I think it is the same thing as getting the foamies.....dont know if you know what that is or not but if you ever do you will LOL. I usually do it if i eat too much , dont chew enough or eat too fast. then it doesnt sit right in my stomach and i start getting too much saliva and cant even spit it out fast enough ...the best remedy is to just go ahead and throw up what ever the offending thing is and get it out of the stomach fast....then it is all over with...Jan
Good morning Jan and Oh peeps
wow today is the day!!! yes im getting married and im sure i told u so its probably a senior thing haha just kidding still love ya im leaving at 9 to go meet his folks and go out to breakfast then we will drive down to Licking mo to get wish me well and good luck lol and congratsulations on ALL the upcoming surgeries and pray i get to be on the losers bench SOON... well time to get my face on LOL hope u all have a great day hugs