i am home from the hospital....

on 8/31/07 1:51 pm - Florissant, MO

Hello eveyone, i am home now and very tired.  I have had a very eventful last few days. I saw that Janet (my wonderful angel) posted about the delays and prayers andsuch. They were very helpful. I just seamed like even though I was doing well things were trying to go wrong. Like when I went up to take my leak test and xrays, after they made me dring a couple of small sips of this  not so good tasting stuff, the sips were stuck in my throught. They weouldn't go down any further. The doctor waited for about 10 mins and decided my new pouchy was still too swollen for anything to get down it. He turned away and said he would look again tomorrow. As he leaves the room, my stomach starts to do a gargling sound during the last few xrays. I found out an hour later that it had gone though enough to pass me to the drain leak check, and if that passed then I could have  clear liquids again. WHOO WHOO i WAS SO NOT wanting to go another day without drinking water. Anyway I did all we were  sopposed to at the hospital, getting a gold star for doing out research and kowing how imortant every step was. I did very well with th pain control until  I got home.  Then I found out real pain... I was sipping on chickem broth. And then I was doubled over in pain so bad. it lasted for a few minutes. Wow, I didn't know what it was. I went to the bathroom,  Well a few  hours later i tried the chicken broth again,  That was were I  realised tha chicken broth somium was problibly irritating the heck out of my new pouchy. Why not jst rub salt in a fresh wound and see how it feels. Duh.. So I have been spending the afternoon reading up on your  emails and posts and posted some loopy videos of me during the recovery, Well before I pass out from  tiredness and pain meds let me thank each and everyone of you that made and sent me posts and emails and even a few calls while I was there. So sweet of you all, and i was so blessed. If you have time check out my my videologs I was pretty groggy and kinda funny but that is the point i quess. LOL http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=slmnsongbrd Blessings and prayers to you all,

Rebecca I will write again tomorrow when I am more awake...

on 8/31/07 3:04 pm - Kirksville, MO
Rebecca, so glad to hear that you are home and doing well. Hope all continues to go well for you. Welcome to the losers bench! hope to be setting next to you soon.                                Take Care, Tammy V.

My journey to live life to the fullest!!!


on 8/31/07 9:53 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Rebecca, Hello there. Im sorry I missed your calls yesterday-when you called the first time, I was on the phone with my attorney (the one we are going to be using for me to legally adopt my stepson) and while I was talking to her-my battery on my phone went dead-on my old phone I could use it and  be on it-but this phone is different, and you cant-so I never even heard it ring or anything until it was fully charged and then I had 4 missed calls. Im so sorry you had that experience. You may have to do what I had to do-and get Tim to go buy the boullion cubes (low sodium ones) and make it yourself. Also-a couple of weeks out-I made Ramen noodles and just never added the noodles-LOL or I would make it for the kids-and they got the noodles and mom got the broth!

I dont know if you will remember this-but I did tell Tim too-but I know there was a lot going on with the discharge papers and such-but remember that there may be times when you cant stand up straight all the way-even if you did the time before or the day before-that would be the drain-and its normal. I even had a couple of episodes of extreme pain in my left side where my drain was-but it would pass after a couple of minutes. The most important thing I can tell you-is to listen to your body. IF you KNOW something isnt right-dont hesitate to call the bariatric surgeon on call. IF you have ANY questions or concerns, you are always welcome to call me - and if I am on the phone or whatever- I WILL call you back...Or- you can always post-someone here WILL answer you-thats what we are here for!! You are doing great and all of us will continue to pray for a very speedy recovery.....WE love you and WELCOME to the losers bench-we are glad to have you sitting by us!! Love you girl-say hi to Tim for me and talk to you soon. Janet

Jan C.
on 8/31/07 10:21 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Rebecca welcome to the losers bench....glad there is one more to add to the long list of losers.

remember to sip sip sip sip sip until you think you are going to die from it and then sip some more. if you have any problems let some of us know ,someone here can probably answer your question.

good luck and keep up the good work. Jan



Sheila H.
on 8/31/07 11:20 pm - Marshfield, MO
congratsulations on all the surgeries!!! keep us posted. i was told by Dr Hornbostel last week that i will have to go on 2 week liquid diet be4 my surgery...and thats its only 5  high protein slim fast or 5 boost a day and thats it plus water..........thats gonna be hard not much choice for 14 days....well no pain no gain like they say......hope every one has a GREAT weekend hugs


on 9/1/07 5:50 am
Hey Rebecca, Sounds like you rolled with the 'punches' as they came and went during your hospital stay.   Way to hang in there!  You did a good job! So glad you are now on the loser's bench!   Seemed like a long time coming, eh?    Now you are here! Best of recoveries to you, Beca
Bobbie Smith
on 9/1/07 11:04 am - Ashland, MO
I am soooo glad you are now home.... Its good to see you writing and all going off to see you on youtube now lol  Bobbie Jo

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


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