Jan C.
on 9/3/07 2:58 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

One day closer to the Reunion . Boy ifyou don’t plan on coming I know you are really going to miss a good time , Like Janet said im sure that all of us that have cameralwil be taking lots of pics to share with everyone. And if you just couldn’t come this year put it on the calendar for next year so you can plan on it all year. I am all ready , bought my stuff to make my pot luck dish yesterday . will put it together Sat morning before the pot luck.


Had to work Monday night. Did you all have a good labor day week end?

Everyone must be out having a great time since very few posted to the thread.


Things seem to be going well at my work , Ihope I am remembering everything , It really seems like I get thru awfully easy and fast. I think the reason for that is not having to chart on every single resident like we use to have to do.

That is a good rule who ever decided that , about not having to chart in them.



JANET: what kind of pain pills do  you take? Maybe someone elsehas some that they can share lol.

Im excited about the Reunioun too. It is going to be so much fun I just know it.


Oh wow lucky you all for getting to go to the drag races for free. That was sure neat wasn’t it?


Y^eah I didn’t think the resort would have wi-fi. It was just an idea lol so no problem. I don’t have a lap top anyway lol


Oh my gosh your elect bill was 360.oo ????how come does you’re a/c not work real good. I know your house is bigger than mine but that is more than mine was using small elect heaters in the greenhouse last winter. WOW. No wonder you all are tight on money having that sort of elec bill is horrible.


I do the same thing in the spring and the fall , the trick to keep from doing it is to start on an  allergy pill soon enough before the pollen starts flowing. Lol

In the spring I start actually still in the winter to take an allergy pill like in the middle of Feb. or last of Feb, then don’t stop until after it is all gone in the fall around the first of November. Clartin works fine for me or rather the genernic brand of it. Clartin wont cure it once it is started but it will keep you from getting it to start with.                                                                                                                                                                  

Well I hope everyone got their questions answered about the reunion this week end.



MELISSA: lol well no you weren’t first , Janet beat you . Well did you get Janets son to help you with thegarage cleaning? Hope that all workedout ok. Glad to see someone elseis taking fishing stuff since Joe is taking his. We may pull our fishing boar over there too don’t know yet.


Yeah I have our suitcase out and packing stuff as I go along. Joe laughed and ask me how many thingsi was taking. .lol had to laugh too looks like I plan on staying about 2 weeks. Guess I need to par the case down. lol

Melissa how did your father in law get? Is hestill the same or what?



COLETTE: thank you for posting that you would do the Whats Happening Thread for me Saturday and Sundsay I would appreciate that so very much. Thank you for offering. I know you will do a great job…Bless  you. ,

Yeah when im off I think I work harder at home than I do working.

When the Reunion is over I may even tell the DON that I will work 3 days a week instead of two. I know that will tickle her to death.

Again thank you for saying you will do this for me.   








Julia D.
on 9/3/07 3:44 pm - Sedalia, MO

Hi Jan and all,  I will be at the reunion on Friday. I will be bringing my GD and 2 friends since Deb is not coming. We plan on being there the whole weekend.  I have been busy fishing and getting ready for my labor day weekend. We had approxiamtely 60 neighbors ,family and friends at my apartment for a fish fry. It was reaaly nice. I cooked all the fish and cleaned all but a few. Everyone brought potluck and we enjoyed the evening. We fished all night Friday and rested Saturday and then had our dinner on Sunday. That gave us Monday to rest. We set up tables out front with chairs. This was the first fish fry I had ever done. I am getting excited about the weekend. Even though I have a lot to do before then. We will be there Friday evening. One of my neighbors that i fish with is coming with me. He has looked into WLS before so I know he will enjoy the trip. I was in Columbia Thursday and tried to check on Bob but his wife wasn't there so I did not get any info. I did read Big Al's note and I will keep Bob and Lori in my prayers along with all our other WLS families who are in need. Janet I have the gifts and bags for the kids.  Lana HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY GIRL jULIA

