Pam Update
I talked to Pam last night. Pam still is in alot of pain. The hospital is going to do another leak test on her. I dont know if they think she has a leak or what. They are still keeping her NPO (nothing by mouth) and she said she is so thirsty. They just know that she has an infection somewhere but they dont know where it is. Please keep her in your prayers!!!! I will be talking to her this evening to see if they did her leak test or not. And I will post when I know anymore.
God Bless
I had the same issue 2 years ago -- one week post-op. Infection in my drain site. The emergency room I went to first thought it was a bowel obstruction. Dr. Scott made them pack me up in the ambulance and transport me to Columbia. Even he was expecting a bowel obstruction after all he'd seen and heard from the doctor at the ER. I was re-admitted to Columbia on Wednesday morning and didn't get to go home until Saturday. They pumped me full of tons of anti-biotics. I was a good deal of pain until they started kicking in. They did two leak tests on me, just to be sure everything was kopasetic. I think the leak test is pretty standard any time there's an issue. Especially that soon post-op.
Prayers and well-wishes for Pam...I can soooooooo relate!!!! But...I've had absolutely no problems since then and have been very pleased with everything.