~~Tammys On The Bench~~
Hi All,
Tammys hubby, Joe just called and she is out of surgery-but still in recovery. They will be keeping her in ICU overnite-but he said the surgery went well. I told him to give her our love and a hug from us when he gets to see her. Will keep you posted as I am. Janet
P.S. Joe called at 8:55 pm, so she was just late getting in.
I am glad to know it doesn't necessarily mean anything bad. I hope she has a fast and easy recovery. I go in Wednesday for my surgery, so I will probably see her. She said she would come see me. I hope she feels up to it. Today was my final appointment with Dr. Ramaswamy and it went great. I also had my pre-op at the hospital and that went good too. I was kind of glad to know that my doctor was not concerned for my liver being that big because I am not supposed to lose a lot. She said that there is a chance I could be 112 (ideal weight) but we both agree that 120 is good. Either way, I hope to be a loser soon!