Jan C.
on 8/31/07 2:45 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Well my day off went really fast lol. I got up this morning finally around 9am. That is awful for me lol. Im usually up by 6 at least. Played with some of my flowers. Pu****er in the bog garden. and turned to soaker hoses on on one big flower bed. Ran it most of the day so it would be well soaked. Will put it on the other one tomorrow morning.


It is suppose to be down in the 50s tonight and tomorrow night. Yea, seems like it is getting fall here little by little. Everyone that is coming to the reunion might surely ought to bring a light jacket or sweater for Sat night . Even with a campfire I might get a little chilly. I hope so that is great weather for a campfire and setting around outside and talking. Lol


Oh for anyone living in and around Ozark , I found a great resale shop …Called Moody Blues, they will buy your clothes and they sale them there too. Really neat looking jeans and blouses for 8 and 9 dollars. I think I will go there and get me some winter clothes and if they get too big then I can take them back in and they will give me money back on them . neat huh? My granddaughter took in a  baby swing and baby bath tub and all sorts of clothes that baby girl had outgrown. She and her hubby are going back tomorrow with more stuff that both of her kids have outgrown. They need to make some room.She is also taking in some of her clothes that she has gotten too big for .


I went to Catos and found a couple of really cute blouses on sale for 2.00 a piece. One I think might be too tight on me thru the belly part but if so I will save it till next summer after my lower body lift and I will be able to wear it then. It is really cute.

Also went to wal-mart and bought another scrub outfit. Red and black. Really cute.


Also  payless has the cutest shoes on sale. Anyone that is sick to death of those stupid pointed toe shoes , they are gone. Everything is cute round toes and feel so much better. I am going to have to go back and get me some of them for sure.


Did all of you get the web site for the Avon that my daughter is selling from now? If you didn’t and you want it send me an email either thru here or my regular email. Ok



SHANNON  C: No I doubt if it were the ¼ of graham cracker but never know. Some people like Barbara is that sensitive to sugar. I wish I were , I haven tried anything too much really but I just know im not. I have eaten 2 whole graham crackers at a time and it didn’t bother me . But eating too much can really make you sick or it does me , how about any of the rest of you? Don’t know if it is what you would say dumping but it is miserable I know that.


I agree with you that working in nursing homes isnt for everyone. I have always loved it. The residents are so appreciative that is for sure. You know they keep getting closer and closer to my own age lol. Right now I have about 6 patients that are my age or younger.


Oh that would be great if you and Tammy V could come down together. We could get to meet both of you that would be just great. Would love it. Bring your granddaughter with you , there will be things for her to do too.


JANET: Awe I wouldn’t shut the pool down yet, you will have lots of good days to work out in there yet. There are always days that are hot as can be after labor day.

Im bringing you and Jon lots of flower seeds to the Reunion . And anyone else that ask for seeds will be getting some too.

I cant wait it is going to be so much fun I think


OH congratulations on 8 pounds lost !!!!

                                                                                                                                                            At least brakes don’t cost a lot to do on a car if you do them yourself. Some more than others but if you cant do them yourself they are so stupidly high.


I don’t think the girls at work are intimidated by me , surely not since they don’t seem to care one way or the other. I really do like them and have fun with them but they are still pretty scatterbrained lol I wouldn’t care as long as I don’t have to pick up their work for them or follow them around . As soon as I get my own station I could care less about their work standards as long as they take care of the residents . And they are kind and sweet to them. So it could be a lot worse that is for sure.


Joe and I will be in our cabin on Friday so will see you then ok? So do you have a big cabin and a lot of people staying in it?




SUSAN: so glad that you are starting to feel better. I know it is awful to feel sick and cant get better no matter what. My sister Sugar was like that after her surgery but she is finally getting really well and doing so good. She now says she can say that she is glad she had the surgery and couldn’t for the longest time.

Im glad your problem was ulcers and not your gall bladder since that can be cured with meds and the other would have meant surgery.


