Adam's Life and Death...

Debbie M.
on 9/3/07 3:15 am, edited 9/3/07 3:23 am - Harrisonville, MO
  Hi guys....I know it's been awhile but I have just now been able to get the rest I needed and some time to mourn our Little "A"... The Drs tried everything to get Wendy's labor pains stopped! At one point I guess they had her bed tipped to where she was almost standing on her head. They got her stable for awhile but when she fell asleep her labor started again. I knew for sure that Adam's life would be short when we were told that Wendy was dilated to 4 and the placenta was pushed out 1 1/2 inches from her cervix. They warned Jason and Wendy that if they couldn't get the labor stopped that the outcome for Adam wouldn't be good. Adam was born August 29th at approximately 5:18am, weighing 11 1/2 ounces and was nine inches long. He was completely developed at 26 weeks, having the face of his Mom and the feet of his Dad...poor little guy. (Jason has big "Fred Flintstone" feet and ugly moon man toes). We did manage to get some smiles out of that.  Adam only lived 33 minutes but during his life, death and funeral many "miracle seeds" were started. I'm watching to see them grow! Adam had already been removed from his parents and the nursery by the time we got there but was brought back to the room via my request to be able to hold my grandson. With Jason and Wendy's permission, a few "discreet" photos were taken for our memories. A few of them I will share later on. Adam was just too small to survive! With his head being the size of a small plum, his hands the size of watermelon seeds and feet no bigger than small grapes he didn't have much of a chance. He was dressed in a white christening gown with a tiny blue knit stocking hat on his head and was wrapped in the same color knit blanket. Mommy said she wanted him wrapped up good so he wouldn't get cold. He was buried in a 16 inch long white casket with pictures of his Dad, Mom and both sets of grandparents, a very small teddy bear, a rubber ducky and a small light blue suede Bible with his name inscribed on it. The music played was Lean on me, There's holes in the floor of Heaven, Jesus Loves Me (sang by small children) and of course, Amazing Grace. I was amazed at the amount of people that showed up for such a small one's funeral.  Adam was buried next to his Great Grandpa Murdock per Jason's request so that "Pop" could watch over him. Jason loved his Grandpa a lot and had officated over his Grandpa's memorial just a few years back. The Bible bought for Adam was bought from a Christian Book Store in Springfield. When Jason and Wendy went into the store to buy it, one of the clerks joked around with them, not realizing the seriousness of the situation until Jason told him. The clerk, being a man of God was almost brought to his knees with emotion and was so overwhelmed by the spirit, he could hardly speak when returning from the backroom after inscribing the Bible. We found out later that he and his wife had just recently had a son whom at first had a very hard struggle to live. When David and I saw the Bible, we decided that we wanted one too, as a keepsake. The next day when we returned to the store, everyone there knew the story of Little "A" and they were glad we returned because they (the whole staff) had a gift for Jason and Wendy. A book called "Don't Cry Mommy" with a card inside giving regards to them, for their loss. Everyone there was full of emotion and it was a very spiritual moment for both David and I, as well as for Jason and Wendy! Another spiritual moment was when Jason first opened Little A's Bible...the marker was on the story of Lazarus (it was a placed there during the making of the Bible, you could tell). In amazement when our pastor started speaking at Little A's gravesite, it was about the story of Lazarus...this brought Jason to his knees and to the feet of Wendy, they both weeped openly! David said it "freaked him out" when this happened! I told him that was just God at work!    Another spiritual moment happened while we were at the cemetery... since the day after Adam's death, Jason had been looking for a coin that he and a few other men from our Church got while they were at a Men's Retreat, a few years ago. On the coin, it read "Man of God" and on the other side it had the verse about soaring as eagles (Isaiah 40:31). No one knew what it meant for Jason to get this coin but for was personal, between him and his son! Jason desperately looked for this coin for days! We know this because we were his drivers, for the week. Everyday, he was either on the phone or running from store to store looking for it! He wanted it in Adam's casket with him.   Unfortunately, we never found it and Jason had to deal with the fact that Adam would have to be buried without it! After the graveside service, we all were standing around talking and Jason was telling the story about trying to find this coin and really wishing he could of found one. At that time, a friend of ours from Church reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin, the coin! He stuck his hand out and there it was, laying there in the palm of his hand. I took it and turned towards Jason...he was going through so many emotions he didn't know what to do! I grabbed Jason, hugging him and he just leaned on me as he did as a child and cried for quite a while. We thanked our friend and Jason said the coin would be affixed to Adam's headstone somehow since the casket was already sealed.   Another miracle was that Nicole and Roy called each other and made plans to ride down and back together for the graveside service. This may not seem like a lot but those two have done nothing but fight and spew their hatred for one another for years! They got along great the whole time and neither of them said anything bad about the other since!   Adam's life and death may of been the hardest thing we have ever had to go through but the seeds of miracles have been planted in many hearts and miracles are happening everywhere! David's Mom even stepped up and gave us the plot next to Jason's Grandpa when asked. No fighting, no harsh words...nothing and if I didn't know that God was behind all this I would be scared! Very scared!!  Thank you Lord!!   I got a call today that Jason and Wendy will be coming to Harrisonville this Thursday evening to get married at our Church and will be moving to Harrisonville in a few weeks!    David and I both feel that this is best because Wendy's family has been and still is trying to cause problems for both Wendy and Jason.    I hate to say it but I think all the stress that Wendy's family put on her while she was pregnant could of very well been the reason for the loss of Adam!  I didn't have a clue as to how bad it was until this last week when we were down there. I thank God that they have decided to leave there and are getting away from her parents and family!    They will be moving in with us and it will be hard for awhile but there is no way we could leave them down there with no chance at freedom!    I thank all of you again for your love, thoughts and prayers!!    Love you all, more!! Deb

