Rain and more rain again and again, wow…at least we don’t have to worry about being too dry , nope not at all. I really love it it is sort of like we are storing up lots of water and rain for the future. But sometimes it is a little hard to take isnt it?
I had to go into work today to get my paycheck and I had no more walked in the door than they wanted me to work lol. The DON said if I would just stay and work 3 or 4 hours she would be very appreciative so what did I do , of course you know what I did, I worked lol . I got all the paper work done and I left …so worked about 4 hours.
I did tell her that I would work a couple of more days the rest of this month so instead of 4 days the rest of this month I have 7 days now. I told Joe that it really wasn’t hard on me and with it getting colder weather soon that I wont have as much to do outside again so I might as well make money. I promised him that if it started getting too much for me I would cut back again.
Had a busy day, went to general dollar store, family dollar store, drugstore, hardware store, then worked four hours , stopped at the bank and put my check into night deposit, oh yeah before I went over to work to get my check I stopped at the appliance store and bought a new refriderator for the trailer. They had a special on one that I needed for only 400.00 quite a deal. Lots better than doing the rent to own. About half price.
Called my daughter this evening on the way home and ordered some things from avon from her. She is thrilled about doing that as she is getting into it really well.
Hope springs eternal in mothers hearts don’t you know. We all hope and pray that our children will be and do well and all we really want for and from them is for them to be at peace and have some happiness in their lives. The ones that were there this past week end know to what I am referring too but all other mothers can and will know that also.
NUTTI: wow love the new picture. That is too cool. I hope that you make it on the 24th and wear those jeans. Lol they look really good . It is very very easy to get to the Library. .You can drive in
Yeah I wish we lived closer I would come to your haunted yard, sounds like fun.
How do you pronounce your daughters name? I have never seen that name before.
Is it Ca- tronia? Nice.
LANA: will deliver your umbrella to you on Wednesday when I see you ok? Glad I thought to get it for you.
Yeah I think I will buy me a small pressure cooker too. Maybe I can get some meat eaten with one of them. It makes it really nice and moist and soft doesn’t it?
Yeah I think that sounds like a good idea too about us renting that so we would have all of that to meet in . to have our meal in anyway. Then if it is raining we wont have a problem at all . even tho we had no problems anyway. Lol.
BARBARA: LOL yeah we sure all got wet didn’t we? But that is ok as far as I know none of us melted, not even a little bit.
SHEILA: sure wish you would have come on down by yourself, Joe and I had an extra bedroom that wasn’t being used and would have shared with you.
Sorry about your back , hope it is better or getting that way anyway.
Hope to see you on the 24th.
BOBBY JO: glad that you are doing well on the liquid diet, the more protein shakes you drink the less hungry you will feel . hang in there 10 more days. Yea!!!! You can do it, yes you can. Sorry to hear about your sons friends mother. That is sad for children to lose their mother, that is for sure.
Don’t know how you keep up with all your kids but what ever and what all you do now, just think about how much easier it will be to do all of that at about half your present weight. Wow they will have to tie rocks on you to keep you down.
COLETTE: im really sorry that more people didn’t post while I was gone but there were lots of people that did look I saw.
Barbara brought her lap top and we were going to all post and tell you hi but it wouldn’t work in the cottage and it was raining way too hard to take it outside to be able to use it.
We had picnic tables behind each cottage but we were afraid that it might rain on us with it so we didn’t try posting…..
JONADA1::::; hey welcome to the board. So glad to have you and hope you stay around. You have one of the very best surgeons there is lol of course that is what I think .
Do you have an appointment to see him yet? You will be on the losers bench before long so just hang in there. Keep coming back for the support , there are lots of awesome people on here.
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ WOW-I need a vacation to recoup from the 4 days in Branson!! LOL....So much to unpack and laundry etc-I felt like all I did for a week was pack, load stuff, clean, clean, clean-pack to come home, unload, unpack and then clean, clean, clean!! I ran out of energy before I got everything unpacked, thats for sure! I loved seeing everyone. Wish the rain would have held off at least until we were all done eating-but it didnt seem to dampen anyones spirits! I wish we would have had an "Alice" (the maid/cook etc from Brady Brunch) with us so that she could have done the cleaning and cooking for Mel, Susan and I. We had fun seeing everyone guess the answers for the Guess Who game!! Wish we would have been able to play all the games and that the kids would have been able to do their outdoors stuff. Thanks to Julia and Barbara for the kid prizes, Thanks to Susan and Mel for the candy/fruit snacks in the pinata and Thanks to Susan for the pinata! Thanks to Lana and Jan for the adult prizes-we all ended up with extra prizes due to a lot of people not showing up-so that was a perk-LOL....Thanks to those who helped move all the food etc to the cabin when it rained-and Thanks to those who helped with the set up and then helped us clean up when we were done. We appreciated those who helped us (Mel, Susan and I). I have a ton of laundry to do today and I am going to "try" and get some lawn care done-as soon as Mikes parents bring up the "one" riding lawn mower that finally got fixed yesterday afternoon!!! Another week and you wont even see my place from the road! So-we started the weed eating and mowed some with one push mower from Grandma last night-but it hurt Mikes and my back and shoulders, so we decided to wait until we got the rider today to finish.