Someone made a comment the other day about after surgery seems like lots of people have either ulcers, hernias and or gall bladder problems and yes some do because all of those have something to do with losing weight.

The hernias because of losing weight and hanging skin in the tummy area can help make the muscle wall stretch and thin out and allow intestines to protrude out thru weak muscles.

Gall bladder when lots of weight is lost it puts an extra load on the gall bladder to filter and sometimes it just more or less shuts down.

Ulcers im not real sure of except maybe raw edges in the newly formed stoma and stomach gets irritated.

Well didn’t mean to get onto all of that.


Hey don’t worry about not remembering stuff , lol I have probems and don’t take any meds to blame it on lol

As Lana says , my rememberer is broken.


Lol I eat Chili and beans a lot , good protein, just have to load up on gas x when I do. But I forgot to take any to work with me the other day and I really needed it .


Tony is on here off and on , just isnt on as much as he use to be I guess. I do have his email address will send it to you on your regular email address ok?



RACHAEL: yeah I have been taking my b-12 weekly since Dr. H. said I could. When I start bruising over every little thing and getting really tired I know it is time.

I am going to have to email Dena and have them to call my pharmacy and tell them that I need it more often than what they have me down for because they don’t want me to get it so often.  Also do you start getting more headaches when you are needing B-12?


Sounds like you are going to be really busy after work now too , with Daltons after school activities.

So potty training is in the works huh. My granddaughters little boy is starting the process too. But he doesn’t seem too interested lol.




Colette: Hey I would go to work for you in a moment if the commute wasn’t so far. Andrew is studing to be a nursing home administrator . we need to get him for the administrator , you as the DON and me and Craig will work for you all. lol. Im sure we could find more nurses on here to work too. Everyone would all be weight loss surgery patients. Lol that would be something wouldn’t it.



Well tomorrow is Sept 1st can you believe it is already Sept? that is really something isnt it. This year has went by so fast, like they say time flies when you are having fun. Lol And I have had so much fun this year.



Sept 1st is Elizabeth Myers birth day so everyone wish her a big Missouri Happy Birthday Elizabeth. Hope you have many many more …







