~Prayers for Deb M~Anyone have news?~
Hello everyone,
I dont know what happened-but I had an email in my OH mail-and it was from Deb M-from Monday night at 7:25 or something PM...anyhow-I JUST GOT IT-and she said that she was going to Brothwell (?) Hospital-she thought something had lodged in her throat-but could not stop vomitting-has anyone heard from her or how she is doing?
PLEASE say prayers for Deb...If it was serious enough for her to go up and have to see Dr. H that late in the evening-than its something they were worried about-but I havent seen where she has posted anything today-so IF you know something-PLEASE let me know-and PLEASE PRAY FOR DEB....Thanks. Love, Janet
Janet...thank you for the prayers and posting my request for prayers. I really didn't have time to post everything...it was very rushed! David was getting the car so I popped on here long enough to let someone know that I was on my way to Bothwells and that prayer was needed!
To my surprise, when the site popped up, everything had changed! I didn't know where to go or what to do! I don't remember everything from that night but I do remember seeing a link to your profile so that's where the message was left. Sorry, that it was a little confusing! I knew that you would get it figured out and would get it posted! Thank you again....so soooo very much!!
What happened was while eating supper Monday night, David had asked me something and when I went to answer him, I still had a small amount of food in my mouth so I swallowed it. (Mom said don't talk with food in your mouth!!) When I turned my head to answer him with a yes or no (can't remember what the question was now) I felt the food trying to pass threw the lap band with some discomfort. There have been other times when I have felt this but after a few seconds, it passed and I was fine....not this time!
I froze in my normal "that bite was larger than it should of been" pose, hoping and praying that the food would go ahead and pass! I knew it would hurt but I didn't care, it was better than just laying there! Be careful what you wish for!
Anyway, the food didn't go down and I started what I thought to be signs that I had aspirated some of the food instead of it all going into my stomach. I couldn't breath that well and the amount of saliva I had was more than enough for 10 people! I then began to choke and gag on the saliva that was coming up. Then I started throwing up everytime I tried to swallow the saliva. I couldn't get the food to come up or go down. I grabbed a empty fast food cup and held it to my mouth because now it felt like my body had taken over and was trying it's best to dislodge the food with more saliva then I could control. My saliva became frothy or foamy and I was getting worse...by this time, I'm thinking hospital! David got the car...I don't remember getting in but next thing I knew we were at the ER here in Harrisonville!
They were all over me, taking vitals, asking questions....by this time I couldn't speak without choking so I grabbed a notebook from my purse and started writing down what David's couldn't answer. Their Dr said that yes, I had all the signs of someone who had something lodged in their throat and that he would go talk to their surgeon. I scribbled down that I had a lap band before the Dr. left. When he came back in after a few minutes, he told me that this surgeon had never had to work around any type of wls and felt it best to call Dr. H
Dr. H told them that either I needed to go get some papaya pills and take them or get a scope down my throat. I then remembered that we had talked about papaya pills on here before so I voted for that instead of going with this surgeon that had never experienced wls before!
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We got home, I started choking worse! I tried taking the pills but it was too late! Something had happened that was now causing me severe head pain and chest pain for several seconds every time I tried to swallow and to vomit even more saliva which had now turned to some type of thick, clear gel that was filling my throat and sinus cavity before it was coming out and at times I was actually having to use my hands to pull this stuff from my nose and mouth so I could breath! I was thinking, okay, I'm not an alien so it's time to call Dr. H!
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Margie answered and told me that Dr. H was already at the hospital and for me to meet him there and for me to bring my toiletries, just in case.
While sitting there watching David get a few things together, I started throwing up again but this time it was more normal except it was very forceful! I could finally breath after this so I'm thinking....maybe, no Dr?
I waited a few minutes then tried to sip a little water....oh my Lord...that was a mistake! The intense pain was back and I thought my chest was going to explode! So off to the Dr, we go!
I'd say that David was pretty nervous during the hour and a half drive from here to there because I didn't talk or make a move the whole way! He kept touching my arm and rubbing my leg as if he was making sure I was still alive...my poor baby! He has gone through so much with me!
By the time we got there, I'd say that Dr. H had already gone home but I felt safe there. At least these people knew what to do with someone who had, had wls.
They took my vitals and some blood and asked me what was going on and I found that I was able to talk again. I told them all that I could remembered and David told them what he remembered and they called Dr. H who said to keep me.
The next morning, they did a endoscope and an upper GI which showed I was okay and that the lap band had held up just fine! I'd say that during the last vomiting I got rid of whatever was stuck! Thank you Lord!!
By the way....Dr H told me that the doctor from the Harrisonville ER asked him where the release valve was for my lap band??...we had a good laugh!
David, who had driven me to Sedalia (at 9:30p) and had drove back home (1:30a) after they said they were going to keep me (between 11p & 12a) , got a couple hours of sleep, went to work the next morning (4:30a) and then came back to Sedalia to get me after work (3p) then drove us home to Harrisonville (7p) is a SAINT and I want everyone to know how much I appreciate him for loving me as he does! Thank you sweetheart! I love you too! <3<3<3
Well, now you all know my Monday night drama...thanks again Janet!! and my thanks go out to all that prayed for us that evening!
Love & Prayers for happier times! Deb M
Dear Deb,
Poor, Poor Deb!! I am so sorry you had to experience that!! I was feeling sick just reading what you were going through! I feel awful that happened to you-but am glad you are home and better now!! I guess I should go get some papaya pills to have on hand at the house-I always mean to do it-but never do-but now I have written it down and I WILL get them next trip to Walmart-and if they dont have them-will go to the health food store-bet its cheaper than an ER visit or overnite stay!! Poor thing, you must have been scared out of your mind!~Well, I am still gonna keep you in my thoughts and prayers-and give your hubby a huge hug from me-and tell him thanks for being such a good hubby-I appreciate him being attentive to my good friend-and ask him to give you a big ol' hug from me too-please. I am sending LOVING thoughts to you as I type-and sending a cyber-hug to my buddy. Love ya-Janet