Hey guys I need for you all to pray for me . Don’t know what to ask for really but I got a letter in the mail yesterday from Skaggs hospital. I had a mamagram done a few weeks ago and there is a spot on the right breast that needs further evaluation . That is their words not mine. Lol. I will go back on the 11th for a ultra sound for that. I don’t expect them to find anything really I have very dense breast and have very cystic breast too.
If they think it is anything I am going to tell them to just cut them both completely off. Don’t want to fool with lots of meds and such. Never have cared about having big boobs at all anyway. Just that much less weight to carry around lol. But anyway just pray that there is nothing to look at. And that God will take care of it if there is. Thanks
I have spent Thursday planting and potting plants till I looked like a big mud ball .
I planted 20 Hostas over in the shade garden. Plus I have a big area filled with hostas that I bought 2 springs ago and planted. Got them from Lowes. Just a bag of them . They have really grown.
I had to run to the nursery in Kirbyville and get some more potting soil and found the best looking , prettiest Bougainvillea. It is yellow. I have never seen one that is yellow before,
also bought a big pot of Missouri primrose that will come back next year too.
I planted it by the pond in the back yard.
We had our firs****ermelon tonight after supper. Our great grandson, Brendan didn’t like it at all. Lol spit it out. He is 21 months old and usually eats anything. Just wasn’t to his taste lol. It wasn’t the very best I have ever eaten but it was pretty good.
Tomorrow is another work day , lol , that sounds sort of funny to say. So I am going to get the recap done an probably go ahead and post so I can get into bed. Have to get up early you know.
COLETTE: Hey good to see you on again. Sorry about the computer troubles.
Glad that someone can relate to me about the nursing . I love nursing but I just don’t want to put myself in a position to have all the stress that it can cause. Is it about time for you to get out of it? Or are you still hanging on for awhile yet?
ELIZABETH: Thanks for thinking about me , so maybe do so again today lol. Thanks for the compliments . I do love to talk to people so if that is what it takes I guess I will do ok.
The ponds and pumps are the right size. I bought new connecting hose and hooked it up and ran the hose underground so it wouldn’t show up to the water fall. Everything looks ok and runs fine. But if you leave it run all the time it will empty out the pond that the pump is in in about 12 hours. The ground around the pools are not wet like the hoses have a hole in them or anything so don’t know. The water will sit without running the pumps for days without leaking out so there is no hole in the ponds. Just cant figure it out. Im off Saturday and im going to sit out there and figure it out or die trying. Lol.
Yeah I wish someone lived close to me so we could share flowers. Where do you live it doesn’t say on your profile? Ozark?
TAMMY: Well did you hear anything from Natalie? Hope everything is allright.
Yeah when I go in to see my doctor now it is like ok jump up on the scale. And get weighed. Use to I hated that part. I think people think im weird , well alright they know im weird.
I just forgot all about chatroom Wednesday night. I was too tired after that day of work lol I guess.
Oh I so envy you younger people that are going to have so many years to do something good with your life after surgery. Go to school while you are still on disability, get signed up and get them to pay for it so you will be ready to do something with your life. Use this gift that God and your surgeon is going to give you. Make them both proud.
JANET: I answered your wow post but again I want to say how proud of you I am. Being able to get up out of a pool is no easy feat is it. You go from being light to heavy in a matter of seconds (as you stand) and when we are really heavy it is really hard on the arms. But you have gotten light enough now to do it. YEA!!!!! What do you weigh now do you know?
Hey no need to be embarrassed when getting a bra fitting you leave your bra on. No way to measure with it off. Lol I even had them measure me so I could see if I was getting the right size. Yep 38 B not much left of my girls as you can see. Lol.
The area at the pool . you can plant those elephant ears there too. They will help give a tropical feel too. They get pretty big and have the huge leaves on them that look like elephant ears. (what else) other things that will help with the tropical feel is cannas. Get a couple of bulbs and put them in big pots they have big leaves and bright flowers.
Since they change the posting area mine has been doing that too. I will post on someones thread and it may take up to two hours for it to show up.
Glad the daughter came in on time. I know you are having problems with her but I think you said someone said that it was a form of child abuse to not follow thru when you tell them a consequence for bad behavior and then not follow thru. I second that. Sure didn’t know that anyone else in the permissive world believed in that at all. One of my pet peeves is to hear young mothers saying to a child , if you don’t stop that im going to swat y ou or put you time out or what ever the punishment is. And they say it over and over to the child. And the kid just keeps doing what ever knowing that the mother is a liar. That she isnt going to do any thing. I have to grit my teeth together so many times when I hear them do that. Two warnings are more than enough for even a toddler. For a teen ager once is enough.
