Another newbie question!
I had lap band and I am on full liquids only. I have just been trying to get anything in the house I may need before I need it. Based on the posts I have read, it is bad to try to work something stuck through. I am trying to do all the right things. Thanks for your reply and your help!
Bret Renee Nelson
Bret -
If you go up to the top of the OH page where their is a search box and type in 'meat tenderizer' and then click on the OH above the box so that it searches just OH and not the default Web you'll see everyone's posts on this subject.
There are some out there that say its dangerous to do it, but others swear by it.
We all like to think that we'll be smart enough not to swallow something that hasn't been chewed sufficiently but I have heard some stories about something as simple as the outer layer of a pinto bean in refried beans plugging the stoma. And myself, only being 4 weeks out myself admit that I've had a recent instance where I was talking and eating at the same time - not paying attention (doh!) and swallowed too early. Luckily it was something pretty soft but I still had a 2 sec reminder that I'd better stop gabbing and just eat.
Keep in mind having something stuck in your stomach isn't like having something closing off your airway. You may be able to resolve it with just time, some ho****er or worst case a trip to the doctor.
Take care.
Tammy C.
RNY 8/8/7

RNY 8/8/7