Columbia is So Frustrating.....
Is it me or can the Columbia Clinic be sooo frustrating...I couldn't get Amy to call me back so I chose another option on the touch tone phone selection thing and talked to Leslie..who has always been very helpful and nice...I told her I'd been calling Amy to get my final two tests scheduled and to see if they had recieved my approval , and I was wondering if Amy was out of the office...she said no she was there, and she checked for me and lo and behold they had received my approval and it was already in the she didn't know why amy hadn't called me yet....prob the same reason why I never got that letter they say they send when they submit you for insurance.....grrr..i'm just venting because I know you all know how it feels to hurry up and wait.....and to be so close....argh....
Dear Kim,
I went through MO Bariatrics-and believe it or not-I did ALL my own scheduling except for the pre-op testing and NUT 1/2 day class-because of the problem with the girls at the front. I learned from Sherr, who had her own issues-and out of 50 times calling, I only got 2 return calls-one from Leslie and one from Carrie....the ONLY time Amy called is when Fearing had to reschedule me-I had the perfect experience with my surgeon and my surgery, and to this day-the ONLY thing I would have or would change, are the 2 at the front desk who NEVER returned calls and were RUDE when you would call more than once because they didnt do their job-this is just the beginning for you, so my advice to you is do as much as you can yourself OR while you are in the office WITH your surgeon/Natalie-because anything else will be WHEN they get around to it-which can take MONTHS.....Im sorry you went through that-but I am happy for your approval-WOO HOO....Not sure where you live-but I live abt 5 hrs from Columbia-and got all the info on my tests and brought the paperwork home and had my PCP order them for me-and then the things I HAD to do in Columbia (Dr. Halstenson and labs) I did myself, even making my appt with Halstenson so it would coorespond with my other visits etc-and then I even talked to Carrie, Leslie OR Natalie (RN supervisor/office manager) regarding my pre-op testing and scope. I hope this helps~and like I said, IF its something you HAVE to do up there-try and do it WHILE in the office where you can talk to Natalie should you have an issue-AND ANYTHING you fax to them-MAKE sure and KEEP the copies and CONFIRM they received them. Good Luck Kim, I will be praying for smooth sailing for you. Love and Prayers, Janet