Mel and I had 2 WOW moments on Sunday....We went into Branson before Mike, Megan and Aaron headed out-they had to leave early so that Aaron could get home before work Sunday-We went and had decided we might either do the bumper boats OR the go-karts. Would have liked to have done them both, but man-thats pretty expensive, So we decided on the go-karts. Mel and I got to ride them-it was AWESOME!!!! I could never do them before because of my weight/size-and neither could Mel-and while we were standing there waiting in line-I found myself looking at the people riding by-and still thinking - I will just die if I dont fit and I am told I have to leave!! So-we got in-I put the adjustments on the biggest setting there was-and I had to tighten it over half way!!! YAY!! I even went up the 3rd story circle without freaking out about the heights (stayed in the inside lane, however-LOL) We had a blast-Mike and Jon won the race tho-I think their 2 seater cart had a hemi motor in it-because we never even saw them-in fact, they got ready to lap us at one point!!! We had one ticket left-so Mike and Jon got to ride on the bumper boats too-and the rest of us got to squirt them with the squirters on the platform....then Mike took us all to the ice cream shop and bought us funnel cakes and ice cream, where Aaron and Mel were our entertainment with their singing of the old tunes and dancing-Aaron got 2 free refills on his drink because he was so entertaining and the employees told him so! Everyone in the place was laughing at the fun we were all having. Geez-that felt so good to just cut loose and have fun!! I wish life could be like that every single day!!! When we got back to the cabin-the kids wanted to go to the pool, so we headed over there-they were going down that slide (circlular one-in Jans profile there is a picture of it) Well, Mel had decided she was going to go down-and so I had to as well-LOL...something else to cross off the list~~OK-so we went down and when Mel came down, she looked like she was flying-and that she just saw a brick wall and knew she was gonna hit it. I think I wet my pants!! Stephanie, Megan and Jon went down as much as we did-but, for Mel and I-it marked a place in our lives we have never been at before!! We went down head first, on our backs-we went down head first on our fronts-however-my "girls" came out of my suit AND bra I was wearing-and so everyone got a "free" show!~ Then, at one point-Megan was climbing up the ladder of the pool-and her bottoms of her suit-went completely down!!! Wouldnt you know it tho-I was at the top of the slide waiting to come down, so I didnt get to see her moon everyone! We got pictures of everyone coming down~Will post them later~ Jon caught his very first fish ALL BY HIMSELF. All the other times, we have helped him either cast his line OR reel them in, this time, he did his own casting AND reeling it in!~ Must have been his new "Cars" pole daddy got him since we couldnt find his other one. We found out the night before we left, that someone had stolen some fishing stuff off our porch OUT HERE!!! Dang-nothing is safe anymore! Anyhow-when they took Mikes poles, we figure that they must have grabbed Jons Dora pole as well, so we had to get him a new one. When we left yesterday-Jon was sitting in the back seat with big old crocodile tears rolling down his face! He didnt want to come home. He was having too much fun. Sunday night, I had gone over to the playground with him and Darrel while everyone else was in the hot tub-and we played about 5 games of horseshoes (plastic of course) we played 2 games of bowling, I pushed them on the tire swing, and then we played in the boat they had there and the treehouse. He had a blast. We played over there until it was dark-and then went and ate dinner. The boys didnt go to sleep until about 11:30 and then Mel and I stayed up until about 1:45-and then I couldnt sleep at all. I ended up on the lazy boy chair due to Jon kicking me in the back all night long and he even had Darrel on the nightstand at one point-and it was a king size bed!!! I figured it out-and I averaged about 3.5-4 hrs of sleep for 5 nights straight-due to excitement and so on. I was getting up between 5-5:30 every morning to sit out on the deck that was screened in and jus****ch the sun come up-most of the time someone else was up too tho, so we had a lot of good conversation and some catch up time. Hated to see that part of it end. **Jan-Would there be a chance I could talk you into making some copies of those pictures you have on your profile? I brought my camera, but the memory card was fried and so I only got 2 picture of the whole day and it was of the kids all playing in the livingroom. Mel doesnt have the same pics you have. Did you take pictures downstairs when the kids were doing the pinata? If so-can I get some of those too? We have a scrapbook and I would love to have those for the scrapbook....I