Wow what a thread this was yesterday. I guess that was a can of worms and then some.
I don’t think I can began to respond to as many post as there was so I think I will just let it lie and say that so many people posted with their hearts and soles and did such a great job of writing that I cant begin to do justice to all of it . I do know that anyone that gets on here and post and put their hearts into it will be treated well and hopefully they will find a friendly place that they can feel safe at to express their feelings and even vent when they feel the need without getting flamed or scolded.
There wasn’t any one person that I was pointing out or anything yesterday and like Claudette said about some of the mail she gets they have fake names and fake profiles or empty profiles. So most of the time it is done by someone that is wanting to start something . This thread was started by me before I ever even had surgery over a year ago just because this board was pretty dead and I wanted to get some life in it , well it sounds like there is lots of life here now everyone give each other a hug and lets go on to make lots more friends.
Yesterday I went to see the Plastic Surgeon for a consult. Dr. Hawes. He works for Ferrell Duncan group in
He was very very professional but a very nice man and was very conservative in his treatment of me. I did have to have pictures made but those were done by his nurse in another room and it wasn’t really embarrassing , well not too much anyway.
I checked into the price of having the arms done and it will be 4800.00 that is the price of the doctor and the hospital together. And has to be paid up front before the surgery.
So I may just have the tummy tuck done first and then later when I have the money saved go have the arms done.
Yesterday while we were in town we also went to the Honda Gold wing dealer and checked out the price of a gold wing trike !!!!!YIKES!!!!!37,000.00 dollars….yeah that is right thirty seven thousand can you imagine????Maybe we will win the lottery. Like that is going to happen.
Nutti: Lana drinks those bullets, contact her on here and see if she will save those tubes for you. Glad you all had a good birthday party for your daughter.
SHEILA:::: HEY wait a minute back up here girl….MARRIED ??? your getting married in when ? to who? How come? Where at ? why? Lol
Didn’t know anything about this. Or am I that senile?????
LANA: good to see you this morning and to get your umbrella back to you, now you wont melt if it rains. Did you get to the tailors?
Sure will miss you on the 24th but have fun ….
LORI: thanks for the comments. We all love you too and we are glad that you post even tho you don’t live in MO. Keep up the good work. I think when we start getting too close and things are going really good the devil loves to stick his nose in where he isnt wanted. Lol…
BOBBY JO: now it is only 8 more days till surgery. It really is going by fast for me how about you??lol . just think how much faster you are going to be able to run after all of those kids.
TAMMY; we really did miss you at the reunion girl. Sure wish you could have been there. Sorry to hear about your nephew. Maybe there is a bright side to it if you can look that far. I know it isnt easy to see it but sometimes it can be a stopping spot for a person that might be headed the wrong way for the rest of their life. Will pray for your nephew and for your sister that she has peace about all of this.
So you are baby sitting now. Oh wow that isnt an easy way to make a living that is for sure.
Smoking !that is a hard one but is something that really needs to be dealt with. The only way I quit was just laid them down and said that is it and then lots and lots of prayer.
I had tried for years to cut down and it never worked for me.
JANET: good grief are you ever going to slow down. Hopefully you will have a great garage sale …is that this week end or next?
Hope Mike gets a deer. Joe goes hunting all the time but he never winds up with one. I tell him he does a really good job of supporting the conservation office. He buys deer tags, turkey tags, fishing and hunting lic. Etc etc and he doesn’t get much back for his contributions lol.
I hope we heard something about Melissas doctors appointment that she had today.
Am anxious to find out what they found out.
SUSAN: no never was in that group that was a clique, I always seemed to be on the outsided looking in. lol doesn’t matter to me I think it made me stronger and more able to understand others feelings today. Now I know that a lot of that was me, not others, and my self confidence…and that is something that you have to give yourself , it isnt something that others can give you. I know what that struggle is. Hang in there.
BEV: wow to actually have a car almost paid off. And you did that . Im glad that you are waiting till you are on the road to recover to make that decision. Because what you wont now might not be what you want then. You will be able to get a better paying job, and be able to work more hours. The sky is the limit for someone your age. Go for it girl
LAYLA: We love you too girl. And if the opportunity every appears that you can get to
BEVERLY B: Im so sorry to hear about your back hurting again. I have found out that the people that the nerve ablation works on is the ones that their pain comes from the facets in their spine. Did they test you to see if it would work? They test by doing a block on the facets then if it works they go in and burn the nerve to the facet. Now what ever all of that is is beyond me lol.
We feel like you are a friend too and it doesn’t matter that we haven’t met face to face that is for sure.
CLAUDETTE: Thanks for everything. Thanks for being the leader of the COF group , and thanks for all of the words of wisdom you say on here. Thanks.
BARBARA: love you girl and it was so nice to talk to you at the reunion. Loved it.