I admire you for the phone deal and the door and the computer and all of it. She isnt a child but if she wants to disobey then she should have to face the concequences.
I know it is hard to do right now thinking she wants to go live with her dad but I doubt if she really does she is just trying to use it for leaverage. Any way if he is going to be dead in a year what would she do then. Roam the streets of Vegas? I really feel for you and what you are going thru with her. My youngest one quit school without me knowing it and 6 months later came in with her certificate for a GED and said I quit school last semester but I went and took my GED and passed with only missing one question. She had turned in a new address and phone number and said we were moving so there were no calls from the school and she was old enough that she could quit leally anyway. I sat down and bawled my eyes out over that. She only had a half of year to go to graduate . She had all As and Bs always had had and was always so bored in school . Now if I had it to do over I would have worked a second job if I would have had to to pay for her to have been in college prep classes or in this private school in town that was for gifted kids.
She was always and still has a very high I.Q. Got her in more trouble than if she had been dumb I guess. We butted heads until she left home and moved in with her boyfriend. At 17 no less. No way that she knew what she was doing to herself by doing that. But it has been just one thing after the other since she was 13 or so …before that she was the neatest mamas girl. So loving and *****y but minded well. Then wham it all changed lol
But like I said she and I are friends now .
So sorry about Megan getting married to someone that you all don’t really approve of . But in that case all you can do is one of two things. To accept it or not. If you don’t then you take the chance of alienating her by not accepting her husband. Or keep her near by accepting and just being sup portative when the time comes if it does. You never know some of these lazy young men do turn out to be good men. Sometimes they need some not so gentle pushing.
When you get ready to sell stuff make up a list and send it around in an email to all your friends maybe some of them would be interested in some things you might have.
If you have any clothes that are too big on you from your before life left I know a girl that will need some of them . She has very little and is in 5x right now. She is having surgery July 9th
So glad your stomach is feeling better. What sort of meds did they give you for it? Im glad that you have some days now. I bet the pool will help at least while you are in it. Maybe think about covering it for the winter and heating it lol so you can swim year round.
LANA: Everytime I see your picture pop up here I smile. I love that picture and you have gotten thinner since it was taken I know but it is so cute.
So sorry to hear about your friend. That was so quick and those always catch everyone by surprise , Probably was an aneurism if it happened that quickly.
My ex-husbands wife after me did that. Was in bed on Sunday morning drinking their coffee , he went out to get the Sunday paper so they could read it and when he came back in she was gone. That is the reason we all should be prayed up I guess we never know when God is going to call us home.
When I get a regular schedule I will post it so you will know when I am there ok?
Would love for you to come see me at work lol . We do have some beautiful bras and undies. Have you all heard of some panties called skimp scamps. Oh my they feel like baby skin. I bought a pair and you can not even tell you have anything on. They feel great.
Wow the quesadilla sounds wonderful I always loved Reuben sandwiches. That was my favorite . I am going to try them.
Oh I agree with you about looking back and seeing mistakes we made in mothering. But as they say hine site is 20/20. all of my kids I have told them that and that im sorry if I made mistakes when I was raising them but I did the best I knew how to do with what I knew at that time. Now I wouldn’t do those things but would probably make other mistakes lol So Hopefully things I did didn’t cause them to much conflict in their life and they have learned to be a good person in spite of my mothering. Lol
Anxious to see the new pictures.
BRENDA: I use to be that way , being so private about things but I have learned to open up to so many people and things since surgery that I don’t even feel like I am the same person anymore. Which is a good thing. Now that I look back I don’t think I liked that other person. She was an old sad sack. Lol
I think you have done a fantastic job on your weight loss. Just stop and look at the pictures of your self. Think back 9 months ago when we were having surgery. I know I feel so much better. Yeah my back still hurts about 24/7 but the weight I have to carry around on it and my knees is so much less. That I thank God daily for that, as I know you do too.
I have about another 29 pounds I want to get rid of too but if it doesn’t happen I feel so much better that im not going to complain lol
I know how you feel tho I feel like that too. I would love to lose at least another 10 pounds before I see Dr. Hornbostel on the 19th. Lol I guess to show off.