on 8/31/07 11:02 pm - Diamond, MO
Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ Labor Day weekend is upon us!! YAY, that means I have 3 days with Mike and the boys. Well, and Steph too-but she always has plans anymore!! LOL....I have to say things are going very smoothly here-a little scary-LOL, but I sure am enjoying it! 7 days until we are having the reunion and I, for one, feel like a little kid getting ready to head for Disneyland! I cannot wait! Its been a LONG TIME since I have been away from the house and the phone and all that "stuff", and I am looking so forward to it! After I posted yesterday....I called Mel-well, guess what? On Thurs-I had this feeling, ALL morning, I was uneasy and very worried about Mel....I had called her cell and n/a. I waited for 1.2 hr or so-called again, n/a-and this went on until after noon. I even called the house phone and then Terrys cell. I was so nervous-because that "feeling" I get, well, when I get it-lets just put it this way-my family and friends KNOW to listen to that! Its never wrong! Ok-so I left a voice mail to her telling her that I had that feeling that something was wrong...couldnt shake it. She called me back and they had been out to the FIL property cleaning it and she had forgotten her phone......well, I still couldnt shake the feeling and Thurs night, I was up and down all night with this really uneasy feeling-sooooo....I call her Fri morning and she had taken a fall in the kitchen (11:30 pm)-cracked her tailbone AND her head on the countertop as she was falling-and she couldnt move-Terry had to call the ambulance and the EMTS went and picked her up at the house and she spent over 3 hrs in the ER getting a catscan and 30 x-rays. She was not doing very well yesterday!! I tell you-the devil does not want us attending that reunion! With the extra financial stuff on us right now-plus my oldest son is getting sick and the rest of us being sick etc-he is doing his best to keep us from all being together! Im rebuking him in the name of Jesus!!!! I wished my ESP thingy would have been a little more detailed about WHY I was nervous about Mel-like sometimes I know the reason-a car accident, things like that-but I didnt know why-I think I am going to see how much a big old bubble wrap bubble will cost and put her in it until we get ready to go the reunion. Please include her in your prayers so she will feel good enough to go to the reunion! She needs the break as much, even more than I do! Thanks! Well, I helped Mike a little last night with the brakes. Well, it wasnt the brakes after all, but the cylinoid...it wasnt pumping ANY brake fluid to the back wheels. So-he took the brakes back and got the cylinoid. By the time he got home-he didnt have enough light to get it all done-so he is going to finish this morning. Holy cow-believe it or not-the brakes started at $25 and went all the way to $150-can you believe it? Im sure that some spend the $150 because they will be hauling big stuff around with that big old truck-but I opted for him to get the ones to get us by.....Plus, I got to use the impact gun to put the tire back on-and that was  fun- I LOVE it when he lets me use his power tools!!! LOL.... Ok-so today, I have a few errands to run and want to go check on Mel-hoping she is ok. **Jan-maybe I need to go to Catos today and see if they have a clearance rack like that one! That would be awesome!!! I love it now that I can wear clothes at any store, pretty much-I always look on the sales racks. I havent bought anything but one t-shirt in the past couple of months-I just feel bad spending money on myself. After my next 11# though, I feel like I have earned it. 200# gone is HUGE and I think its time to reward myself with SOMETHING-just for me. It feels so selfish to say that-to me anyway...I always think I should spend the moeny on the kids or the house or something...necessities like food or whatever for my family. I am seriously thinking about a outfit of some sort OR getting my hair done. Will see. Have you heard from Tammy-Ammy or Julia-do you know IF they are still coming? I wasnt sure since Deb isnt able to make it if Julia is still coming and then I have seen Tammy post the Prayer request-but nothing on the whats happening-so dont know if she is ok. Been waiting to see what her PCP said about her gallbladder. I hope she is alright and I really hope that they still get to come! Yes, in our cabin-we have a house full. We have one of the 4 br places. Originally it was going to be me and my family, Mel and Terry, Susan and her family and then Tammy and hers. Tammy wasnt sure if they would be able to come at the time, and we had to give the room to another person because we couldnt afford to split the cost just 3 ways. So-in Tammys place, one of Susans good friends, Steve is going. If my kids's friends, Heather and Jason dont come down-Megan and Aaron are going to try and get the little one bedroom place that is in the corner basement of our cabin. Ours is right on the lake-with a screened in porch, which I am looking forward to-LOVE getting up at 5 am and watching the sun come up over the water!!! Wouldnt dream of waking up anyone else at that time-I may get hurt-LOL.... So, we will be there when you get there Friday. Cant promise we will be AT the resort-as we plan on going into Branson too-but not sure when. Mike and the kids arent coming down (the big kids-Megan, Aaron and Steph****il Friday too-so I may not do the Branson downtown thing until they are there. We all want to go to the new Bass Pro Shop that is down on Branson Landing and then Mike and I have some things we always do when we go to Branson-and things we like to do with the kids-so will have to see! Wow-I saw the post from Trudy-I am SO HAPPY that her surgery ws finally approved!!! YAY!! She has been waiting for such a very long time! So-I now have another angelette- **Tammy-Ammy-WHERE ARE YOU? Are you ok? Whats going on? How come you havent posted? Whats up-let us know, PLEASE. Praying for you. **Bev B-I hope and pray that your back is better and your knees too. I can relate to every single thing you have said. I cant wait to have you on the bench with us-and I pray for you every single day. Take care and have a good weekend. Love ya **Lana-7 more days-YAY....I want that ride in the Winnie that you promised!! LOL....Love ya. Hope you had a wonderful b-day **Susan-AW, I read your post yesterday, and thanks! Its okay to get mushy sometimes, geez-dont make me sound heartless! I bet your gonna have a great weekend holding that new baby all weekend! Love you and will talk to you this weekend. I will always be here for you. ALWAYS!! I said the same thing in the beginning of surgery-I couldnt say I would have done it for a bit either. **Mel-get ready-I am soooo ready to bring over that bubble for you to live in until we leave for the reunion-then I will let you out! I love you. Hope you feel better soon. **Nutti-How are you? what did you find out? Let us know. **Deb M-how are you and the kids? I am lifting you all in prayer and hope your good. Love you. **Rachael-well, hello there, stranger. Miss seeing you. Wish you could come next Sat. Would love to see ya. Well, Im off here- Darrel sounds like he has the croup-so I am going to get some meds in him real fast-and I am trying to help Mike finish the brake mystery on the Suburban. Love you all and hope you have a wonderful, safe, Labor Day weekend!! Janet
Shannon C.
on 9/1/07 12:21 am - Kirksville, MO

