

Jan C.
on 9/4/07 1:35 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Wow went to town today and got the food I am bringing to the Reunion . I will cook it Saturday morning in the Cabin. I am bringing desserts Pies for the regular folks and making a dessert for the wls people.

We are waiting till we get to Harter house there in West Branson to get what Joe wants to cook on the grill. I will just eat some bites of what is on the potluck and if not enough protein will do one of my shakes. Don’t know if they have blenders in the cabins so I am taking mine lol. I love my strawberry protein shakes and cant do with out them anymore.

I use frozen strawberries in them and they are thick and good.

Ask Tammy she loved it.

Im really bummed out that she isnt going to be there. What is going on Tammy?


Well we have been having rain today. Felt so good. As much as we need the rain, I hope it doesn’t rain at the resort on Saturday. IF the temps stay what they have been being maybe everyone needs to bring a light jacket for Sat night.


I have a big box sitting in the corner of the kitchen that I am putting stuff in to bring that doesn’t have to be refrigerated. I just keep putting stuff in there lol. Joe wants to know what and who we are feeding for the two days we will be there. Lol


Tomorrow I have to take my granddaughter and the two great grandbabies to the doctors for checkups. Shots too I think. Don’t envy mama with two babies having shots . Told her to take the childrens tylenol with her.


Thursday afternoon Joe has an appointment with his doctor at the pain clinic in Branson about possiblely getting the nerve ablation done to his back . the shots didn’t help him any so maybe this will work for him.

I know last year at this time I would have wanted to have it done too but since I have lost so much weight my back doesn’t really hurt me at all. My knees are the only real pain I have anymore. Twinges and aches here and there but not constant pain. That is so irritating and can cause depression .


If you all would please keep Joes sister , Joyce in your prayers Friday morning she is having surgery to remove a cyst thing out of her brain , they wont know until the surgery whether it is cancer or not but it is pressing against her optic nerve and she has lost almost all of her sight out of her right eye. They don’t know if that will return after surgery or not. Thanks so much everyone.



JULIA: hey cant wait to see you girl again. was so good to see you back in the summer. Be sure and bring pictures of you before so everyone can see how much you have lost since surgery.

You sound as excited as everyone else is about the Reunion . I wish more could come but maybe next year they will be there.


Good on your guest that you are bringing. This may help him decide to have the surgery. Seeing all of us that have had such good luck with it.

That is so sad about Bob, I cant believe he is having so much trouble. What has it been 2 weeks since his surgery?




COLETTE: have fun posting for me Saturday and Sunday. Will be interesting to read all about what went on while we were gone. And when we get back I will post pictures that I take on my profile. For all to see.

Yes we have 3 tube feeders and have dialysis patients also. There are 125 rooms in the home I think , the best I can count. They aren’t all full because as you know they fluctuate in being full or what ever.

I am really likeing working this time because I am refusing to let it get to me. I think it has to do with the fact that I know I can say bye and not worry about it?

Yes I love the elderly too although there is getting to be less of a line between me and them all the time. Have several patients that are younger than I am. Lol

Sure wish you could have come to the Reunion , maybe next year.



BARBARA: I know what you mean about being excited for Friday. It is going to be fun I know, especially with some of the people that are going to be there. Yes it is like family getting together after being apart for a long long time.

Yes you are right unless you can see from where someone came it is hard to appreciate what they have accomplished.



JANET: lol you will come home to your house and have to call out the jungle man to help you find it in all the weeds and stuff that will be around it.

I am axious to see the pictures you all took the night of the meeting. Not of the one she took of my butt but all the others. Lol

I bet the one of you pole dancing is really cute cause you looked darling when she was taking it lol


What size shirts are you wearing now?  It gets flustrating sometimes when you don’t have anything doesn’t it. But I cant complain right now I have several t shirts and jeans and pants. I even have a start on my winter stuff already. Some of it is tight but I am hoping that I can wear it by this winter.


