on 9/8/07 10:03 pm - Concordia, MO

Well, I am not as early as Jan, as I just got up a few minutes ago.  Oh my go****hought, I had better get the post done for all the early birds.   Hope everyone has a great day today.  I am not planning much except going to church this morning. and relaxing the rest of the day.    Nutti - so very happy your children are going to be very close again..  That will indeed be an inspiration to take walks.  We have 6 children and they all live across the states with the closest 2 1/2 hours away.  We dont get to see them often and we miss them a lot. So I know you are really looking forward to seeing them.   Bobbie - Hang in there on that liquid diet - I hope you are eating sugar free popsicles, I ate them and still do when I am hungry.  I only had to be on liquid diet for one day when I had surgery but had to follow a bland diet for one week before - nothing high in fat.  Just remember they want you to be in tip top shape and that is why the doc is requiring it.  I will keep both you and Nutti in my prayers. Lana - wow- thanks for writing us as soon as you got back.  It is too bad you had the rain.  But I know that all of you are adaptable and so you just moved it.  Sounds like the food was great, and I know the fun had to be the best.We did not have any rain here yesterday even though it looked like rain almost all day .  That was good for the festival which our town had.  I stayed home all day and did some needed housecleaning.   Well, we know the ones in Branson had a good time.  And they will be back to write about it tonite or tomorrow.  Lana, that was some weight loss with 11 people.  Take care and I want to thank those of you who posted  to the weekend anchor.  Your regular host will be back soon. Have a great day, and God Bless!!!  Colette

Bobbie Smith
on 9/9/07 3:19 am - Ashland, MO
Thank you Colette for doing the post for Jan each day she has been gone out partying!!!!! HEHEHE I truly hope they all had a great time and safe trips back home and all... Today is better so far...two weeks is a long time but I will make it and all just gotta keep my head up and my eyes open to make sure I dont stumble to many times along the way still no cheating although there have been tempting times but I will make it......just finished playing guitar hero with my daughters and have plans on a walk with the kids for about an hour later we have a development across from us that takes an hour to get from one end back around to ourhouse and I told them they have to walk with me today to see who can last longer lol what a way to make them exercise too!!!...... We are planning a game of baseball later we play 3 against 4 with the 4 yr old being the 4th one he doesnt get the whole stop on the base thing and continues to run in circles lol but he is a heck of a hitter.....then we have a hot challenge of frisbee.... I am continually on the go with this bunch of hoodlums that I call my children! We have a 2 1/2 acre lake on our land so we are going fishing aftr is cools down this evening.... then it will be a game of basketball... THEN i can rest lol other then that you guys all have a great day and evening

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 9/9/07 9:51 am

Helloooo Missouri Board   yesterday was good. I enjoyed the day by working with my flowers I am making and putting a few arrangements up on E-Bay.  I had an awesome WOW moment. I bought a pair of jeans from Catherines around mothers day and I got them on! and I wore them for about 2 hours. but still have some more loosing before they are my first choice to wear! I also had Catriona take a photo. I also had on a shirt my aunt had given me which is a 4x I cried.  it was wonderful to see some results.  I weighed today at support group and have only lost 2 lbs since last month...but was reminded that we loose inches sometimes without loosing pounds. but I recently upped my protien and my excersize. so maybe the pounds will start comming off again....I feel like it is to early to be stalled or is it?    Today was support group in Rogers and our guest speaker was a plastic surgeon and that was VERY informative. especially since I will definatly be having some at some point.   tomorrow Im taking the kid to the Dr. and Tuesday is her Birthday. 16....Im so glad its her and not me. Have a great rest of the day MO nutti






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