I would love to come and Bring Tammy V with me.  Will borrow my Aunts van as my car is not acting right - I am scared its the trasmission... Got the neatest little 2 cup measuring mug with lid at Walmart last night for $1.50 in the misc. kitchen area.  It works great with my shake. There was a great little resale shop in Republic a couple of years ago when my son lived there.  Can't remember the name of it but it was on the main drag close to where dil got her nails done. We have a several here in town and I frequent Hidden Treasures  now.  Not having any luck finding anything except 1 top and 1 bra.  There must have been 20 sets of bras & pantys in all differant colors just a size or 2 to small and were in brand new condition.  Some still had original tags on them.  Thought about taking some of my clothes up there but I get such a good feeling to give them away that I will still do that.  Hit some garage sales this am and no luck except a huge box of Cooking light for $2 and some old time western cds for my Dad. Had to come home to drink my protein, now  I am off to the Farmers market as I need to get some more onions & green peppers for the freezer.  They did not do well in our garden. Have a great day!


on 9/1/07 12:50 am
Hellooo MO  I did go to the Dr. on Thursday and I do have a UTI....but I knew that. I got me a liquid antibiotic and Im on the road to feeling better in that dept.   but I wonder how long it will be before another one hits me. my body was sooo used to the amount of water I used to drink. and now its a paultry 60oz a day   I hope it adjust soon! a wow also happened...I got to weigh at the PCP office...I have been going here for 3 yrs and this was the first time I ever ventured to the scales.    so this is the thing.....his scales or Mels scales do not say the same thing as the other scales Ive  weighed on and they show Ive gained a pound! GAINED!  how do you gain when you are getting nothing to eat?  but Im not discouraged...this am I am drinking Protien and than I am cleaning house.  getting ready for Miss thangs Birthday. do people stall this early on?and what can I do to get it back on track?  I went out dinner with my husband last night while the kid was at the football game. he had a 25$ gift card to Whiskey Creek resturant. he had a wonderful steak...of which I had 3 or 4 tiny bites and I had a baked sweet pot...which for sweet pot was very good...HUGE...but we brought it home and I will eat some for lunch. of course he and the kid devoered the Onion blossom he ordered.....I had one peice of the blossom with the batter scraped off...mainly to try the sauce ugggg  Jim Bobs it is NOT but for free it was good. I wanted to order a salad as their selection for our kind of eating was maybe 2 items...but I havent done raw veggies yet.  it was just nice getting to go out with the DH. he has been working sooo much lately I hardly get to see him. but he is off for the next 3 days   Well if I dont get off here I cant get started on my day. it sounds like everyone is going to have a great time at the reunion!  I will be thinking of you and will hold down the fort!   nutti