I bet the pool pump does more for the elect bill being high than anything , you think? I know that is an awfully big bill to have to come up with. I don’t envy you any at all.


Oh wow I am so glad that Steph stood up to that idot. GOOD FOR YOU STEPH> Way to go girl. You became a woman that knows how she wants to be treated and knows you don’t have to settle for that crap.


So Mike is getting to come after all huh? That is great. Cant wait to meet all of your family. Feel like I know they already just haven’t seen them face to face.

LANA: It is the OH site doesn’t have anything to do with you being wrong or right. I think they have way too much on the pages anymore. All the flashing signs and stuff only make the computers not do right.

Doesn’t it make you smile when someone says you are tiny or little or small . It has been forever since I was called that. It was hard for me to get my mind around at first but I am beginning to see it , are you? Except when looking at myself nude then I don’t see little at all. all I see is loose flab . sometimes I think it looks worse than the fat did. But even know what it looks like now I will still take it over all the misery I suffered when I was fat.


If no one else is up at the resort at 8:30 I will be and will have some coffee going plus will be up cooking for the potluck later in the day. Lol….Cabin # 1 I think it is. Ok?


See you Saturday.



BEV: sure wish you could be there with us Saturday. Sorry you are having so much stomach problems. Hope you find out what it is soon.


LOL I can just see your two cute fur babies in their outfits you bought them. Yes you have to put their pictures on your profile. We would all love to see them I know.

Not so sure most of the time that having fur babies are a lot less heartache than having real babies . Just enjoy them as I know you do. They can give you lots of unconditional love that is for sure.


Yeah it is almost a 31/2 hour drive from here to Sedalia but it was well worth going that far for Dr. H. wouldn’t trade him for any Doctor I have ever met.



CRAIG; yeah I sure wish you could be here at the Reunion this week end. I know your brother thanks God that he has you to care for him. Shouldn’t he be getting better now? I sure hope so.

When do you start school? Did you for sure decide on what school?

I know you will be happy to get rid of the excess skin , you will probably be a lot closer to goal weight when you get all of that off you know?

I have an appointment in Springfield with Dr. Hawes on the 12th for consult. Cant wait.

God bless you and you are always in my prayers.








Barbara S.
on 9/4/07 2:14 pm - Freeman, MO
Hey Jan; I too keep finding things to bring. We may have to arrive in a u-haul! I'm in Cabin #2 next to you and I'll have Coffee too. We get up early so it may be a race for the Coffee. hehe.... Guess what! I was reading my flyer on the resort and they do have wireless internet. I have a laptop if you need it. I could bring it if you want. I'll be doing my cooking on Saturday as well. It's not getting here fast enough and I'll bet it will go by too fast.
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

