Another day off with nothing much to do. We bombed the trailer to get rid of the ants that had invaded it, so my granddaughter , Kim and the babies came over and spent all day with us. Im tired lol I tell you what 2 babies 2years old and 7 months old can wear you out and their mom was here lol
Sugar is getting things ready to go on vacation , leaving Friday night I think for
I didn’t get much of anything done today since the babies were here all day. But I really need to start cleaning up some of the flower beds. Oh well there is always tomorrow, I did get a 2 gallon bucket full of narcissis planted along the front pathway. They should be pretty this coming spring.
Now I have about a 5 gal bucket full of Iris that need a new home. So will be planting them up along the drive way I think…..or maybe a bed of them out in front somewhere.
I think it was Barbara ask me at the reunion if I had saved all of my Whats Happening posts? I told her no but that theey are saved on the OH site. She said I should somehow print them all out and put them in a scrapbook for my kids and grandkids later. Never thought of doing that but it would take a lot to print them all out now. If someone knows of an easy way to do it let me know. Can I go in there and cut and paste?
COLETTE: you bet I do : I thank God every day for everything. Without Him I would be nothing. And lost.
MELISSA: I sure do hope you can get something done soon. So did they do a culture of the Belly button to see what antibiotic would work? Or are they just guessing?
Sure does seem suspicious.
I hope you can get something done about some of your problems. All of it is just too much. So what happened to the hernia that one doctor said was in there here while back . did it just heal itself? All too weird.
I keep you in my prayers. I hope you will find a good doctor that you can trust . Maybe like Terry said y ou need to go to
REBECCA: You are doing great on that weight loss. congratulations. Sounds like you had a mild dumping case there with the mashed potatoes…..some people cant eat even a little bit of carbs like that. I have more trouble with carbs than I do with sweets.
They make me have diarrhea. I know T.M.I..lol
That dance game sounds like it would be a good fun way to get exercise. I know I can get to moving a lot more if I put on some good disco music. Lol makes it easier than if I just try to exercise.
They say the mood swings are pretty typical for women, The fat cells holds onto hormones and as you lose weight it releases the hormones into the blood stream. Now this isnt a scientific study or anything but several doctors have said it. Lol
JANET: I know don’t you just love this weather. So so nice.
I hope you get your garage sale all set up and make boo-coos of money. Lol that would be cool.
Yes I miss people when they come on here and they are here daily until they have their surgery then all of a sudden one day they are just gone. Sometimes I feel like they have just used us and I guess they do in a way. I guess they just don’t need us after they have the surgery. But I feel different about you all , People here are my friends. Some more than others only because they stay with us and we get to know each other. But that doesn’t make me not want others to be in that group. You know?
WOW! On Megan and her testing. That is just awesome. I know she said something about she sure wish she was thru with school but her hubby needs to talk to her about her staying in school too. Their future depends on it really. That is just awesome.
Oh on the plastic surgery most all of it is day surgery. He said about the only thing he kept someone overnight for was if they have a lower body lift and sometimes not even then.
Lol had to laugh about the trike and your first house. Mine too. No we don’t have to have a new one but don’t want one too old. Would prefer one no earlier than a 98 or so. Before then they don’t have a lot of stuff on them that we want. Like 1800 cc. that is the newest ones. Saw one (new ) yesterday that was awesome, burnt orange color. Cool bike.
Will have to be pretty strong prayers for Joe to get a deer . lol bless his heart, with his disability he cant sit still long enough so he is always moving around and scares them off I think.
CONNIE: lol well leave it to me to get the months mixed up. Anyway I had the date right didn’t it. Lol Hey if you cant find anything to do at your house you can come and clean mine. I hate housework , as I think I have said many times. Lol
BEV: hope you enjoy your 4 day weekend that is nice that you have that.Isnt that everyother week or once a month?
No no date set for the tummy tuck. Trying to decide whether to do the surgery for my knees first or the tummy tuck first. What do you think. The knees give me lots of problems and hurt a lot. All the excess skin does is make me wear a bigger size clothes than I will afterwards lol. Yes I could have the arms done at the same time but I would have to come up with the money first before the arms would be done and medicare will take care of the tummy tuck.
TAMMY: yeah I wish we could have that many people posting every day. Of course I don’t know how good I would do responding to everyone lol and of course I wouldn’t want it to be because of a contraversary like that.
You know really all of it is about wls tho….because of the surgery we all have been able to open up about other things and that makes it about the wls. Some people are able to deal with their problems so much better because of the sounding board and some that don’t post can see themselves in some of the things that others have said.
