Bobbie Smith
on 9/12/07 1:19 am - Ashland, MO
Thank you so much!

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 9/11/07 2:52 am - SAINT ROBERT, MO
Hello Missouri..... It is a wonderful day in the neighborhood.....NOT....I have been at work since 430am and will not get home until around 4pm this evening....It's busy again and one of the two clerks we had left this week...her last day was suppose to be this Friday but she decided to take a week vacation so that means I will be working major overtime until we get a new clerk hired...the overtime is looking nice but it starts to wear on me. I am going next week to an orientation with an agency to do Flu shot clinics on the weekends...wanting to get some things paid off like my truck and get Christmas done.....so from here on out I will be a very busy beaver.... The kids are both doing fine and so is my DH......football for Dalton is going great and he is really liking it so far this season...his first game is on the 22nd....suppose to have practice tonight but it is really muddy here so I don't know if he will practice or not....Jaiden she is just her devilish little self....I think everyone needs a 19 month old in their life when they are almost 40 years old....I can definitely say that she is keeping me young....and as active as she is I am surprised I am not taking off the rest of my weight....with the way she has me running after her all the time... It sounds like everyone had a wonderful time at the reunion, wish I could have been there but I had some other obligations that I could not get out of.  I promise, I really do that I will make it to a meeting soon....Today, I need to ask for prayer for my nephew....he is having surgery today...they are waiting for to take him back to do the surgery..he is having his tonsils out, adnoids and tubes placed in his ears.  Will give a little update when I hear from them about his outcome.... Well I better go so I can finish my piece of chicken I got for lunch and get some more computer work completed... Know this all my Missouri family, you are all always in my prayers.... God bless to each and everyone of you and your families.... Rachael
on 9/11/07 3:13 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH peeps!  It's Tuesday and it was a little chilly out this morning so I wore sweat pants today.   I am so glad that those of you who went to the reunion had a good time dispite the rain.  Glad you all made it back safely.  Jan I saw your pics that you posted they are great could sure tell you all had a blast!  I'm hoping that I can go next year sure wish that place you all stayed at would allow pets!!!!! I went to water aerobics last night with Debbie.  Didn't like the evening class as well as I do the morning class but it was ok at least we got a good workout.  I really enjoy the class and miss it when we don't go. One of my puppies (Romeo) isn't feeling well today he threw up this morning.  I hope he isn't getting sick again I'm just now paying off his last emergency vet bill I don't want another.  I will keep him off food today and start him on a special diet that my vet recommends for tummy upset tomorrow.  I didn't want to come to work today cause my baby was sick! My dad is coming to town on  the 24th so I have to get prepared for that.  He is only going to be here over night so I'm trying to get that day off from work so far I have 1/2 that day covered still trying to find someone to cover the other 1/2 of my shift.   I can't believe it only 35 more days before I have my first appt. with Dr. H.  I am getting nervous and I don't know why really?  I just want everything to work out and no surprises.  I hope he doesn't say we can't do surgery cause of all my stomach issues I have been having recently?  I don't know I'm just nervous and anxious and I know those feelings will only intensify the closer it gets to appt. time.   Well, the Applefest in Weston MO. is coming up Oct. 6-7th we go every year however my niece told me that she called about picking apples in the orchard and I guess the apples didn't do well this year so they don't have as many as they usually do?  I hope they still have the Festival?  I like going to fall festivals. Ok, I have to go now and get some work done.  Take care everyone and have a Great Tuesday!

on 9/11/07 2:26 pm - Kirksville, MO

Hey Jan and Missouri family,         So glad you all had a great time at the reunion. Sorry I couldn't make it. Next time! I should be well on my way to a healthier life by then.

        I go tomorrow at 9:45a to see the heart Dr. in Moberly. So hopefully I will have some answers tomorrow night about what's wrong with me and if I can proceed with my surgery. I don't co untilOct. 15th to get fitted or whatever they do  for the CPAP machine. Seems a long time to wait if it's something that I need. You'd think they would get it done right away. But that's ok, I don't want to use it anyway.

        My son's work is trying to get him to stay so they are having a meeting with him yomorrow to offer him more money to stay here. I hope so much that he does. I just can't stand the thought of them going away. I'll let you know what happens.          My DH and I are moving. We found a house out in the country here in Kirksville. We both grew up living in the country and we both love it out there. It's a three bedroom, not sure what we will do with all the room but two of the bedrooms are upstairs so we will probally just use them for storage cause I don't do stairs well. And the best part is that it is $105.00 cheaper a month than what we pay now !           Gotta Go, Take Care All, Tammy V.

My journey to live life to the fullest!!!


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