Tammy H.
on 9/4/07 2:42 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Everyone... Haven't been on much so I thought I should get on and at least say howdy... Been pretty busy. Which is good for the most...Been having some issues with depression...Life sure sucks at times! But I did enjoy Sunday and Monday... I went to a family reunion for my dads side of the family Sunday...My dad died when I was four and I haven't seen alot of the family in probably 25 years...We had a ball...We had tons of food, visited, took pics and then when part of the gang cleared out we did some kareoke (sp)...My cousin Tracy and I hadn't sang together since we were teens...We blowed them away!!!!!!  I even got a few requests afterwards! Thinking I might have to have me one of them singing machines for myself now lmbo! Then Monday we BBQed for labor day and added birthday cake to celibrate Christinas & Heatherlyns BD while their mother was here...Im sure we will do something when it really comes around but I though it would be cool to have something while she was here to share it with them... Turned out to be a really good day as well.... I haven't been up to doing the prayer post lately...Haven't even really been online either...but I do have an unspoken prayer request for myself if yall don't mind....And if any of you that get on here daily would like to take up doing the prayer post, please feel free to do so...I like doing it and don't mind doing it but I'm not always able to get on daily.... Jan...Got your message...Thank you soooo much...You are such a sweetheart!!! I about cried when I read it...  It's too depressing to go into it all so Id rather not do it just now...Im sure things will start looking better sooner or later...Just not always easy to wait and not easy to eccept when things go crappy when you least want or need it to.... Janet, Mel, Susan....Don't have alot to say but wanted to make sure I said a big ole howdy to all of you!!! I hope yall have a great time and will be looking forward to seeing all the pics you guys take!!!!  For all of the others going to the reunion...I hope you all have a wonderful time...Please be safe while you are traveling!!!  Hope things are going well for all of you that have had surgery recently and for those of you who are having surgery anytime soon... God Bless you each of you... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Julia D.
on 9/4/07 2:54 pm - Sedalia, MO
Hi all, Major count down now!!!! Till the reunion.  I had my brother do some work on my car today. I thought it needed plugs, wires, oil change and new fuel filter but lucked out. It did not need plugs and only had to have one wire replaced. My brother did say he can't believe it was still running as bad as the fuel filter was. I haven't started putting things in a box yet but I have a mile long list I need to shrinkI will probally wait till I get closer to buy the fresh stuff to fix to eat.I am so burned out on grilled and BBQ that I would rather do liquids againBut I will survive. I will try to be there by 9pm Friday or sooner if possible. So Barb save me a cup of coffee Saturday Will see you guys soon I hope.Julia
on 9/5/07 12:27 am - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ Baby circles, Baby circles.....YAY..Susan will be here today and then tomorrow-all of us head to Branson!! YAY!! Trust me, I know all about needing a u-haul!! More like a moving van~LOL. I am bringing all the kids and Mikes stuff with me, even though Mike and Steph wont be joining us until Friday evening-this way they dont have to try and pack it all in that sardine can they are bringing down (Megans little sporty car)....Depending on what happens with the couple that are suppose to be coming with Meg and Aaron-they will either ride with Heather and Jason OR they will wait for Mike to get off work and drive down, the 4 of them in that car (God help them if they all have to cram into that little thing-LOL)....They are all tall, except Megan and then 3 are larger sized-so thats gonna be a sight! I spent all day yesterday getting things together, prizes, worksheets-getting my notebook organized as to who is bringing what, prize wise and all of that. Dont want to be disorganized. I got Jonathan all packed, most of my things and a lot of Darrels. Today I will finish ALL the packing. I even have the clothes set out already on what we are wearing down there. I sent a last minute email to the owner of the resort (Cheiko) and asked about the volleyball and horseshoes etc-to see if all the acc were there or if we needed to bring them, what time the pool and hot tub closed and the boat docking facility etc-when she responded-she said that she needed to talk to me upon check in. Not sure what thats all about.....I hope its not bad. Anyway-when Megan called to rent her cabin-Cheiko asked her if she was with the Weight Loss Surgery reunion! Megan told her no, but my mom has had the surgery. I dont know who would have told them that-I made sure it was on EVERY POST-NOT to say the word reunion!!!! Most of the time, reunions require more deposits etc-and not all of us are coming for the same time frame etc-and we didnt rent out the whole resort. We may not even have 1/2 of the resort-not sure. We have Barbara, Julia, Jan, Megan, and then all of us in one cabin-so thats what-5 cabins-and we all had to send in our deposits and such-so I really hope its not bad. I dont want them to "think" we were trying to get one over on them-I didnt know how many would be renting etc....so-will see. Please pray its a good talk. Im glad I emailed her though-because we have to bring our own wood for the firepit....so-I added to my already mile long list-LOL We are all in the big house-#15, and Megan and her gang are in #4, which is kitty corner from us. I hope it doesnt rain on Saturday. We do have a couple of tarp/tents and then I am bringing one pop up shelter-so I hope that will be enough. Will see. I guess we will just have to deal with it, if it rains-it just may be tight quarters! Not sure what time we will get up-since Im not sure what time we will go to bed Fri night-LOL....Seems like Mel, Sus and I can really get to talking and lose track of time. Our hubbys all go to bed or are ready for bed-well before we even think we are done!!! LOL...So-its anybodys guess-and for those of you who know Mel and I-your right-anything can happen-we may just show up at your doorstep in our jammies to have a cup