Tammy H.
on 9/12/07 2:05 am - Holcomb, MO

Howdy Yall... WOW....been reading posts about the reunion...It sounds like you all had a wonderful time!!!  Went and looked at Jans pics on her page..everyone is looking great... and wow was that a super total of weight lost or what!!! Does anyone else have pics posted on their page???? Love to see more of them! I thought about all of yall all weekend....Sorry the rain put a bit of damper on things but it sounds like yall done great at just picking things up and going on! Hopefully thing will be going better around my place next year so that I can make it...I wanted so badly to see all of yall and meet the others I had not met yet!

Well I had my 3 month appt yesterday! Things went great and I really liked the new doc! I told him that people were already talking about him on here and his face got red lmbo! He said gosh your making me blush lol. I told him so far it had all been good and he ask me about the website cause he had never heard of it. So I told him what it was and to drop in anytime. Then when I was leaving I told him that if I caught any really good stuff I would print it out for him and bring it back in December....He just turned red again and shook his head.........I am almost 120lbs down now and he said I was doing fantastic!!! I was on cloud nine!!! But I got crappy news on my stomach issues....But he was wonderful about it ....He is pretty sure I have an ulcer on the staple line of my new stomach....And is probably from smoking!!! He told me he would never harp about it but he did want to tell me that he thought I had come too far and done to great to let smoking mess up what I had done! He explained to me that if the ulcer gets bad enough to cause a hole to the other stomach then I would leak over into it and not get full as fast and stop loosing weight...He said he would hate to see that after all I had done...SOOOOOOOO...Looks like I need to tackle the dang smoking thing again!!!!!.......Getting the surgery and loosing what I have just so far has been so fantastic and I never want to go back to not being able to get around and all.....So I have made a pack with myself to try and be smoke free by the time I go back in Dec!.....So if you guys have any helpful hints to make it any easier or to help with keeping yourself smoke free once you do quit...Id love to hear them....

Well my sister is back in NC and my son is back home...He only got to work one week and they had to lay some of the guys off....He was really aggervated over it...He had made such an effort to get out there then he had to wait 3 weeks to finally go to work and then one week and he got laid off....So he is going to try and find work here closer to home....Not sure yet if he will go back once things pick up out there or not....

The girls mother is still here...She will be going back to Texas Sunday....So far it's been pretty good and the girls have loved getting to spend time with her....Her and I have had lots of time to talk and she is tickled to death that I had the long talk with her awhile back and made her realize the B she had been being...She done alot of thinking and realized she needed to change her ways and that has led to her and Christina patching things up after almost 8 years of fighting and not talking....Christina has been on cloud nine these past few weeks! So it has all been worth it to see her sooooo happy!....They are even planing on moving back to Missouri after the first of the year so she can be closer to the girls and spend more time with them....

And I thought I had posted about it but who knows with the way my brain has been functioning lately!!! Yes my youngest step daughter came back home...She was gone for about 9 days and decided she had really messed up...I didnt make it easy for her to come back and put down my foot on the rules and etc but she was tickled to get to come back home....She is a teenager so it still wont be a picnic but Im sure we will manage!

Id like to ask you all to pray for my nephew Jimmy...The judge he got was a real but wipe.....He found him guilty of break his probation even though he was in jail at the time and they gave him 7 years in the state pen!!! If all goes well with the time he served in the county jail and only serving 2 mo on a year he should get to get out around March or April!!! I thought I was going to have to admit my sister to the psyc ward! Then she had to make the decision to be here so she could go see him for visits or go back and help her pregnant daughter with the other two kids while she works.....My neice refuses to move back near here and my sister couldn't stand to be away from the kids so she decided to go back....So I guess I will be the one making trips to go see Jim.....Im not sure what I would have done if it had been my situation but I hate knowing Jim is sooo upset and is feeling like she run out on him!