on 9/3/07 10:10 pm - Concordia, MO
Jan,    I will be happy to post on Sat. and Sunday.  It will be my pleasure.      I know I said it once in the past, but I will say it again.  Sure wish you would come and work for this DON.  LOL.  Do you have any tube feeders?  How big is the facility that you work for.  I just love the Elderly people.  My boss comes back today and it will be a hard day for her.  First day back after the death of her husband.  Sounds like you are all getting excited about the reunion.  I hope you have good weather.  We have our big street fair here and it is always the weekend after Labor Day.  I have to work in the food stand on Friday afternoon for our church.  Have a great day.  Got to go to work.  Colette
Barbara S.
on 9/3/07 11:00 pm - Freeman, MO
Hello; I can hardly wait for Friday!!! It can't get here fast enough for me!!! I feel like a kid waiting for the first bus ride, It's been awhile since I've been this excited. It's like your first family reunion, excited to see family you know and haven't seen in a while and excited about meeting family you have never seen before but always sent Christmas cards to. It will be great to put real faces to the names we know . Everyone that has lost there weight or is now losing, don't forget to bring at least one picture from before. It's harder to appreciate all the weight loss without seeing the before. Love ya all!!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 9/3/07 11:17 pm - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ I cant believe its Tues already!! Did everyone have a good Labor Day weekend? I sure hope so~ We tried to get at least ONE rider mower going yesterday with no luck. Mike and his dad worked on that until afternoon. Our grass is so high and there isnt a mower that works between us and mom and dad!!! I cant believe it. IF we dont get it mowed before going to Branson, Im not sure we will be able to see the house when we get home since its suppose to rain for 4 days straight-holy cow~ I have a million things to do between today and tomorrow. Susan and her hubby will be here tomorrow and then we are all heading out on Thurs, so I have to get everything done before Thurs morning. I cant believe I am not further in this process~I did go through my clothes yesterday, and then my back hurt so bad I stopped and laid on heat and ice. Mel came by and got Darrel to help at the FIL property and when she came over she brought me a bag of shirts (I only have a couple-and only one fits real well and the others are BIG)..and she brought the pics from the group night at the restaurant. Oh-they turned out SO GOOD-there are a couple, in particular that are my favorites-of all of us in the parking lot together. Jan, Nutti, Brenda, Tammy, Mel and myself-they are so awesome~Mel had a caption put on the bottom of one that says-me and the gang. She also brought over my before pics that she took last Oct (she had just found the camera) and I started crying when I saw them. I have really never seen the difference for myself-I have a couple of pics that havent even been printed yet-Mike has one on his laptop and then these-and when I look at those-it shows me how big I really was and then how I am now. Just makes me cry. I cant believe that ANYONE (my hubby in particular) would have even looked at me and thought I was pretty then-OR WHY no one told me HOW BIG I really was. I never liked having my pics taken-even at Megs graduation from high school-ONLY took 2 pics with her-and only because I HAD to....Now I wish there were more "before" pics. Wow-all that change in a years time-unbelievable and if anyone would have told me that I would be smaller than one daughter and almost as small as the other within a yr-I wouldnt have believed them....... ~~~~If your reading this and you are attending the reunion-PLEASE bring some before pics with you-for those attending that havent gone to our group meetings or didnt know us before-so they may see the difference, ok? Thanks!!  Also, since I am talking about the reunion right now-please dont forget that IF  you are coming to the potluck to bring a dish to share and IF you want to play the white elephant gift exchange-to bring a wrapped gift-for as close to $5 as possible-if you dont bring a wrapped gift-you wont be able to play-thanks!~~~~~~~~~ **Jan-Im glad you like your job. Thats so wonderful. I wished when my grandparents were in a nursing home that there would have been people like you working-every time we would go down it seemed like there was a different staff-just couldnt keep aides or anything, because they are definitely overworked and underpaid.

Yes-the electric bill is that high for at least 2 mos out of the summer-but our house is almost 2500 sq ft, and then there is a pool pump running 24/7-and everything in the house is electric except for the heating, which is propane. I cant wait to just have the windows open and not have to run the air OR the heat. It costs an arm and a leg to heat this place too~so.....its just expensive all the way around unless its just right-LOL..... Well, that little dink called Stephanie last night-he wanted to know if they were still friends-and she told him to hang on cause she had to hang up with another person she was talking to-and he got mouthy with her about it-and told her that he didnt want to have a "conversation or wait for her to end another conversation, he just wanted to know what she thought about them being friends" and she said-know what I think?  I think your an A$$hole-and hung up on him. I told her that IF he continues to call her-we are going to call the police and press charges. So another words-his pregnant little g-friend and he are having issues and he wants to start hanging out with Steph again-and thats NOT gonna happen. She is a pure joy to be around now and gets along with everyone in the house-I refuse to go back to the way it was when he was in the picture-No way!! No how! **Mel-thanks for the bag of clothes! I appreciate it so much, and I appreciate you. Not sure what we are going to do when we have a couple of days to talk and catch up-we wont know how to act!! You really looked good (tired, but good) yesterday-just dont overdue it-so we can have fun while we are gone. Love ya girl~ **Sus-cant wait to see you tomorrow. I am so excited!! How did the BBQ go with everyone there? I hope it went well. You and Rory be careful driving and I will see you tomorrow afternoon sometime, ok? Love ya. **Lana-Dont forget to bring your before pictures. I showed my hubby ALL the pics from group night-and of course, showed him you-but told him that when he saw your before pics-he will NEVER put the old you with the new one! Cant wait to see you. Havent seen you posting since your b-day-are you ok? Is everything alright and your still coming to the reunion-right? Love you. **Nutti-read your post about the dr ofc scales-Dr. Pendergrass in Neosho-his scale is off about 8-9# (NOT in my favor) but the nurse told me that they knew the scale was off-everyone complains about it-but I was so happy to be weighed on their scale-I didnt care!! LOL...I hope the BBQ went well-and not sure when Ms Thangs b-day party is or was-but I hope it went smoothly. We will miss you this weekend! **Colette-I will be sending you an email. I tried to reply on my OH mail-and it wouldnt let me. I will try to get that done before I leave for Branson. Keep your chin up and thanks for the prayers-they worked and I am so pleased. Love ya. **Tammy H-Any miracles yet? I hope so. Will miss you this weekend too. What a shame. Im so sorry everything hit you at once. Take it easy.  **To everyone else-have a good week and be safe. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers-but I have to get off here now and get some stuff done and then get to town, have a lot to do before my company comes tomorrow and have to get packing. Love to all, Janet