of coffee with you-LOL....Sus isnt much of a morning person-LOL, she growls at you if you wake up perky~~(love you sis) Im glad that we will be there on Thurs tho-as Sus, Mel and I will need a day to let our backs and bones relax before the day of the reunion! Sus will have a 6 hr trip here today and then tomorrow morning, we are hitting the grocery store before heading down-and then getting unpacked etc-we are gonna be exhausted and sore. We will all be in the kitchen Friday evening getting our dishes ready for the reunion! That ought to be fun, the 3 of us at once. That could be the next Americas Funniest Video!! Well, I am gonna respond to everyone and finish getting stuff done. I have a ton of errands to run today and a dr. appt for Steph-so I need to get off here, get organized and so on. **Jan-the pictures are great-I have them in an album already and in my purse to bring! Even the one of your "butt" is cute! The pole dancing pic DID turn out cute!! Its one of my favorites so far!! I cant wait to see you and I cant wait for you to meet my family!~ Ecspically Jon, who is so excited about fishing and as he calls it-camping....I told him he was gonna meet the flower lady! He is so excited! Im so sorry to hear about Joes sister. I have already prayed for her-and will continue to do so. Where does she live? We will all pray for a safe surgery, no cancer and that her eye sight comes back when the tumor is removed. Steph had that-a tumor and it caused her bouts of blindness-she is fine now-but man, what a time that was-and she was only 2 1/2 so it was hard on her. Any way, we will pray that Joyce has a successful surgery and outcome. Please let Joe know that we will be praying for her. Thanks. For the shirts-depends of course on the cut-but a 20-22, and I can fit a L, but I like the XL better, they seem longer. I dont like my apron fat to hang out. I was trying to find something that wasnt too baggy that really showed the weight loss-because so many of my tops are loose and baggy, you cant tell I have lost as much as I have, unless your looking at the before pics-LOL... We are draining the pool. Just cant get it leveled out with the chemicals etc-and so tonite its getting drained for the season. Darn!! Oh well, it will save some on the elec bill and money on chemicals. I think we will either be getting Stephs number changed OR we are calling the police on Cory. He just keeps calling Steph-and now they are making their number show up as private-he and his friends keep calling her and leaving voice mails about how MEAN she was to Cory-WHATEVER!! So-Mike told her last night that the next time a private number calls-to pick it up and explain to them that IF they call her again, he is going to Joplin to beat some ass's, AND we are calling the cops and pressing harrassment charges AND a restraining order-so maybe one of those 3 things will work-but I doubt it-this kid is a punk! Will deal with this when we get home. God help that little dink if he calls when I am around her!~ Little does he know-that every incoming or outgoing calls show on her bill, and then a lot of times IT WILL show the number, so HAHA for them!!! Ok guys, Susan just called and wanted me to post for her-LOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FROM SUSAN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I am SO excited-cant wait to see those of you that are coming and will miss those of you that cant! Everything is going fine with us-sorry I havent been on much-but my neice just had a baby and I have been busy with her and the baby. I will talk to you more about all that when we get down there. Just wanted Janet to pop in and say hi from me and let you all know I am thinking about you!! I have to get in the shower and then we are headed down to Joplin. Talk to you all soon. Love, Susan. **Bel-CONGRATS on the approval. I didnt post to your thread-but my puter takes forever to get in and read and post-sorry. I am happy for you though and wish you only the best. **Connie-CONGRATS on the approval. Please see comment above. Will be praying for the best. See you this weekend, I hope. **Tammy-Ammy-I hope things get better for you. I am praying for your unspoken prayer request and have been praying for you since before I even got your email. Im sorry, I tried to respond, but something is wrong with my computer-but it is going in the shop tomorrow-so it should be all fixed by the time I get home-YAY....We will miss you this weekend, we will think of you-and we will send you or give you some pics when you and Brenda come to the next meeting. All my love, Janet **Colette-thanks for doing the post for Jan.....I didnt even ask anyone to do the weekly weigh in post because several that do post to it will be at the reunion with us. Im not going to bring the scale or even weigh the whole time I am gone-which will be the longest I have ever gone without weighing myself since surgery-LOL....Wish you were coming. Will miss you. **Barbara, Julia, Jan, Sugar, Connie, Lana, Shelia, Mona, Glenda, Tammy V, Shannon-See you guys this weekend. YAY!! WE are gonna have so much fun. Be safe in travels and get ready for some serious fun!! **Mel and Susan-do you think the guys are ready for us in ONE house-together? For 4 days? I know mine isnt!! Cant wait. We are gonna have sooooo much fun. I feel like a little kid the night before Christmas or the night before getting to go to Disneyland-although I have never been to Disneyland-I imagine it to feel the same way-LOL....Heck, I would love to go to Disneyland-and meet Eeyore-LOL-and I am almost 40! I love you guys and I feel very blessed to be staying in a house with some of the most awesome family/friends a person could ever have. You guys mean the world to me, and I can only speak for myself, but since you both came into my life-its a much nicer place to be. I have never felt so loved or special by anybody outside this house and I just want you to know that WHEN I win the lottery-we are going on a GIRLS VACATION-and, of course, there will be other perks as well-Love you guys with all my heart! sit down, shut up and hang on-we are on our way to some serious F-U-N~ Ok guys, this will most likely be my last post until Tues of next week-I hope everyone is doing good-and please keep Bob in your prayers, for total recovery. I hope that everyone has a good weekend-and I hope to see everyone at the resort that planned on attending. Love and Prayers to all, Janet