Bobbie Smith
on 9/3/07 5:13 am - Ashland, MO

Deb you are a very strong woman, and you and your family will continue to be in our prayers.. Jason and Wendy are very lucky to have you with them in this time and there to lean on.  May God belss you all  Bobbie Jo

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

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Liquid Diet----334


Barbara S.
on 9/3/07 7:52 am - Freeman, MO
Debbie; With a heavy heart and tears running down my face, my prayers are and have been with you, and your family. I hope you all get to come to the reunion to receive all the hugs waiting for all of you. I know we all feel very close to all of you. It is so hard to go through any death in the family but, a baby is so much harder. Their little lives taken before we have any time with them. The good lord has his reasons and I like you think it has already begun. I am so happy to hear Jason and Wendy are getting married. Sometimes something like this splits people. Their love is strong! Thank you so much for opening up and letting us in even with this tragedy. We all love you and will always be there for you and your family. Please accept our families condolences. Your neighbor!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 9/3/07 9:13 am - Columbia, IL
Hi Debbie, My prayers are with you and your family.  I can't imagine how difficult this must have been for all of you.  My best friend died when we were 12 and they had her dressed in white - it was an angel funeral.  When babies and children die, it is all the harder to bear, but just knowing they are resting in our Savior's arms helps somewhat. God Bless all of you~~~ Lori
Julia D.
on 9/3/07 3:55 pm - Sedalia, MO
Hi Deb, I want you to know you and your family are in my heart and prayers. The loss you have gone thru is tremendous.  Julia
on 9/3/07 11:40 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Deb and Family, There is nothing I can do or say to make the situation better, but I want you all to know that we are praying for you, lifting you all in prayer and that we love you very much. Im sorry for what you guys have had to go through. My brother lost his first son at 5 months and we had a funeral as well-and it was truly one of the hardest things we have ever gone through as a family.

I am so glad that Jason and Wendy will get a new start with you and David, and it may be hard for a bit-but I know you-your a fighter and you will get through this and help them as well. You are a very special lady, and we love you. God Bless you and your family. If there is anything any of us can do-please let us know. All my love and prayers, Janet (and family)

on 9/4/07 12:21 am - Chesterfield, MO
I can only say how sad this all is and how strong and caring you are.  As I read this I wept.  I pray you all find peace.  Words can not express how sad I am to know of his passing.  I will pray for you all. Take care, Bel
on 9/4/07 12:34 am - pomona, MO
I know how you feel, I lost a grandbaby, my prayers are with you and yours...vesta


Craig Watts
on 9/4/07 2:40 am - Green City , MO
Debbie, sorry to hear about your loss....I can't help thinking of the Reunion we will have someday with all our loved ones who have gone on to be with the Lord. What a day that will be...Praise God. Just remember you will get to hold little Adam when that day comes. God Bless you friend..........Craig Lee

Craig Lee Watts 
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"

426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________

267lbs PRAISE GOD.....


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