will pay whatever the cost is for the copies. Thanks. I am so happy to hear about Joes sister and will continue to pray for her for a fast recovery. It was so nice to sit and talk to you and Joe without being on a timeline-LOL....Hope to see you in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the prizes and thanks for the seeds for Jon. I know he was really happy with them-just gets a little shy sometimes and everything was so new to him or he would have talked your ears off!! **Lana-thanks for the bag of goodies. Thanks for the prizes-you made everyones day-everything was so cute!!! I have my scarecrow girl right on the ledge of my computer area...she is adorable! My kids were all amazed that you knew all of them by name-and didnt have to wait for an introduction. They all loved you to peices. Wish you wouldnt have had to leave early! I wi**** wouldnt have been raining so that we could have had that ride in Wini~My husband thought you were pretty cool! I really liked your shirt too. We had intended on making ours too-but ran out of time! Im glad we got to give you your b-day card and presents in person. I hope you had a good day and Mel and I will have to get together with you some weekend and do our lunch and thrift shopping. Let us know when, ok? Thanks for helping out. Love ya. **Barbara, Julia and Deb-girls-its time to get new pics up in the Avatar!! You guys dont even come close to looking like that anymore. If Mel and Susan wouldnt have told me you were there already-I would have NEVER guessed it was you guys-so come on now-get the new pics up and show everyone your changes-its amazing!! It was so good to meet you, Barbara and Julia-and Deb, it was good to see you again!!! Thanks for the prizes Barbara and Julia, and your granddaughters were so pleasant and polite-it was a pure joy to meet them!!! For all those who didnt make it-we missed ya-soooo much! It was a lot of work moving the food and all that, but the guys were amazing for putting up and prepping our stuff-Terry, Mike, Rory, Steve-all you guys-thanks!! And thanks to everyone who moved it all in the back of Steves truck-thank God he had a cover on his truck bed, huh?
Cheiko (who runs the resort) said everyone left their cabins in GREAT shape-not trashed (sometimes that happens she said) and she was VERY PLEASED with our group and said that we are all welcome back ANY TIME....I know for me and my family-we will continue to go back time and time again, because we just enjoy their resort and hospitality a lot. Cheiko enjoyed the before pictures Mel and I showed her. She had wanted to speak to me, because one of my g-friends that actually told me about the resort (years back) had done her family reunions there every single year for about 10 years and Cheiko didnt see her this past July-well, thats because Valerie passed away in January. So-it was nothing to do with our group-she did say someone did call and tell her it was a reunion-but due to all of us making our own reservations and such-she didnt think twice about it. **Susan-thanks for letting Megan and Stephanie play on the jet skis. I was praying the whole time that they didnt crash or break anything on them. They have bruises, but-I guess it was worth the battle wounds. Thanks for the dress clothes for Megan as well. She needed them desperately since she is supervisor and doesnt have a lot in the dressy department. **Mel (and Terry)-Thanks for taking the extra vehicle so that me and my family could all get there and back. Thanks for the Uhaul. I guess we were packing for way more than 4 days-but then again....we did all have so much food and such for our cabin AND the reunion-not sure now that everything would have fit had you not rented one! I appreciate everything. I wish I knew how to repay you guys-and I am glad that you enjoyed the resort and hot tub time. Thanks for the good memories we made and the laughs at the ice cream parlor....cant wait for next time, thats for sure. Maybe one of us will win the lottery and we can just permanently live on the water and be relaxed.....its good to dream once in awhile. Good luck at the doctors today and tomorrow. I wish I could go, but then again-am afraid to-too!~If you smack the doctor-maybe they will allow me to come in and visit? LOL.....I love you girl, and cant wait to do it again~!
Well, Im getting off here, have more laundry to do-and have more cleaning to get done. Megan and Aaron are coming over for dinner and Megan has a contractor bag of dress clothes to try on from Susan and then 1/2 of my closet of clothes. I hope it all fits her so that she will have some nice things to wear to her job. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and a good rest of the week. Its kind of sad not to wake up feeling like I did the past 4 days, but I certainly look forward to doing it all again. All my love and prayers. Janet

Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.