on 9/4/07 1:47 am - Nixa, MO

Hello Missouri, I know I've been missing in action.  Sometimes I try to post and it cancels me out.  Don't know what I do wrong. I will definitely be at the reunion about 8:30 Saturday morning until the last marshmallow is roasted Saturday night.  Glenda is coming to my house and riding down in Wini with me.  We will bring chairs for ourselves and food and gifts and prizes and WOO HOO. I had a WOW on Saturday in Kansas City.  I was at Costco and they had quilted vests lined with faux fur.  I wanted a white one and all they had was XL.  It was too big and there was a woman there straightening them up and she was trying to help me find a medium and there wasn't one.  She said "That's what you get for being so small".  I wanted to kiss her.  After we walked away John asked me how that made me feel?  I said it was fantastic - really fantastic as in I can't believe it!!!!! We left Costco and went to the airport and picked up Step-son, Sean, and then met Stacy and Adam at restaurant and had dinner and then drove on home to Springfield. It was after midnight when we got home.   Sunday we went to church and then had lunch and then went up to Springfield to the Springfield Cardinals game.  It was so fun - don't know why we haven't been going all summer. Yesterday I did shopping and then we barbequed in the early evening and I got laundry done and went to bed early to get ready to come to work today. I look forward to seeing all of you Saturday and will miss you if you're not there. Hugs and love, Lana

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 9/4/07 2:07 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH family!  I have had a busy and exhausting last 4 days.  I went to Santa Caligon days this weekend and I think I walked so much that I dropped 10 lbs....oh how I wish that were true...LOL I have been having a lot of problems recently with my stomach.  It hurts a lot especially after I eat.  I have noticed that if I eat something high in fat it bothers me more.  I tried taking Pepcid AC but that didn't help so I took pepto and that seemed to help the most.  The way it's been hurting you would think it was my gallbladder but I don't have one so I know it's not that.  I go on Sept. 24th to have a scope test so they can look at my tummy they want to see if I have an ulcer or acid reflux?   I bought some strawberry protein powder going to try it today, I hope I like it I brought it to work with me in my shaker cup.   I bought my two puppies the cutiest Halloween costumes the other day.  I will take pictures and post them.  I got a ladybug and a bumble bee so they are going to look adorable for Halloween and their pictures.  My dogs love to dress up in clothes they feel special I think and they know that if they are all dressed up they get to go on an outing too.  I bought some ribbon and emblishments to make them some bows for their hair that will match their costumes.  I know I'm crazy about my puppies but they are just like my kids probably the only kids I will have at this point since I just turned 40 in Aug. probably too old to have kids now so I will have to settle for fur kids.   I can't believe it's already September doesn't seem possible.  I only have a month before I get to go see Dr. H for the first time and I am getting pretty anxious about it but I can't wait to go.  I hope to get two thumbs up for surgery and get a surgery date.  I only hope that surgery is before all the snow and ice gets here cause it's almost a 2 hr. drive for me to Sedalia.   Well, I hope everyone is having a good Tues. I have to get some work done take care.

Craig Watts
on 9/4/07 2:30 am - Green City , MO

It keeps getting harder and harder to get on OH anymore...Sorry that I cannot be with you all during the Reunion....I have to stay home and tend to my brother who has had a pace maker put in. He is doing somewhat better. Thanks for all the prayers....I was at a stand still on 220 for the longest time finally im losing again...my scale says 208 now. 6 more lbs and I will have lost 200lbs exactly. My financial situation is very bleek due to the traveling back and forth to all the doctor appts. Now Iam in the process of going to Columbia to meet a Doc about tummy tuck. Dr. Pucket in Columbia does tummy tucks for medicaid patients. he will be seeing my sister about it on the 18th. Then I wil be making an apt. Keep us all in your prayers. as I do you all...hugs and much love.......God Bless....Craig Lee

Craig Lee Watts 
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"

426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________

267lbs PRAISE GOD.....


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