CONNIE: will you be at the COF meeting on the 24th or will you be in

Hello everybody, Sorry it's been a while since I posted. I have been lurking while I recover. Things got kinda heated over the last couple days so I thought I better check in. Well, As of yesterday I am 2 weeks post op. I don't go back to see the Dr until the 25th so I used the scale at the gym as my weigh in scale this week. It is the closest to the scale at the Dr. I had to get off and get back on again cause it read 275.5. That is another 6 lbs.,that is 12.5 total since surgery . 31.5 since start of liquid diet. Whoo Hoo. I am so excited. I wasn't sure I would get that much loss cause I kinda started the soft food stage a few days early and have read that week people slow down a bit. I have had very little problems since surgery. Everything I have tried has stayed down and I have done well. I had a mini problem with some mashed taters. They were kinda dry so I added some low fat sour cream, well the pouchy didn't like it that day. I had about 3 bites and could tell I didn't even like the taste. I got kinda nausious, then went to the bathroom where it went right through me, also got a little dizzy while in there. but it lasted just a couple minutes and I was fine. Other then that everything else has worked. As for exercising, I have been just lazy. Last week I played the dance game 3 or 4 days, but this week I have been so tired I only went to the gym yesterday. I did 35 min on the eyliptical but at a much slower pace then I usually do. I was happy to finish. I know I really need to get a little bit of exercise in everyday, but I am just lazy. LOL I have to say though the worst part of this right now is the mood swings. I will cry over the stupidest things. For example, last night I wanted to shower after the gym. Well, we had rented a movie that was due back and so we popped it in. Well by the time it was over it was 10:00 and past time for bed. I was so tired and my sleep meds were kicking in I just started crying cause I didn't get my shower in. That is so not like me, at all. My husband decided I "needed" a shower and stayed in the bathroom while I took it. I think he was worried I fall asleep in there cause of my sleeping pill kicking in. Anyway, is this from the surgery? Depression? Any ideas from the people I know who had surgery a few weeks before me? Well, It is absolutely beautiful this morning and I am glad the heat wave is over. Fall is my favorite season. I like it when it is not to hot and not to cold. I love the color changes and everything smells so crisp and clean. Reminds me of home in Iowa. As for yesterday's drama, I can see both sides of the coin. I have felt more love and support from this group then I have felt from some of my family. On the the other hand. I posted a few times and it will get 110 views and only 2 repsonces. Depending on how the emotions are running that day, That could make a person wonder if what they had to say wasn't important. So I for one will try harder not lurk as much and post to as many as I can. Even if it is a "thumbs up way to go". As I am finding out the last few weeks, emotions can be deceiving when they are off kilter.And many of us are newbies so they are way off klter. I want to make sure I do what I can to be as supportive to others as people have been to me. Well, I hope everyone has a good day. I will be posting again soon. Love ya all,

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ Good Morning....Wow-this weather the past 3 days has been AWESOME.....that makes me soooo happy. I wish that my back and knees would hold out as long as my energy does-LOL....We have so much to do to get ready for the sale-and I just want to be done with it and get it over with....Scratch it off my long list of stuff to do before winter hits... I just want to say that Jan-you said it in a nutshell. We all love and care for everyone who wants to post here. I feel like I know everyone I talk to-if even for a bit. I miss people when they arent here, and I always find myself wondering how they are doing and praying that they are okay. I didnt mean to sound so harsh, but I felt like we were being attacked, if you will-for being daily posters and knowing one another. My computer is so slow getting into threads individually-that I rarely go into individual posts, unless I have spare time on my hands-which hasnt been a whole lot lately.
