group of kids lol
DEBBIE D: what have you been buying? Better watch that E-bay and QVC both are very addictive. Lol. I got started on both of them at one time and I had to go cold turkey to quit lol that was when I was at my biggest and couldn’t go shopping , man I found all sorts of things to buy there.
Sorry about your van window. That is a bummer. Seems like things happen like that all the time don’t they. I guess that is part of life , don’t know but sometimes it seems to go on all the time.
Sorry that Bev was sick all night , did you go on to water aerobics anyway?
You know when you said at the reunion that you were size 14 I thought you didn’t look like it and that you looked smaller than that. You really look good .
Yes im loving the new fall colors again this year. They come around to being those colors every few years. They really are pretty.
JANET: YES ! aren’t those wow moments like that wonderful? Always nice to surprise people with the new you. Lol
Wasn’t the email from Megan wonderful. Makes all of the problems of mother hood vanish with one little thing like that doesn’t it? Im glad that Megans husband is supporting her about going to school that is great.
I think I agree with you about the doctors over at Freeman hospital. Doesn’t sound like they have much on the ball does it? Poor Mel. It is just a shame that she is having to suffer the fact that some doctors are trying to cover their a** and not get caught for doing sloppy work.
Yeah there is a good area over there for trikes. I think it is at
Maybe that is part of Joes problems he doesn’t use all of that nasty smelling scents lol I guess I can tell him to roll in the chicken pen next door. Lol you think that would work?
Oh gross on the dog story , that would turn me off about doing things for dogs . lol
I cant believe they are going to let kids do that with the mama cow. That sounds like it could be dangerous for the cow and the kid too. How did that go?
TAMMY: LOL I don’t think these people down here will ever start doing yard of the month. Well you know where we are. Not a lot of neighborhood to it. Yes it does take more time to take care of the flowers instead of mow but it is worth it really. Much prettier to me than just ole grass. Lol
Glad you like the soy milk . and it is cheaper now that reg milk too. You are most welcome in trying it here. Are you going to do it with strawberries too or just plain soy milk and protein powder?
Wow on the weight loss that is great….120 pounds is fantastic. Good for you.
RACHAEL: yeah those little ones have a way of growing up don’t they? 2Ts huh. That is amazing that she is that old and big.
Hope your husband is feeling better today and gets well sick.
Maybe not a lot but enough that your muscles aren’t working well.
Sorry I don’t get the
Hope you get to feeling better soon. Take care of yourself.
I'm going to post a short note before I go to bed. I don't get up early like the rest of you all. It's after midnight and the house it quiet except for my fur baby Mattie wanting me to go to bed cause she's sleepy. I have been cleaning house and doing laundry most of the day, getting everything in order before my surgery. Janet my surgery is scheduled for Tuesday morning in ST. Louis at the Olive surgery center. I will be off my feet for awhile I won't be able to exercise so I hope I don't gain weight! Dennis and I went and got groceries to last a couple weeks, I always hate grocery day because we have to drive 40 miles to get to the stores!
My daughter Tina is going baby set my puppies while we are gone. We are going up Monday and spend the night at the Scout reservation called Beaumont, so we don't have to leave our house at 3:00 am to make it up there. Beaumont is on I44 and real close to where I have to go on I270. I guess that's another perk for being employed by the Boy Scouts, Over night accommodations for free! Jan did you get an appointment date for your tummy tuck? That will be the next surgery I have. Well I'm going to take my babies to bed, everyone have a wonderful Saturday. Love to you all Brenda
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.
I am getting the fluids in and 65 gms protien. My pcp said the tiredness is from 2 big sugeries in a little over 1 month and going back to work full time and trying to do everything and driving to spf & back. He told me he was tired just from trying to follow me... I am still trying to do the running around for my Aunt Betty who had a knee replacement last month and spent 3 weeks in a nursing home with another Aunt whom she takes care of as Gertrude is mentally handicapped and take care of her pets as well as my own. Guess I do need to slow down a bit. Still cannot get anyone to tell me how to get my ticker on my signature. I have tried cutting and pasting and its not working Someone please HELP !!! Shannon
Good Morning, Jan and MO Peeps! It is coooold here this morning! My dh and youngest son just left to put in some service hours at the Hidden Glen Art Festival. They will be back home around noon. We have a church picnic at 5:30 tonight at a park just a couple blocks from my house. DH is grilling a pork tenderloin and I'm making coleslaw and that delicious desert Jan made at the reunion. I'm going to get those two things done here in an hour or so. Yes, Jan EBay and QVC are VERY addicting! David calls me the QVC Queen! lol! I just bought 3 new outfits on EBay and have decided I'd better quit while I'm ahead. I really need a winter jacket. I bought a really nice red leather coat on EBay about 2 weeks ago. Got it for $25 and I LOVE it. But I need just a regular every day jacket especially for mornings like this! I hope Bev is better too. I had my swimsuit on with my new sweatsuit over it and I went to lay down for 10 minutes with my two beautiful poodles before going to water aerobics on Friday. Welllllllll....I fell asleep! So the answer is No, I didn't make i****er aerobics on yesterday. Instead I slept a couple hours then got up and paid bills and figured the checkbook. That is always depressing but needed to be done. I then took some of the Ebay $$ I've made and went had my nails done and had a pedicure. It was wonderful! Then my dh and I went to OutBack (they let me order a child's meal and it was really good!) then we went shopping at the local mall. Got some of that Jasmine Vanilla Sugar Scrub at Bath and Body Works. My stepdaughter is always telling how good it is and would help my really dry skin during the winter. My husband bought a crimson colored t-shirt that says:
Not As Lean, Not as Mean, But still a Marine!
He was in the Marines for 9 years. He was a Sargent. His ex-wife told him if he didn't quit she would take the kids and leave. Well, he quit and in less than a year she did take the kids and leave anyways. Figures.
Then we bought some SF chocolates at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory for my father-in-law. His birthday is next Tuesday. We are leaving at 7am tomorrow morning to go to see him and his wife in Stockton. We are going to church with them then taking them out for lunch for his birthday. It will be all of us including my stepdaughter Erin and her son Kameron. Should be a good day. Just hate the 3 hour drive there and the 3 hour drive back.
I wanted to say I love reading everyone's post daily. I'm sorry I don't respond to everyone personally like Jan does. Jan you such a great job remembering everyone and making everyone feel right at home! I sure do wish we all lived closer and could visit in person more!
Well, I'd better get off this computer and get some things done. It is really cold in here this morning. I'm thinking about turning the furnace on. However, it's suppose to be back up in the 80's tomorrow and most of next week. Our electric bill was $482 this past month! My youngest son and husband left the water hose running TWICE that month all day and night. That's part of the reason it's so high. We've lived here almost 6 years and it's never been that high! Hope it never is again!!
Everyone be safe this weekend and enjoy your friends and family!
Debbie D.