Wanted to say to you too that we love you and hope that what ever kept you away from the reunion has resolved itself somewhat and all is well with you.
BOBBY JO; Hey I remember doing that BBdance (big booty) too. Lol wont be long before you wont be doing the bb dance will be the tenny, tiny bootie dance. Lol
One week to go. Wow. Like I said it is really going fast for me .
See that liquid diet wasn’t and isnt nearly as hard to do as you thought it would be is it?
Just keep your eyes on the prize, surgery next Friday. Wow. Not long now.
Do you have an Angel yet? If not post on here that you need one and you will get offers im sure.
Well the weather is suppose to stay like this for the next few days. Next week it may be back into the high 80s during the day. But that is so much better than high 90s or 105 isnt it?
I have all my windows open to the fresh air and breezes. Yeah I have had to take an Claritin daily but it is worth it, that is for sure.
Dannielle - Jan - Mel - Barbara - Janet - Lana - Rebecca. And the Missouri Board THANK YOU for understanding and not disowning me!!
I am going to try hard to get on here and share my sorrows and grief's and wow moments. I have always been a private person but I know I can share with you guys and you will pray for me and just be a shoulder for me when I need one. Thank you all for praying for me and Dennis, believe me it makes me feel better just knowing that. I had a wow moment this morning!!! I have a button up corduroy Winnie the Pooh shirt that I have had for about 6 years. It's an XL. The reason it is so special to me is a man that lived to be 99 that I adopted as my Grandpa, bought it for me Christmas 2001 and he passed away in January 2002 and was buried on my birthday. I loved him dearly, I cut his hair when he needed it and he rode to church with us, we went on picnics together.
Anyway back to the shirt, it's a heavy long sleeved shirt. I always kept it, even when I outgrew it, because of his memory. I got it out this morning to see if it would fit me again and it's TO BIG!!!
So I am happy about that! But Dennis I think sometimes is, I don't know, jealous.
It’s like he is really supportive of me and has always been. But sometimes like this morning I think it gets to him that I got to have the surgery and he can’t. When I showed him the shirt he said “Your lucky you got to have the surgery” it’s not exactly the words but the way he said it, kind of smirky. So it kind of put a damper on my spirit. But I don’t hold it against him because he has got a lot on his plate right now. Don’t get me wrong I love my husband dearly and right now he has some issues that he just hasn’t worked through.
So anyway we went to see my sister today that has always been a tall (taller than me) thin person. She has had to have like 3 back surgeries and has had a hysterectomy and now she is bigger than I am and I think it gets her goat, she is 10 years younger than me and now people think she’s older than me! I tease her about it and she hates it.
But back to what I was going to say. She gave me a box of clothes that had a size 13 brown corduroy jean in it and they fit me! I love brown corduroy!
I’ve decided with my slow dial up the best way for me to post is just open up a page in Microsoft and write a little on it when I can all day long and then post it. Because I can’t remember everything to post it all at once! LOL Dennis says I have some timers!
I am getting supper ready and then I will be going to watch my G-daughter Sarah play volleyball. This is their first home game and she wanted me and papa to come. Dennis doesn’t do well at the school games of any kind, he hates sitting on the bleachers. So he is going to go do some preacher visitation instead.
My sister gave me some peaches and cream corn on the cob and we are having it for supper, I haven’t tried corn on the cob yet so we will see.
Well I’m back from the game and they won the first game, lost the second and lost the third game by 2 points!
The corn on the cob went down well and was very good.
I love this open your window and let the breeze in weather! Fall is my favorite season .
I pray it continues like this for awhile.
Except for my allergies, ragweed is killing me right now. Jan I told you I take Claritin for my allergies and I did use to take it.
But it quit helping me, so I have been on Zyrtec for several years now. I think when I told you I take Claritin that was one of my some timer moments, LOL.
Well I’m going to bed.
Everyone have a wonderful Friday.
I love you guys!
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.
Hellooo Mo board!
today will be a busy one. did I mention the party in the backyard for the kids Birthday?
well as usual everything has been put off due to this and that and now its here.....I have to clean.
we cleaned real good a few weeks ago for outa towners so it is mostly a straighten up.
but Im putting out my Miniature Halloween display. and make sure all of my lights work.
it will help light the way to the potty. we are also decorating it....We are hiding one of our Halloween props behind the door. thatll be a hoot!