If you will just get in the amount of water you are suppose to daily it might help your back pain. Really they say dehydration will cause you to have more joint pain than you would have.
CONNIE: What happened to your arm in the nursing home. You probably said but I can only remember so much lol.
Hey where on Bull Shoals are you all going to go on vacation? What town or what ever?
We live on Bull Shoals lake below Forsyth.
I would tell my pcp all of your complaints and he /she should write them in your chart. You probably need to have a sleep study done anyway. In case you are dignosed with sleep apnea they will know for when they do surgery. .
BEV: glad to see you here on Whats Happening. Doesn’t matter if you have had surgery or not, Im sure you have a life and can tell us about yourself just the same.
Glad that you are going to the seminar Tuesday night. Look for Craig there , he will be there as support for his brother. I know your insurance requires the 6 months but it is going faster than you thought isnt it? As I say , “Keep your eyes on the Prize” It will happen for you.
You will need to get off the pop. Im sorry but it is something that isnt needed in your life anyway. And you are doing this surgery to get healthy right? So why would you want to put something into your body that is unhealthy. The caffeine is what your addictied to in it so buy you some that is caffeine free and do it half and half for a couple of days and then little by little reduce the caffeine one to less and the decaf one to more until you no longer are addicted to the caf. Then you can switch to crystal lite an be completely off that. You probably will start losing more weight when you do that.
Hope you will go to the KC metro group again this month , It is a good way to keep the support going that you need.
MICHELLE: Hey great that you now have a surgery date. July the 6th will be here before you know it.
Hey glad the grass is growing good. Keep i****ered well this summer so it doesn’t stress out. And next year you should have to worry about it too much.
Glad school is over for the summer. Maybe we can see you around some now. By the time you go back in the fall you willhave lost so much that no one will know you. Lol
SHERR: LOL I love the new pictures they are so cute. Silly girl. Yeah I was telling Joe about some of the neat stores over there. He laughed and said what are you doing spending as fast as you work ? Guess so cause I have to have some of those cute clothes I saw there.
Glad the last migraine is gone. Hope and pray you don’t have another one.
So how is the love life?
You and Lana can argue over the raiders and 49s all you want . I am a die hard Cowboys fan from way back. When they were the team to beat. Just keep hoping and praying that one day they get back to that. Even if they don’t I will stay a fan of the COWBOYS.
Sure wish I could say I was only 8 pounds from goal. Whoo hooo that is sure neat.
MELISSA: if you are reading this hurry and get well girl and come and play with us . It is really good for the sole. We all love you and hope and pray that you are doing better every day. Take care of yourself and just know we all love you .
ANDREW: if you are out there somewhere , man where did you go. The last time I talked you , you said that you had your computer fixed and would come back online. Hopefully everything is ok with you and Susan. WE all love you and wish you could and would come back to the board.
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Hello OH Board,
JAN: Of course prayers are with you. I also had a lump once and they did a needle biopsy and it went away which told the dr. it was probably a cyst.We have a history of cysts in our family.I'll most certainly say a prayer for you. I'm not good on directions here yet, but the campsite is at the base of the dam and near Mt. Home 8 miles west on 178. My arm I hurt when 3 of us went to lift a 300 lb. lady off the bed to a shower chair and she went limp on us. I wasn't gonna drop her so I lifted her up and put her up on the chair. I had a little help from the other two but they panicked,but we got her up there.Then we had to take her from the shower chair to the wheelchair after her shower and she went limp again and that did it. I have a small bicep tear,I pulled the ligaments in my elbow and I'm going June 27th to see why I have intense burning and pulling on the inside of my arm.It happened in Nov. of last year and the workers comp dr. said it would heal up in about 6 weeks and I'm still waiting.
LANA: I also am gonna try your reuben. Even before I have the surgery. I love reubens.
TAMMYH: I haven't met you yet, but good luck on the surgery Monday.I'll say a pray for a speedy recovery and for the day to go quick for ya!
JANET:I get what you mean about in and out of the pool in a different way.That was the first moment I actually felt the weight on me. I felt so light in the water and each step I took out of the pool I felt the weight just settling back on my body. What a moment that was for me!Congrats on the accomplishment. Like they've said now you can do this alone. And great about your daughter and the mother / daughter time!!
Take care and God Bless Everyone Connie

