
How Dr. Edwards explained it is that he doesn't expect you to loose any weight your first six weeks, rather, just heal. If you do, it is a bonus and yippee! It is after you start getting fills that they expect you to start loosing weight. I lost my first couple of weeks then stopped. The last two weeks, I just maintained. I will weigh this Friday to see if I have dropped from my fill.
So, don't worry about it, just heal, relax and if you loose great. The other thing to think about is I don't know if you were walking before surgery but if you were not, some of it could be muscle replacing fat, you may be loosing inches but not actual scale weight. With Dr. Edwards, we see an exercise consultant every so many weeks and she measures and does a BMI check which is good as it lets you know where you are at. She compairs your fat loss to muscle loss. This was good as when I first started, my goal weight was impossible for me to reach as I had 190 pounds of muscle...if I was to have just lost fat, I would have NEVER reached my goal weight.(I would have also looked like a body builder! LOL) So, I am having to loose muscle and fat but she is monitoring my loss to make sure it is okay.
If your doctor has a way to refer you for one of these, I would do so, if not, I can get you the info to my lady at St. Johns and you can inquire as to how much an appointment would be. If you think about it though, us overweight people do weights every day just by getting up, it takes some muscle to lift all this extra baggage.