Dean has been hanging lights in the yard and it is really starting to look festive....and this is a head start on the kiddie lighting we do for our haunt. Im going to set up a graveyard in the corner of the yard. we have a huge coffin that the kids could sit on. black lights and strobe lights and the fog machines are all dug out and ready to go...again...giving a headstart there also.
Dean bought Pixie this bubble machine and it flat out makes the bubbles. we are going to take that out for the little guys. they gotta have something to do while the teens paint Catriona's van.
Janet yall ought to come buy and see the miniatures....your little one will really like the Haunted house. bring Mel and Teryy if he likes. itll only be set up together in one place for a few days and than on to their regular places.
party starts at 6:30 and ends at 10 with a sleepover of 2 of her friends. we are expecting family and about 20 of her friends... so it should be fun. I am making the cake.
not that Im a cake decorator but I have a few skills and Im going to S-T-R-E-T-C-H them on this formal 2 tier cake.
going to bake and decorate tonight at a friends house...my oven is not level and I got a cat.
Dean and I will go pick it up on Sat. I also want to suprise her with it.
well everyday I notice things that WOW me...some are personal but as former SMO you probably know.
and my pants!!
crap a pair of my pants almost fell off me. to lazy to go dig the new stuff out of the dryer just grabbed black pants I just wore to my grans funeral...they were loose than....they are more than loose now.
Ive got to make Dean dig out my old clothes and see what fits and get it all washed up.
ordered 4 more shirts to tie dye now that the ones I did before surgery are too big!! yup I said TOO BIG!
the new shirts are 6x and 5x.....2 for now 2 for coming up. Mens sizes from King size Direct.
my tummy is big and need a nice roomy T-shirt.
I know its a book but sometimes ya just gotta share....than I dont have to mop my floor!
I hope everyone has a great day!
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Good Morning, Jan and Missouri Peeps! Well, I'm up really early this morning for two reasons. A couple ebay auctions were ending at 6:45 a.m. and I have to get ready for my water aerobics with Bev. I lost one auction and won the other. I've been shopping for three days now and have decided I'd better STOP before I break the bank! lol I had a couple of wow moments while shoping for fall and winter clothes this week. I actually bought two pairs of slacks that are size 12!!! I am down to 185 (from 279) and am 15 lbs away from my goal of 170. I said I'd be happy at a size 12 but now I'm thinking....may a size 10 would be nice. Haven't worn a size 10 since I was around 14 years old. That's been 30 year ago! There are some really pretty burnt oranges and chocolate brown colors out there this season and I LOVE them. Before I lost the weight I never enjoyed trying on new clothes but now I actually enjoy shopping!! I still haven't d/l the pictures from the reunion. Will try and do that sometime next week. Did I tell you that a rock hit the windshield of the van coming home from the reunion and cracked it? The crack is getting bigger, looks like we're going to have to replace it. Another 225 bucks for that one! One thing after another...I hope it stops sometime soon! Well, I gotta scoot. It is actually cold here this morning. Only suppose to get up in the high 60's today. I'm glad I broke down and bought a sweat suit to wear to the YMCA this morning!! Bev was telling me I'm going to catch phenomia (sp?) just wearing my wet bathing suit home!! Hope everyone has a GREAT THURSDAY. I love all of you!! Debbie D. P.S. Bev just called and said she wouldn't be able to make it to water aerobics this morning. She has had an upset tummy all night. Please pray for her. Thanks!
