The surgery is on :)

on 8/31/07 12:40 pm - Kansas City, MO surgeon's appointment was yesterday and my surgery will be in 5-6 weeks, as the surgeon is going on vacation.  This journey began in January which seems like ages ago.  Anyway, I really do like Dr. Bernsen.  She is confident and has a great bedside manner.  She took over my case since her associate thought it was too risky and I asked her what that was all about.  She apologized and said there were a few things in the office notes that weren't quite right, but she was honest about the whole thing.   Since all my previous surgery has been below my belly button she thinks she might even beable to do a lap, if not she'll open me up.  I told her I have full confidence in her and she should do whatever was best for my in the long run.  So it looks like I may make it to the losers bench before the holidays. Jan, I checked out your gardens, woman they are beautiful...put my little ones to shame.  You should be proud. To everyone going to the reunion have a good and safe time.  Hopefully, I'll be at the next one so for now take all kinds of pictures. Have a great holiday weekend........nite to all. God Bless,

God Bless,

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." 
- Helen Keller 

Jan C.
on 8/31/07 2:00 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

that is wonderful that you will be able to have this surgery. Your surgeon sounds very postive and uplifting. I hope you get to have your surgery soon so you can get well and on your way before the end of the  year. I am jumping up and down with joy for you. It will make all the difference in the world with raising your babies. 

Thanks for the praise on my flowers. Everyone says when is a good time to come and see them all . I tell them that you cant see them all at one time since things bloom at different times. Wish i could have had them when i lived closer to people so they could come and visit. but my home and gardens are always open to anyone.   anyway thank God that you found a surgeon that is not afraid of your past. We will all be praying for you.    Jan


on 8/31/07 9:39 pm - Diamond, MO
Dear Trudy, PRAISE GOD!!! I have been thinking about you AND praying for you every single day since that last surgeon turned you down. I know that a lot of others prayed too-we were all quite upset with their reasoning-to be honest. Im glad that your surgeon was honest with you and I am so very happy you are comfortable and holy cow-5 to 6 weeks-that is right around the corner!!  I know its hard to wait that long-I waited for over a year and I was a go-except for my ins turning me down 4 times. That was the hardest thing-Am I going to have it or not? It was such an emotional rollercoaster and I would be optimistic one minute and depressed the next-I know you know what I am talking about.  But-I am so excited that the journey is now OFFICIAL and Trudy will be on the bench with us before the first snow falls-LOL....Love you girl-glad to hear the good news-and my offer to be your angel (from months back) still stands-if you want me!!  Have a great weekend. Love, Janet
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