Tammy C.
on 9/1/07 12:55 am - St. Charles, MO

Hey all, its a beautiful Saturday morning and I am soooo glad to be feeling decent again.  I had a rough last few days with a constant nausia feeling and nothing I ate or drank stayed with me long.  I think my new pouch was telling me to back off on the experimenting with foods and go back to the  basics for a while.  I know I'm not getting in enough protein so that is something else I need start concentrating on.  It shows by the fact that in the last week I've not been losing anything on the scale.  I guess I need a good swift kick in the butt to get back into a good routine. Last weekend I felt great, I actually had the energy to weed the front of the house flower beds, edge along the sidewalk and driveway and plant a few new mums.  Of course, I made sure to do much of it while sitting on my little garden scooter that holds my tools so I didn't strain my abdominal area.  I have one big flower bed in the back that hasn't been weeded since April - yea, I know that is way tooooo long to let the weeds go.  I've decided to reduce the size of that bed - its just too big and you can't easily weed the middle part.  Plus the daisy's have taken over alot of it so I need to simply pull alot of them out and then rearrange what is left.  My hubby has been wanting some space in this garden for his horseradi****s now in the herb garden and trying to get into everything else there.  One benefit to allowing that to happen is then this garden spot would get attention from both of us.  You see, we have his and her garden areas.  I am in charge of the flower beds, he is in charge of the herb garden.  If we co-mingle one of my garden areas then wa-la I get help with that flower bed, hehehe. Well, I shouldn't be wasting any of this beautiful morning sitting inside.  Cross your fingers my pouch settles down and I have an nausia-free weekend. Drive safely this holiday weekend!

Tammy C.
RNY 8/8/7

Tammy H.
on 9/1/07 3:41 am - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Yall... Was on reading some posts and thought since I got several emails and private posts I might ought to say Hi while I was on.... Didn't find out alot when I went to the doctor...She said talk to the doctor when I go to Columbia Sept 11th... She did give me the go ahead to do another B-12 till I go up there and then she said let him decide how often he would like me to do it.....I don't know if it's my gaulbladder, a ulcer or what...It don't really hurt like pain, it's just really uncomfortable.. It's not just when I eat, it's all the time...So guess I will know more in a few weeks... My step daughter is home now....She came home I think it was Tuesday night....Things were a little rocky the first few days but it's getting better and things are calming down now... And things are going good with her mother being here... Her & I have had lots of time to talk and she is getting to spend lots of time with the girls...We are having a BBQ Monday for the holiday and making it into a B-Day party for the girls so that she can help celibrate their birthday while she is here...She has not been to a B-day party for Christina in 8 years so they are both pretty excited about it....She will be here for a couple more weeks so hopefully they will get plenty more time to visit and talk..  My oldest daughter Ada starts her new job Tueseday... Hopefully she will do ok with it...She is going back to a nursing home...She loves working with the elderly...But she still has not had her surgery for her shoulder...She has a seperated shoulder so I hope she does ok with it.. Mel...Girl what is up with you???? Are we going to have to buy up some sponges and strap them on you??? lol lol...So what happened to make you fall again??? I hope things are ok and you get to feeling better soon...Luv ya. Well I hope all is well with everyone else...Hope you all have a great weekend and don't eat too much lol lol.... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Shannon C.
on 9/1/07 3:42 am, edited 9/1/07 3:45 am - Kirksville, MO
just talked with Tammy V and keep your fingers crossed that we both get to come for the reunion.  I am waiting to hear from neice if we get a hotel room in Springfield as she is the general manager for a hotel there and if we can get one for free or for $29, will take either.  Its nice having family in the hotel business as my son does not have the extra room.   Pray that the gallbladder surgery can be done laparoscopicaly and that I don't have to be opened up.
on 9/1/07 11:56 pm - Diamond, MO
Dear Shannon, YAY!! We will be so happy to see and meet you BOTH!!! This is great! I just wanted you to know I got your message, but my OH mailbox is having problems and I cant respond to anyone-so I will be posting about the reunion, the white elephant exchange and food etc-Ok? Also-there may be a room in someones cabin, if you would be interested-and I think for both of you it would only run like $25? I havent heard from Julia-but she has her cabin rented and the lady (Deb D) who was going to get the other bedroom and split the cost-cannot come now-so Julia may be in need of a roomie-if you guys would be interested in that? Ok-so I will get another post up today or tomorrow about the reunion and cant wait to see you there!! Love, Janet
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