Dear Jan and OH peeps~ Good Morning everyone! What a beautiful Friday it is here! I would be perfectly happy :) if it could stay just like this forever! LOL..... Yesterday I had 2 WOW moments. I went to Walmart....and I ran into 2 people that I havent seen in quite awhile. My ex sister in law-she saw me come around the corner-and she said she only knew it was me because I had Megan and the boys with me and she recognized Megan...she yelled out JANET and was on the phone and kept saying OMG-you wouldnt believe how good Janet looks-you should see her...on and on and then she hung up (was talking to my ex MIL) and just ranted and raved. I havent seen her since the end of January. Then, when we went to check out-I saw a girl I use to work with, whom I havent seen in 2 years-and she freaked out!!! She just stood there with her mouth open and kept saying-your like half your size, no one is going to believe it when I tell them at work tomorrow!!! YAY... I felt so happy.... I had a pretty productive day-finished all the bedding through out the house, got everything put back together and got a couple of boxes of stuff marked for the sale. I made Mike one of his favorite meals-Salisbury steak, mashed tatos and corn...he ate everything on his plate and started on mine. I wasnt even done eating yet-but he said, there is no way you will eat all that, so I will help you out-LOL.... I got an email from my oldest daughter, Megan this morning-it was her blog from her myspace page. She finally-after 12 yrs of holding it in and NEVER telling anyone about her biological dad-posted a blog on her myspace about her dad and got it off her chest. I started crying. I am so glad that she has finally come to terms with it and has finally just said what she has bottled up all of these years. I kept telling her that IF someone really loved HER and were true friends, they wouldnt hold what her sperm donor does or did against her, since she has had no control over that-but has just had to deal with the dumb crap he has made them endure all their lives. Good for her. Her and Aaron are doing so good and I think she is finally starting to be secure and happy and I couldnt be happier for them both. They both have really good jobs and Aaron has been working full time and keeping the same job and they are making enough money now to pay all their bills!! He wants her to go to school and he always backs her-and he always encourages her to do her best and he wants her to go for the PHD or MD-so we are very fortunate that he is always behind her and not hindering her schooling-even though she has a lot of homework and gets cranky because of her schedule. Well, Mel went and saw Dr. McDreamy yesterday-and we joked that no one on the board was gonna believe it-but she has some of the same back issues I have. She has to start those spinal injections later this month! Terry said if I ended up in a looney bin-Mel isnt allowed to follow me there-LOL...it seems like we keep having all kinds of related issues-the knee problems, the back-female issues....Dang. We are just gonna start going to the dr together and even if one of us doesnt have the symptoms yet-we are gonna tell the doc to treat us anyway-cause its a comin' LOL...Please keep her in your prayers that they will work for her. Dr McDreamy did use the word surgery to her yesterday. Maybe her and I can share a room- **Jan-it was me who told Mel to change docs. Freeman docs arent doing anything for her except passing the buck. The ones she has seen are worthless-and her hernia DID show up after the surgery, but neither of the surgeons who worked on her want to admit that they were negligent.....however-someone left it in there-and now we are wondering if they didnt leave some masses in there as well due to the same exact pain-all the time. Something isnt right. What makes me angry is that they made her feel like she was mental and that there was no way she could have that pain anymore-WHATEVER!!!! Wow, I cant believe the tummy tuck is a day surge. I wonder why Columbia makes you stay 3 days then? Who knows-but Im glad to hear it for your sake-I hate being in the hospital and would always rather be home to recover. It just makes me feel better to be here.
Love that burnt orange color-thats the color of Megans car. I will keep my eyes out for ya then on a trike. Who knows, maybe we can come across one thats affordable and everything you are looking for-at a price you can afford. Wouldnt that be nice? Mike has that same problem-having to sit still for hours at a time-and now that his knees are so bad-he is not gonna be running up and down the tree stands like he has in the past. May have to hunt from his blind. Will see. I just hope he gets one right away and gets the initial itch over with like last year. He has already been sharpening his processing tools and I did all of his laundry with the no-scent soap and then put those stinky earth scent dryer sheets in it-oh, I thought I was gonna throw up when I got a wiff of them. YUCK...last year-when I had the Santa Fe, he had those discs on his hunting hat-in the back of the car-and it made the whole car smell like crap. Told him NO MORE. Thats embaressing to have someone (was at church picking Steph up from her youth group and the pastor put his head in the window) I know he thought I had just crapped my pants! I had to tell him it was my hubbys hunting stuff in the back of the car-dont know if he believed me or not tho. Which brings me to a funny story. My mom took her dog in to the vets yesterday to get his nails clipped and his ears cleaned out and shots-well, when they were all done-the vet tech went to put her hand in her lab coat pocket to get a treat out for Buster (the dog) and when she pulled her hand out-the dog had pooped-right in her pocket-and she said it happens more often than youd think-GROSS!
