Happy Labor day!!

on 9/3/07 6:15 am - Florissant, MO

I hope everyone is having a great Labor day. Today is post-op day 5. Things are going pretty well. I have not been hungry or having problems with anything although I had a little episode this morning with getting light headed. I think it was cause I hadn't eaten yet and my hubby was cleaning out my drain tube before my shower. It only lasted a few minutes. As soon as I was feeling better I finished my shower, drank some isopure protien drink and rested in the recliner for an hour. I also went out for the first time since my surgery today. The Family Christian store was having a huge sale and I really wanted to go.  Plus my hubby had a gift card he got from his birthday, a couple days ago, to spend. And I had all sorts of great coupons. I just wasn't sure if I would feel up to going. But we went.  We had to drive 20 minutes to get to the new one that just opened. The highway wasn't bad but the road from our house to the highway was bumpy. I was glad I brought my pillow. Well, when we got there we wandered around to find what we were looking for. The first great deal was if you bought 3 DVD's you received a free DVD player.  So we found 3 that were on sale plus I had a coupon for 25% off the entire order. So we ended up paying $24  for 3 dvd's and a DVD player!!  Then we had to get a couple birthday gifts. My husband had gotten a gift card for $15. I also had a buy one item get the second 50% off.  So Tim picked ot his CD which was $18 and we bought the Mandisa CD for our son for his birthday and got it half price, and it was already on sale. We are all American Idol fans.  Then the last thing we got was my late birthday present. I have been wanting that Dance Dance revolution game to exercise to. Well, they had a Christian version for the PC. And I had another coupon for 25% any regular price item. So we got a great deal on that as well.  But by the time we had done all that bargening, I was exhausted and sweating like crazy. Not a hot sweating but tired and clammy. So we quickly paid for all our deals and got out of there. The ride home was horrible. I had not taken my pain meds before we left so they had compleatly worn off.  I was in so much pain, but only the main area by the drain. As soon as I got home I took my meds and rested.  I made my hubby try out the new game. It was so funny cause his eye feet cordination  is a little rusty. I can't wait till I am healed enough to play it. Anyway that is my update so far. I have an appointment on wed at 2:30 for a check up with the surgion. I can't wait to see what I have lost so far. I can see a difference in the mirror. I also hope I can get these staples and drain out then. They are a pain, i am so afaid of bumping them. Well have a great rest of the day and I will update again soon.  Rebecca

Bobbie Smith
on 9/3/07 7:02 am, edited 9/3/07 7:02 am - Ashland, MO
Hey girl its great to hear that you are out and about.... Dont do to much to fast though!!! Mandisa is an awesome singer we also are big time American Idol fans around here .... we also have the dance factory danceing game its a blast even for us big girls!! My kids laugh when I get on there and they say " Mom you give a whole new meaning to shake shake shake ...shake shake shake...shake your booty! I just laugh and tell them one day soon there will be alot less booty to shake on that game lol enjoy your CD's and get some rest talk with you later!  Bobbie Jo

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


Tammy C.
on 9/3/07 4:44 pm - St. Charles, MO
Is that the one in St. Charles county?  I thought I recall seeing one on perhaps Mid-Rivers the other day, but not sure as I was a passenger which meant I was doing alot of gawking at all the different stores that had gone in recently. The drain is a pain that is for sure, I was so happy the Dela said she was taking it out during my Wednesday after appointment.  Do you have a regular drain or a Jackson-Pratt with the little bulb-bottle?  The JP drain was so much easier than the simple tube version they told us about in class.  Odds are if all is going well you won't see the surgeon, just his nurse-practitioner.  You'll probably be in and out of there in under 30 minutes.  Make sure she puts some steri-strips on the wounds that aren't scabbed over really well.  It will make sure the scars remain really fine and not stretched.  I kept them on my 5 holes for another week and then kept it on my drain hole until just a couple days ago. Take care, it gets easier!
Tammy C.
RNY 8/8/7

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