on 9/5/07 3:12 am - Wichita , KS
Good afternoon OH family!  I am so regreting that I can't come to the reunion this year.  I want to go but just can't do it this year but I will make future plans to attend next year and by that time I will have had my surgery so that will be even better! I went to water aerobics this morning me and Debbie.  Had a good workout.  I then went to Shoe Carnival and bought me a pair of water aerobic shoes cause I was having problems getting traction in the pool especially since I could barely reach the bottom without going under...that's what I get for being short...LOL  I am really enjoying this class it gives me something to look forward too and the chance to get out and meet some people.  Well, it looked like rain coming into to work glad I brought my umbrella inside.  If it rains I hope it's over by the time I leave to go home. I am really tired right now wish I could go home and take a nap!  My puppies woke me up at 6:30am barking wanting out to potty so I had to get up.  I don't have my medicine today cause I'm out I have to go by the dr.'s office and pick up a script so I will be dragging all day until I get my script filled later today.  I sure hope that I can still take this medicine after surgery it's been a life saver to me over the past few years.   Well, for those who are going to the reunion I hope you all have a wonderful time.  Take lots of pictures and post them when you get back for those of us staying behind.  

on 9/5/07 5:00 am

Helloooo Mo Board   wasnt the weekend so nice? I spent lots of time with the  granbaby.  that always warms the heart....although I dont get any pleasure out of the fits she throws when its time to go home.

we did manage one last swim in the pool but the water was cool so it was decided no more chemicals in the pool that it is closed for swimming. we dont usually drain it till after Halloween as we will use it in our haunt...last yr we had a Pirate who moved up and down in the water. gonna use something like that again this yr with something extra    we also got lots of yard work done and cleaned out the van for the kid. she will be driving it....although I wouldnt trust it to take her far it will run her around town for the next 2 yrs so that is what she will be driving. we are letting all of her friends graffetti it with spray paint at her Birthday party...so now Dean has to tape up the windows and the chrome. and give it a really good washing and a light sanding.    I am making good progress on my mini projects and am just about ready to wrap one of them up. I finished all of the flowers for my order and now have another buch twisted and ready for paint.   I will miss the summer but I am so ready for some cooler weather. it sounds like the reunion is going to be wonderful! I do hope yall take and post some photos...it should be lots of fun for all of you!   not much else going on here Have a great day!