Jon is not feeling well today. Very whiney and needy-darn it. He didnt eat but 2 bites of dinner last night and kept saying his tummy was full-but he has been just laying around, which isnt like him. So...I hope it passes quickly. I hate to see any of the kids not feeling well. Darrel has a field trip today for his AG class-your never gonna guess where he is going-they are going to a farm-and they are going to put their hands up a cows who-ha to feel the baby-???? When I went on field trips as an 8th grader-I went to museums, amusement parks, the zoo....never to a farm to do that. Poor kid. Told him to pack an extra outfit-JUST in case~
**Tammy V.-Im sorry to hear about your tests. We will all pray for you. I dont think it will affect your intitial visit with Dr. H, he may want to make sure that they take care of everything before scheduling any surgery tho-but they will-dont get discouraged. There is power of prayer-and we will pray for you. I also have that same song for my girls. It just describes to a T how I feel about them and whenever I hear that song, it brings tears to my eyes. Im sorry your son is moving-I will pray that they have a smooth move-and that everything goes good for them. Please know your in my thoughts. **Bobbie Jo-you may be doing the booty dance-but I am famous for my baby circle dance-and I am doing that for you!! Keep up the good work. I know the liquid diet is so very hard-but its ALL WORTH it!!! Keep your eyes on the prize and know that everyone here is pulling for you-and if you need us-throw a post up-and we are here for you. Who is your angel? **Rebecca-CONGRATS on the weight loss-good for you. I am doing my dance for you too!!! I dont think your lazy-maybe your body is just tired right now-and thats okay, we all go through that. On the being emotional-YES, it happened to me-and I asked my surgeon about it-and she said that fat stores hormones and when you start losing that much weight, ecspically that quickly-it will throw your hormones out of wack. Its normal, honey-just hang it there-it WILL level out and you will be fine. They did tell us that a lot of people will start to suffer from depression after surgery-so if you find yourself feeling depressed/sad etc-you may want to bring that up to your surgeon or PCP....Love you and I will call you soon. **Brenda-Oh, Im so happy for you and the shirt. That is sooo wonderful. I know Dennis IS happy for you too-just maybe he feels a little sad that he wants to be that healthy too. Know in his heart that he is happy for you. Your doing terrific and I think that you look great the way you are. Now, if we could just get you out of pain-how great would that be? I was very sorry to read about Sydney-but maybe its for the best since it was so very stressful for you guys. You have so much going on with everything-she will wake up one day and realize how very lucky she is to have you and Dennis-you know? When do you go in for your foot surgery? Let us know so that we can all say prayers for you. Where will you be having the surgery at? Oh-Yummy-LOVE corn on the cob-ecspically the sweet stuff. Have only had it twice this year. We have a whole pasture full of it-and by the time I went to pick it-because of the heat wave we had-it was dried up-(frowning)....glad you had a good experience with it. I cant wait to see you again. I look forward to it-and please always remember how much we ALL love you!!! **Nutti-I will definitely bring the kids by-to your house or where? They love stuff like that-and I had already planned on bringing them to the spook house this year. Dont forget that I have some clothes for you. Also-I would love the opportunity when you get some time-to have you show me how to tie-dye. I love tie-dye and I would love someone to show me who knows how to do it-your stuff looks so neat-so when you get some time, would love to do that. Thanks for the tips yesterday you gave me, I appreciate it and good luck on the cake-your like a jack of all trades, arent you? You have more talent in your pinky finger than I do my whole body!! Take pics so we can see how it turned out. Hope she has a wonderful b-day. **Deb D-sorry to hear about your windshield. I will pray that things slow down for you soon. I know its a drag when its just one thing after another. Congrats on the clothes AND being so close to goal-however, you looked so great-I dont know where you could lose any more weight-you gotta get a new pic up there-because even though I saw you a couple months back-I would have NEVER guessed that was you. Keep up the good work-you look awesome!~! **Bev B-Im so sorry to hear about your back! Darn it!! That sure wasnt much time now, was it? Maybe after the WLS, it will feel somewhat better. We will keep you in our prayers and I hope you have a good weekend and can get some relief from your pain. **Bev-I hope that you feel better soon. Know that we will be praying for you. **Mel-sorry about the news you got yesterday on your back. Quit copying me!! There are just SOME things we dont HAVE TO SHARE-and health problems are one of them. Crap-if you put us together, you couldnt make one complete healthy person anymore-whats up with that? I will be there for you. I wish I could go through it for you. Im sorry. You know I keep you in my prayers and I love you. Take care and hopefully, we can get together soon. I hope it doesnt get too cold so we can get our camping trip out of the way. Love you. **Lana-are you going somewhere this weekend? I hope that you have a good weekend and I love you. Take care! Well, I hope all of you has a wonderful and safe weekend. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Good afternoon my Missouri Family.... Well another week of work is about to come to a close for me....yippee....I am so exhausted....my husband went to the doctor yesterday and was put on a whole bunch of medications for an upper respiratory infection and would u believe he had a reaction to one of his medication last night and had to miss work today....
Well don't have much planned for this weekend except cleaning out Sissy's closet and taking all her small clothing to a trade in shop and get her some 2T pants....I can't believe she is already in a 2T... Just a short note to say hello...sorry family... God bless Rachael Have a safe weekend everyone....