Follow up with the Dr.
Post Date: 9/12/07 2:30 pm Well I went in for my follow up (13 days post op) and things are looking good for me! 8.5 lost forever! That is the first time in 3 years that much weight has been lost around my medicines for my pituitary tumor and my diabetes. I started my menstrual cycle or it would have been 3-4 more pounds I believe, however I am focusing on the positive. It will come. I wanted it to be at least 10. Also, my diabetes readings were about 250-280 even with insulin (45 ccs 2 X a day). Since surgery I have not had a blood sugar over 176 and most days with no insulin. I am still testing how much I need each day and working toward it being good with no medicine. I just checked it and it was 121-amazing! The struggles have been hard but so worth it! Yeah I can eat mashed potatoes tonight! Bret Renee Nelson |
Bret Renee Nelson