Bobbie Smith
on 9/5/07 6:24 am - Ashland, MO
Hello fellow OH MIssourians! I truly wish we could make it to the reunion just to meet all of you that have stories that have inspired me, words that have uplifted me, and feet that will kick me up when I get to far down (hehe)....I start my LD on friday......go for my pre appointment with Dr and anesthesiologist on the 17th.... and then my surgery on the 21st...I want you all to know that you have all inspired me in one way or another along this journey..and I appreciate it so much...even if it is simply in reading what you write to others or reading your stories...I feel that when I do get down and noone here at home understands the struggles with clothing, or shoes, or seats at the movie theatre or planes, anything like that I can come here and someone will have had to deal with this also.....my DH, DD's and DS's all support me but none of them truly understand the tears the frustration or the pains that come along with being a bigger person...I just want to say thank you for letting me travel with you all and for traveling with me on this road  Bobbie Jo

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 9/5/07 11:20 am - Kirksville, MO
Hey All,      I have had a very bad day. One thing after another. It started last night when my only son (only Child) called me and informed me that he had excepted a job in Ord, Nebraska. Eight hours away from me. He is taking my two only grandkids away. I  am about to lose it. they are my world I don't know what I will do without them here. My oldest grandson Shayne is so special to me, I think he has a bit of autisum and I am the one he comes to when he needs something even when his mom and dad are here. And my youngest Gabriel won't even know me the next time I see them. He's only 14 months. They are leaving on the 22nd of Sept.       The other news I got today was at my PCP office. She was getting everything together for me to take to Dr. Hornbostel's office and she asked me if I have had a sleep study done and I said yes on May 1st. Well she never got the report so they called to have the report faxed to her(which took forever) and when she got it it said that I do have sleep apnea and I need to be using a CPAP machine at night. She was very upset that she never recieved the report and that I was never put on it like I should of been. So now I have to go get set up with that. And on top of that , She asked if I have had an EKG recently and I said yes when I was in the hospital in January. I told her that they told me that I have a left bundle branch blockage. But was told that it wouldn't hurt any thing. Well she sent for a copy of that and was very upset at what she saw, It was worse than what she thought and also I was having extra beats. So now she wants me to see a heart specialist and have an echo of my heart done. So now I'm afraid all this will postpone my surgery if I can even have it at all. I am very upset tonite about it all.     One good thing is I think Shannon and I are still coming to the reunion. Unless she has any problems. My DH isn't going to his though.Decided he didn't want to miss work and he hates driving all that way(6 hours).     Ok I am gonna get off here, It's been a long upsetting day. I'm gonna go set in a corner somewhere and rest. Thank-you all for listening and I love you all. Take Care, Tammy V.  

My journey to live life to the fullest!!!


on 9/5/07 11:29 am - Concordia, MO
Good evening everyone,     Well I can feel your excitement about going to Branson.  I hope you all have a good time and the weather is great.     If you all have a laptop, and can post please do .  I will plan on posting on Sat. and Sunday and I will encourage all of us at home to post on Sat. and Sunday.  It will be fun to see what the rest of us are doing.  and it will be interesting to hear what our other family is doing in Branson.  I can see some really live fun taking place in those cabins and outside the cabins on Saturday.  There is nothing like a bonfire at nite.       Have fun, and please be careful on all of your travels.  Stay safe and May God go with each of you and your families and protect you and bring you back home.  The saturday and sunday anchor(Colette)
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