Megan didnt make it out yesterday-but I am excited about the reason why. She took some kind of testing at school-and she scored above average in 3 areas-and they were all areas which would be for a PHD or MD....so-they asked her to come in and speak to them immediately, so that they may still have a chance to get her in some additional classes this semester-isnt that wonderful? She was like-Mom, I dont know, thats 6 more years of schooling...to which I replied-Megan, you will only be 27 and you can be a doctor? Come on-the money would be well worth it and you would be wonderful-go for it, girl-you can do it and Mike and I will help you and Aaron out in any way that we can!! How proud I was-and the thought of "my" daughter being a doctor thrills me....YAY-of course, I will let you know what she decides. We finally got most of the lawn mowed, however, Mikes dad did 90% of it, he was probably afraid to let us touch the mower again, since every time we used one there for a week or so-they broke. I offered, but he said no, he would just fini**** Hint Hint. Maybe I should have broken it earlier in the year-LOL...No, just kidding-it really doesnt bother me to get on the rider and mow-because I was always too fat to ride it before-wouldnt fit. Now-I love it and I am always trying to mow extra and down the driveway and etc. At least it looks nice again. Just need to do the dog pen now and between the pen and the pool. Dad didnt have the nerve to go in the dog pen, I dont blame him-I wouldnt either, if they werent my dogs. LOL... Well, Mel went to the surgeons office yesterday. YOUR NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS CRAP-he told her that the cat scan showed an infection inside around her belly button and the dumb A$$ put her on her FOURTH round of antibiotics. Now, I am NO doctor, BUT-when you are on the strongest antibiotics for 21 days straight (IV therapy she went to hospital for every day for 3 weeks) I know that the least effective antibiotics are not gonna work. Thats like taking percocet for pain, and then having someone give you darvocet-its not gonna work. I know she still has that abscess-of course, he isnt going to admit it-he was the surgeon who was suppose to take care of it. He also said that they got the hernia and masses out of there, but the pain is still the same as it always was-and the hernia showed up on a test a week after she was out of the hospital....Did they or didnt they? They all keep just pushing her off to another doctor. I told her to switch hospitals and go to St. Johns since Freemans isnt doing what they are suppose to do. Incompetent doctors. She also got back her MRI report on her back yesterday. She has some major problems-just like me. Seems like she has all the same issues except for the cysts on my spine and the pinched siatic (sp?) nerve. Poor thing. Now, at least-we KNOW and the doctors know, that something IS wrong with her back as well. Its not her imagination AND its not from her ovaries and female stuff going on. She goes in to see the ortho surgeon today-however, he doesnt do back surgeries anymore-so not sure what he will do for her. I know she needs to heal before she has another surgery, thats for sure. ~~Please say some prayers for Mel, for some doctor, ANY doctor-to get her fixed and back on track~ Thanks so much. Today I need to finish washing bedding and such and get some things marked for the sale. Im thinking its gonna be next weekend-will see. Sometime this month, but not 2 days from now, not ready yet. Next weekend should be good-IF the weather stays this nice-we should be able to sell everything!! YAY. I have A LOT of furniture and things from storage to get rid of, and then some race car beds with the mattresses-so I think we will make some money. Money is good. LOL...Christmas is right around the corner-and I have to buy things little by little-so I need to start now, since I only have a couple of things. None of the big stuff yet. We may draw names for the adults-we have talked about it. Guess I better talk to the rest of the adults and see what they think. Sure would be cheaper than trying to purchase for everyone. Not sure if my parents will come since Megan and Aaron will definitely be here-so everything is still up in the air. I know we want Mel and Terry here-and since Aaron thinks of them as his parents-we just have to see where and when and what plans everyone has with their other sides of their families. **Jan-glad your appt went well and you liked him. WOW-that seems like a lot of money to have 2 arms done, doesnt it? I guess its not too bad since that includes hospital and all that. Is that including anesthesiology as well? Thats a day surg, correct? (the arms, that is) I know the tummy tuck is at least overnite, right? Up in Columbia, it was 3 days stay. Had you ever checked to see if Dr. Price took medicare? I liked him alot. Just wondered. You will be close enough for us to come and see you at the hospital!!! How was Sugar? How come they didnt go to the reunion? Is she okay? Im glad Joes sister is ok. Will keep praying for her speedy recovery. I hope she sails right there and NO cancer! Wow-that trike cost more than my first house-LOL...They sure are nice, though-arent they? We always see them for sale here and there. Maybe I will have to start stopping and getting numbers for you-or do you have to have a brand new one? Mel and Terry want one too. I have been thinking about letting Mike get one again-but only cause I can ride on it now too-LOL...a trike would be cool-but not sure that will ever be in my budget.. Its nice to have dreams though. Maybe one day when all the kids are grown up-moved out and on their own, married and such-out of college and all that. Maybe we wont have all those expenses and we can afford it, right? Thanks so much for the offer to get the pictures for me. I already have the scrap book and some cool paper for it. One with boats and fish and all that-vacation type paper. My mom gave me the book and we are going to make it for the Corbett adventures. Wish we could have had someone take pics of us on the go-karts, but we were all riding them. Maybe next time. Anyway, let me know how much they are-so I can make sure and bring enough money to pay for them, ok? Poor Joe-I will say a prayer that he gets something this year. Mike got a nice size buck first off last year and then a doe. We had some really good jerky and back straps. He never got a turkey though and I was looking forward to having it for Thanksgiving!! Maybe this year. We have a doe and fawn out here coming through in the morning AND night-but Mike wont hunt on our property and he wont shoot a mamma with her baby. I know some others would-but he wont. Im glad. The babies are so darn cute-I just want to go out and pet them....... **Bev-Im so sorry to hear that your back is hurting already. Man, that doesnt give me much hope. Will see, I guess. Wish there was a better answer. Glad that your psych eval went good and sounds like the paperwork will be timely-wouldnt that be awesome to have the rest of the testing done by your next appt? Its possible, isnt it? I will keep you in my prayers. Good luck, honey and know that I am thinking of you all the time and praying for you as well. **Mel-girl, please take it easy....I hope Dr. E can help you out today. Im so sorry you have to go through this. Please call me AS SOON as you leave his office. I had to reschedule my appt with him today. Hopefully I will get in the end of the month. Keeping my fingers crossed and I would get down on my knees to pray-but they hurt so bad right now. LOL....Love ya. **Susan-We had not posted on the board about you leaving early Sunday or the events that led up to that, but since you opened up about it on the board, I wanted to clarify a couple of things.....First of all-you were NEVER left out of anything. The ONLY time I did anything without you-I did it without Mel too-which was Saturday morning when I went to Walmart to get my prescriptions and then Saturday night when I went to Branson with all my older kids. Mike had told me he would watch the boys while I went and since I NEVER get the opportunity to do anything with my older kids all together-I jumped at the chance to hang out with them. Im sorry that you felt that we left you out-or that I left you out-but that just isnt the case-there was not ONE thing that Mel and I ran off and did together, without you until Sunday when you were leaving. On Friday, you and your family went into Branson with us-and after the 2nd store, you came in and said you guys were leaving, it wasnt really your thing. I didnt get mad-we totally understood-but we werent finished with the things we wanted to do yet-so we chose to continue our day our own way. I did ride with you-not Mel, all the way down to Branson too, didnt I? That IS because I dont get to see you as often, and Mel was understanding of that.