Well I need to get...Ada will be going to work in a few hours and I have several things to do...And I took on a few other kids to babyset for extra cash, so I know if I don't get it done now I wont have time this afternoon with 3 little ones lol lol....

Love yuns all....Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 9/12/07 3:02 am - Diamond, MO
Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ Wow-the weather is just perfect. I cannot wait to get to go through the garage and get the rest of the stuff out of storage and get our sale done! With weather this nice-there wont be many excuses not to get out and come and buy all our stuff-LOL. Megan and Aaron came over last night. We BBQd some burgers, had some beans and chips and then Megan tried on clothes till she thought her arms and legs were gonna fall off. Her tummy is still hurting from the slide-and Mel, Megan and I have "battle wounds"-looks like we got beat up we have so many bruises from it-would I do it again? In a heart beat. Yes, I know I have a bad back, bad knees and so on-BUT.....I have ALWAYS been a prisoner to my weight-and when given the chance-even if I may have a couple of days of pain-I am gonna do it. Its not gonna be too much longer, and I just wont be able to do things-so I am going to enjoy my life to the fullest while I can!!!  Ok-got off track. Megan took away 2 bags of dress clothes for work. We are going to go looking for some nice work shoes that are dressy and wont hurt her feet. She is the supervisor and so she needs to have a "professional" attire-but it sure is hard to find shoes that LOOK professional, but are comfy-isnt it? Heels are out-she is on her feet ALL day long, so she doesnt do heels. She is coming out today to do some laundry and then we are headed to town to get pet supplies and some special hunters soap for Mike. He gets to go hunting Saturday morning since he has a disability permit due to his shoulder, neck and back-he can only hunt with a crossbow. He is pretty excited-and I am glad he finally gets to start-LOL....Just hope he does like last year and gets one right away to get that initial "itch" over with. Besides-we all love the deer jerky-Mike and I make it constantly-and we make up some for Mel and Terry and our other family members as well-its 10 times better than the stuff at the store-and we can make it much, much cheaper than what you can get it at the butchers for. After we go to the store, we are going to see my mom-havent seen her since Steph came back home. I have some clothes for her......Whatever she doesnt like OR cant wear-some are going to my ex sister in law who has an organization that helps under priviledged women with work attire while they are trying to get back on their feet and so on-so I am donating some to her non profit organization!!! That makes me feel good. Than I have some for other WLS pts-like Jans friend, Renee. I will bring them to the group with me. I think the weekend after we have the sale, we are going to go on our camping trip up to Stockton Lake. They have a covered dock area, and boat rentals-and Mike and I always get our limit up there and the kids always catch keepers too-so we are really looking forward to it. We are going to stock the deep freeze with the fish so we can have them through the winter as well! YAY. Im very anxious about Mels Dr. Appt today-and scared all at the same time. I wish they would just hurry up and get off their rears and get her fixed. This is sooooo crazy. I hate that she is going through this and that none of the docs that ARE in that field are fixing her-but the doc that isnt-he could-you know? Please everyone, take a moment to say a prayer for Mel and that the docs WILL find out whats wrong with this infection AND FIX it once and for all and without surgical intervention. She just cant do another surgery right now. We had not been together that much in literally months and months-and I still felt like we didnt get much time-LOL....the time we did get to spend together-ecspically on Sunday-was the best day I have had in years and years!!! I had ALL my kids with me, my SIL, my soul mate and my soul sister-who in the world could ask for anything more? We all love each other so much and we all know how important family is. Sunday made me realize how truly lucky and blessed I am. I mean-I always knew that I had a wonderful family and I have always felt lucky-but I really really felt blessed when I looked at my kids and SIL and my hubby and Mel-I know that there is NOTHING missing in my life- I couldnt ask for one more thing. Sure, I could always use more money-but I know a lot of people who have a lot more money than I do-and they dont have a 10th of the happiness I have right here in this house!!! I really havent felt this peaceful and content in a long long time-so for me, the trip was more than just the reunion. It was so hard to see Mel and the boys so sad about coming back. I know that every time I saw them crying, it would bring tears to my eyes! So-we are gonna just have to do it more often now-now that we can get around much better, dont need oxygen or wheelchairs or hospital beds-we can go a couple of times next summer and just relax and have fun..... *****Thank you all very much for the compliments about the reunion-I didnt do anything that any of you cant do too-you know? Now, the hard part is over with-since we now have a location that works and WILL work with us for all of our needs and desires-and wont require additional deposits, and will still accomodate us with keeping the pool open if close enough to Labor Day weekend etc-I will really have to think about it for next year.....which brings up something that was talked about on the whats happening thread just today by Jan...I, too-received several e-mails several different times by people basically getting upset with me for different reasons regarding the reunion. You may have thought at times that I was coming off brassy about some of the things I said-but I was getting a little irritated by people