You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334
Hey Jan and Missouri family, So glad you all had a great time at the reunion. Sorry I couldn't make it. Next time! I should be well on my way to a healthier life by then.
I go tomorrow at 9:45a to see the heart Dr. in Moberly. So hopefully I will have some answers tomorrow night about what's wrong with me and if I can proceed with my surgery. I don't co untilOct. 15th to get fitted or whatever they do for the CPAP machine. Seems a long time to wait if it's something that I need. You'd think they would get it done right away. But that's ok, I don't want to use it anyway.
My son's work is trying to get him to stay so they are having a meeting with him yomorrow to offer him more money to stay here. I hope so much that he does. I just can't stand the thought of them going away. I'll let you know what happens. My DH and I are moving. We found a house out in the country here in Kirksville. We both grew up living in the country and we both love it out there. It's a three bedroom, not sure what we will do with all the room but two of the bedrooms are upstairs so we will probally just use them for storage cause I don't do stairs well. And the best part is that it is $105.00 cheaper a month than what we pay now ! Gotta Go, Take Care All, Tammy V.