I have to say that I was very hurt by the things that you said to me, and the accusations you made to me. I understand that things happen in life that can make us upset or play tricks on our minds, but I guess I thought that we were better friends than you not being honest about your health or issues going on with/in your life. Mel has issues-still-and had them while we were in Branson and so do I....did it ruin our vacation? No-it is what it is-and we deal with it-and pray about it, but all in all, friends are there for each other whether life is peachy or hunky dory. Holy crap, if I could ONLY have friends when life is smooth-I wouldnt have many friends during the year-ya know?
I think if you would stop and re-think the weekend, you would realize that WHEN I had something on my mind-pleasant or otherwise-I spoke it to you, didnt I? I can think of a few instances where I said what was on my mind.....I am not one to mince words or carry it around and bottle it up. Id rather deal with it and be done with it. I did that. More than once. On Sunday, when you and Rory were on the jet skis-we had talked to BOTH of the girls about going into Branson sometime that day. In fact, Steve was out on the deck when Randi asked me if we were going to Branson Landing-and I said, I dont know, why? and she said, and I quote " Because I want to go-and my mom doesnt want to go to Branson Landing today" and I said-well, we have to wait for her to get back and talk about it. Thats it. Period-and you know everything else. Did I roll my eyes at Mel when you were talking? NO...IF I was gonna look at anyone and roll my eyes-I would have looked AT YOU...I didnt. When you made the comment about not being invited-I really didnt pay any attention, because you had snapped at me earlier about not talking to me-even though you were looking right at me-so I just sat there and kept my mouth shut. I wasnt going to say anything else.
I really wasnt expecting-or wouldnt have ever guessed, in a million years-what was going to happen when I came downstairs to give you a hug goodbye. There are very few people in this world that have ever hurt me the way you did. Terry had overheard the whole thing-I guess everyone else was outside and he couldnt believe it either. We were left scratching our heads and wondering what the hell happened to get to that point. If you remember up in the kitchen, I DID ask what or why you were going home and you said because you were sick-I did say-Im sorry. I figured that IF something else was on your mind, you would talk to me. I had 3 family members waiting to go to town because they had to leave in the afternoon to get ready to go back to work, so its not that I didnt care-I knew you had been sick since you got to my house on Weds-so I had no reason to 2nd guess you-and then when you and Randi werent getting along-you would have that same look on your face-so I just figured that it was something like that. If you will stop and think about the sunglasses incident in the kitchen on Friday-and the onion thing-you will know, without a doubt-that sometimes, unfortunately, I have to be TOLD to put the net up-so I catch on. Anyone who knows me, knows that sometimes I just dont get it. Im not a mind reader. I did feel uneasy-but didnt know why. Im very sorry that this happened. Im sorry that you didnt trust your loved ones enough to let them in and maybe let them give you moral support, and that you feel like you have to keep things to yourself. If you dont deal with your issues-Im afraid of what its going to do to your health. Can I forgive you? Yes, I can. I do have to say though, that its gonna take me some time to deal with it and get over it. I hope you will be honest with your hubby and your family though and work on those issues, for yourself, first. Im sorry that it ever happened, I really am....and I do hope and wish ONLY good things for you AND your family. Well, I am getting off here. Have laundry to do and have to go to the feed store and get the heifers, I mean dogs-some food and get the bunny some bedding. I hope everyone has a good day. All my love and prayers. Janet

~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334