chewing my rear about everything you can imagine. I explained myself over and over again. I saved ALL the numbers and names of places I contacted in Lake of the Ozarks-no one (that "I" called anyway) could accomodate everything we wanted FOR A PRICE we COULD AFFORD....period. When people would email me and tell me to call this place or why didnt we go there-I did tell them THEY were MORE than welcome to call (or call again If I had already clld them) and IF it was something that could accomodate WHAT we wanted for a price we could ALL afford-then I was all for it-and I would NOT be offended. No one wanted to do that part of it. Then after it was all planned, I started getting emails about people telling me that they didnt want to drive that far and that they didnt want people drinking beer or drinking period and so on-to which I said-I guess you better just stay home then, because I wasnt there to babysit or tell people they cant have a beer or whatever. That wasnt my job and since we didnt rent out the whole resort-I couldnt control it. No offense taken with me. I had to let things roll off my back and move on-but there was a lot of B.S. I am MORE than happy to help anyone any way that I can. Will see-its a long ways off from right now......I am glad that we had a chance to get together though and I did have a lot of fun being with everyone and getting a chance to talk, share recipes and stories and meet Julia and Barbara and then see the changes with Deb and the ones we dont get to see at group when I get to go. It was fun meeting your loved ones as well-it was a yucky day out-but we adapted really well and I was happy with the outcome. Wish we could have done our campfire and outdoor games, but hopefully next year the weather will be more accomodating to us-right? Ok-which brings me to the subject for the day-Jan...you asked what us posters here felt about the emails you received-well-Im kind of confused as to WHY someone would think that-when we have several faithful posters WHO DONT go to our group and who dont even live by us? I dont understand WHY they are emailing YOU and not posting their concerns right here where WE ALL POST.....????? Like YOU have control over ALL OF US? NOT!!!! When I post about seeing all of you-its no different in what I post when I dont see all of you. I post about my kids- I post about my WOW moments, I post about daily activities-and it has nothing to do with attending a grou*****t. When I started posting here over a yr ago-I hadnt met ANY of you. I met Sherr at our seminar-NOT group......I then met Mel, but NOT at group....then I went to group. I dont treat ANY of you any different-its just that we have something in common-I didnt realize that was a crime-because we are ALL HERE BECAUSE WE HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON-for crying out loud.  I TOTALLY agree with what Claudette said-Come on, people-we are NOT in high school anymore-and if you have to email Jan to gripe about it-than maybe you should find another board to post to-there are several here-MO board IS NOT THE ONLY ONE ON OH!!!! I feel offended that there are some people who are that petty to whine about that, when they dont put themselves out there and give us a chance to accept and be their friends, you know? I have several people I have NEVER met face to face that I send cards or letters or even packages to-Krissy, Chante, Rebecca, Becky, Deb M, and several others. Am I going to "feel bad" because I LOVE my group I attend AND most of the people WHO ATTEND IT? NO IM NOT....and I KNOW I can pretty much speak for the rest of the people I know well too-it is what it is-but we sure as heck DONT sit and ignore OR neglect people just because they live further away OR have other limitations. Both Bevs-Brenda, Tammy H, Tammy V, Susan, Sherr, both Cindys, Andrew, Tony, Trudy, Nutti-a lot of people dont live close-AND dont get to the meetings every month and we love them, treat them like friends/family AND want the best for them. If someone chooses NOT to post-then thats THEIR CHOICE-but if they want US faithful posters to act like we dont know one another or want us to be different than we are now-than Im sorry to say-we dont need that turmoil and mind games-I, for one, am not going to feel bad that I have all of you as additional family, whether I have met you face to face or not. I, for one, WILL NOT apologize for loving you guys and for the difference you made in my life. I will say though-that it IRRITATES THE CRAP out of me, that people like Craig and like Claudette ARE NOT FAITHFUL posters because people PM or email them personally and are hurtful to them. If you have nothing better to do-maybe you need to work on yourself-NOT pick away at us. We have lived with that B.S. for years and years and years-most of us, and I personally am not gonna stop doing what makes me feel good. IM NOT SORRY about it either. So-whether or not you attend the COF group-I love ya anyway, but my COF peeps ARE MY FAMILY-NOT A CLIQUE and I AM NOT SORRY I KNOW AND LOVE THEM......Get off your soap box and be a part of it-OR LEAVE JAN ALONE-SHE doesnt CONTROL US! Ok-Im off my soapbox too-Jan, I dont think you should give those people a second thought. This shouldnt be an issue-and Im sorry, but I feel like they have too much time on their hands if they are going to be that obnoxious about what they said to you-someone griping that we act too loving towards one another? I can think of a whole lot better things to ***** about than people loving one another, thats for sure. For those who post on this thread-Ive already seen posts from several people who DONT attend our group-I dont think they feel left out or unloved-do you Bev and Rachael????? Im gonna get going before I say something I regret. Love you all, have a good day and will see ya tomorrow. Love and prayers, Janet
(deactivated member)
on 9/12/07 3:23 am - MO
Barbara S.
on 9/12/07 3:33 am - Freeman, MO
AMEN! Now lets but it to bed please.
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

