Seems like I have been running non-stop since I got home!
It was great to meet you all in Branson! Had my camera in the car but forgot it so I didn't take any pics. Owners of the resort would not let the kids use the bathroom so I really do not have nice thoughts about that when a 3 year old needs to go potty and they would not let him.
It was fantastic to be with my Grandkids and the Butterfly Palace was great. I had missed being with them since April and really needed to have that Grandchild fix. Have had a bit of a problem getting in my required protein & fluid but will keep on trying.
was great to meet you at the reunion, shame you couldnt have stayed longer. and sorry about the potty situation you should have said something to one of us we would have been glad to let you all use a bathroom in one of our cottages.
you have to make yourself push the protein and fluid when you first start and still today at one year out if i dont pay attention i wont get it all in in a day that i am suppose to,.It is a different lifestyle and has to be a concentrated effort ....if any of us can be of any help let me know. you have the tool it is up to you to use it. Jan