PreOp Class 9/12
Hi Everyone, sorry I dont get to post much. Everyone on here is so helpful and nice. I am soooo EXCITED only 8 days until my class and will get my surgery date...WAAAHOOOOO I am sooooo ready. I was just wandering if anyone can give me a quick rundown of how the day will go that day. It is from 8-830 to ??? YEAHHHH I am just so happy it is finally getting closer. Hopefully the date will be equally as close.
Thanks again to everyone.
Hi Kenna,
My pre-op class is Oct.24 th. but Patsy just told me yesterday what happens at the class. From 8:00 to noon you see a nutritionist / dietician,noon to 1 pm (there abouts) it's lunch break then after lunch you have an EKG,talk to a nurse and then the doctor.You should be done she said about 4:30 to 5:00 pm. That's pretty much what I remembered she said. Have fun at your class and let us know when your surgery date is.

Hi Kenna! I had my pre-op June 28th I think. I was lucky to know my surgery date was August 6th prior to the class. You listen to a talk by the nutritionist, the nurse (if you are going to Columbia class, your nurse will be Natalie, who has been through the RNY) and a dr. I had your dr assisting mine in my surgery, so I felt in GREAT hands! Anyway, after the class, I went to UM Hospital where I spoke with two or three nurses, who all went over basically the same questions it seemed. Then came the EKG and then a blood test by a man with VERY LITTLE sense of humor. Guess that is MY problem, as I like to make people laugh and make their day! (The receptionists I had to keep returning to enjoyed me coming back, as I was joking with them!) Anyway, I also pre-registered, which took about 5 minutes, and I was done! The day or surgery was a snap for me. I told the gas doc to make sure I was OUT before they strapped me on the table, or I would have a panic attack and embarrass myself. He said 'no problem' and I guess he meant it, as I never saw the OR. Last thing I remembered was pre-op and waking up in recovery to the sounds of beeping of monitors! I know well your excitement! It is wonderful to have a new life to look forward to, huh? Best of luck to you, my dear! You will be in my prayers. LaNeta
Thanks so much for the responses.
I think that is pretty well what I caught when Nancy called to set up the appt. I am soooo excited. You are right I am ready to start my new life only 6 more days until my appt. waahoooo atleast then I will have a date and can start the count down to rebirth I am sooooo ready. (i hope the man with little sense of humor is off that day lol) Thanks again.

RNY on 01/06/15
Hi, i havent been on the board very much, but have the same dr and am waiting to hear back anytime for when this last appointment will be for me too.. I just wanted to wish you luck,,please let me know how it goes, i really hope they get my surgery in this year.. I really really want to get this behind me and i am sure you do too. nice to meet you