(deactivated member)
on 9/12/07 3:58 am - MO
on 9/12/07 4:38 am - Diamond, MO
Dear Fearless Leader, Like I have told you before-and I know others have as well-there are a lot of us who like your posts and enjoy reading or hearing what you have to say-I believe that your group is living proof of that, right? So, just like Layla just posted-dont let one person rob all the rest of us of the good-because thats what happens and you do have a lot of experience and knowledge to offer. Trust me, I know its frustrating, and several times I wanted to quit-but you know what? If it makes a difference to just one person, than I feel better-so-let me just say that you make a difference to a lot of people. Love ya.....Janet
(deactivated member)
on 9/12/07 4:44 am - MO
on 9/12/07 4:25 am - Diamond, MO
Dear Barbara, I understand you may be frustrated-BUT....Please dont forget that Jan asked ALL the posters what we thought-and so we all have the right to say our peace and what we believe, and until everyone who wants or chooses to say their peace-its not going to be put to rest. Just because someone before me posted maybe close to how I feel, doesnt mean I cant or wont come in and post how "I" feel about it. Its not as if we have been posting about it for a couple of days straight and wont let it go....cut everyone some slack and let them say whats on their minds-
(deactivated member)
on 9/12/07 4:27 am - MO
Barbara S.
on 9/12/07 6:44 am - Freeman, MO
I meant no harm from saying "put it to bed". So many times, on the main board, I have seen things go on for days, and hate to see this happen here. One of the main reasons I don't post much is that people take things the wrong way. I don't always type what I am thinking properly. I love you all and don't want any hard feelings. Please don't take what I posted the wrong way!!!! Of course, everyone should post what they want too. I am bad about not wanting any fussing. We do have a special bond that no one who hasn't went through what we have can and ever will understand. We need to uphold everyone and respect each other.    
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

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