my mistake, lesson for other banders
My birthdays are usually always crappy...and yesterday was no different. At least it wasn't another national disaster this time though! But, when I got home from work, I decided to take on a new challenge for walking and since it was a new route, took my cell phone. I will never do that again..halfway around, I get the call. My aunt is in the hospital (which I knew but she was okay the last I checked) and has taken a turn for the worse. It is just a matter of time now before she is gone.
Since it was going to be a bit before the rest of the family made it to town, I finished my walk (first time for 2 miles and with big HILLS! woohoo) and got back to the house for enough time to show and grab a protein shake on the way out the door.
Around 9pm, I started to get really hungry and nothing to eat. When I got home at 10:30, someone had their left over chinese in the fridge. I grabbed a crab ragoon, and two pieces of chicken. Old habits die hard and this is the lesson! NO MATTER HOW HUNGRY YOU ARE CHEW!!!!! I ate part of the ragoon, and one piece of chicken and started to not feel so hot. Mouth started watering and into the bathroom I went...after about 2 minutes, it all came back up. I know it has to be that I just ate too fast as I was hungry and that is what old habits wolf your food down. Needless to say, I wasn't hungry after that. This wasn't just slimming either, it was all the way vomiting. This is the first time this has happened to me, I usually do a good job with chewing and have never slimed, almost did but didn't. It was not a pleasant feeling and I don't want to do it again.
So, no matter your emotional state, hunger state, etc....MAKE SURE YOU CHEW!!!!! My lesson for others, learn from my mistake!

I'm sorry about your aunt - my thoughts & prayers are with you.
Sorry too, about your bad episode. But as always, am glad to hear your experiences!