How is everyone today? It sure was hot wasn't it? . I think I am going to have a pretty good tan before long. I am able to stay out in the sun so much longer this year. Tomorrow I hope we can get the pool set up so it will be warm enough to swim by the end of the month. If the weather stays like it has been it will be ready before then. I saw an ad yesterday on tv. About a 15x24 above ground pool that they come and sit it up for 350.00 included pump and everything. I think there must be something wrong with that price but don't know. I may call them to see about it. Would be a lot nicer to not have to take the pool down and put it up every winter.
Several more new people peeking into our forum today. I hope they all keep coming back and let us get to know them .
Planted some more petunias close to the back pond and then planted some up front by the new ponds too. We are going to get the front ponds running tomorrow hopefully anyway. Cant afford the one pump that we need but will do the other part right now anyway. So I can get my water flowers planted and in the water. I have never done any of that before so am anxious to get them going.
MELISSA: So did you find any good bargains at any of the sales yet? How did Janets hair turn out? I bet it looks cute.
I am sure praying that your gyn. Doc gives everything a thumbs up too. I know you are so anxious to try for that. Yeah I can see you carrying 3 or more and being famous over it lol
You would have an instant family that way. Lol
I know you would be like on cloud nine for sure.
COLETTE: Your water intake is about the same as mine most days. But I really think I do more protein than you do. So don't know why im not losing anymore.
Hey sorry I missed your post on Friday, I posted before you got it on there or something but that will teach me to go back and look at it again before I hit the submit button all the time anymore.
Glad t hear Mel is doing better. Yeah they sound just like MIAs to me too.
You look great in your new picture, which I might add am glad to see on your posts again.
DENISE: Oh wow I love the races. Circle or drag? I love both of them, Nascar is my favorite sport to watch. We also watch the national drag races on tv.
You know I sometimes in a wild spur of the moment thing , think I will reinstate my nursing lic. And go back to work as a nurse, Then I wake up and slap myself good and realize I'm way to busy to ever fit work in to my life too. Lol.
We are so glad to see you on the boards and Im very happy that you posted to my daily whats happening post. Come back again, daily if you can.
TAMMY: Wow that is great about the weight loss. You are going to get there I just know you are. I hope and pray that we hear that yell of yours way down here in S.W. Mo. Lol
You know that we will continue to pray about your nephew and the situation he is in. I know your sister is just beside herself with worry. That must be an awful feeling to have your son facing that sort of stuff and nothing you can do about any of it.
Hope Joe and your stepdaughter are both feeling better now. Amazing how fast some medications can work isnt it?
Hey Im going to get my pool set up today hopefully. Then by the time it quits raining this time it will be warmed up enough to use. I still am thinking very strongly about the one I saw on tv. One that size would be so very nice. Now if I can find 360.00 extra somewhere lol. Is yours one of the ones that you blow up the top ring and add water? That is what mine is now and they aren't nearly as easy to set up as they sound. Lol
You have to do a lot of prep work and get your area really really flat and level or they will just spill out all your water. It is the best way I have found to exercise for me anyway. With my bad knees it is so hard to walk and get any cardio workout.
And the arthritis I have in all of my joints don't allow much either. But the water I can exercise as fast and as hard as I want and it help with everything. I could go down to the lake and do it , it is just down the hill from my house but I keep floating away lol and when I get in water over my head I freak out . I can swim but it still freaks me out lol
ANGIE: So good to see you posting. I love to see new ones on my post. Well I disagree with your doctor that you cant lose that weight by Sept. Angie if you get a good protein powder like the one a lot of us use. "ON" and have that 2 maybe 3 times a day. You wont be hungry because of the amount of protein you are getting into your body and that will help you control that. You wont be headachy from lack of food because that will do it. And then inbetween have all the s.f. popcicles, jello, broth, drinks you can put into your body. Drink lots and lots of water. When you think you are hungry go drink lots of water. A lot of times when we are getting the signal that we are hungry it is really that we are thirsty . it really helps a lot.
If you mess up once in a while don't beat yourself up that is how we all got to where we were. For most of us it is the fact that we are perfectionist and that makes it hard to diet and not get it right every day. That is what makes us say to ourselves after a slip up when we were dieting. Well you cant do it so you might as well quit now. But you have to change you thoughts to :ok so what I goofed but for the next few minutes I will do it right. Sort of like an addict of any thing food is a hard drug to beat. Just know that after surgery you don't have the constant need to eat and actually have to make yourself eat most of the time. Lol now isn't that a wild idea.
We are here for you and any newbies , to answer questions , guide you when you need it , encourage you and give a pat on the back when you deserve it and also a swift kick when that might be needed. Although we prefer to give the pats and hugs instead. The kick are only if you are hurting yourself .
JANET: lol it doesn't hurt for your teenagers to know you have backup at all. That was a neat way to corner her and make her listen. You are a pretty smart mama.
Sure hope you all get the boy that is stalking her stopped and don't hesitate to involve the police if need be. That might be all that is needed to make him back off for good. Internet and phone stalking is just as bad as any other too. And as crazy as SOME of the young ones are now days, it isn't necessarily a goofy crush like it was in my day and harmless.
Hey the pool party sure sounds like fun .....ok everyone lets pray for a full week of now rain so Janet can get her pool cleaned and done. Although it makes me cringe to pray for no rain , God might just decide that ok we don't need any and not send any for a long, long time. And we don't want that, that is for sure.
I cant wait to see what you have done to your hair. Do you like it or , are you still in shock? Or did you chicken out?
Sweetie know that I hold you up to God in prayer daily as I do each and everyone that answer's my posts. I feel like it is my responsibility to do that but not only that I want to too.
VESTA: no didn't get the phone number of the pool company but did get the web site. It is www.blueworldpools.com
I would love to get one of the permanent above ground pools an inground one is just too expensive for me . I know I would never get that. Even tho I would love it.
Yeah a lot of mine are looking better all except the crepe myrtles yet. Not a sign on them at all.
DEBBIE M.: I am so sorry to hear that you are sick again. That has to be so aggravating when you feel good otherwise and constantly getting sick like that. We will all be praying for you and your grandbabies too.
Probably isnt a real easy way to tell your daughter but it needs to be done so just go for it. Your health is at stake you know.
We all love you and will be praying that you get well . It is too pretty out to be cooped up inside sick.
Well I guess that is it now. I had to go to bed early and I mean early for me . it was about 9: 30 but you see where I am at 3 am now. Ive been up here typing this up since about 2am.
Did you all see on the news about the small town in Kansas that a tornado blew away? The boy they interviewed on there that was the newlywed that was from the Ozarks , his first name was Kevin, that is my youngest daughters , bosses son. Wow that was more round=about than I intended for it to be. Lol
Anyway they lost absoluting everything. They were renting so the house wasn't theres but they lost all their furniture, clothes etc everything.
Just was quite a tornado .
Good Morning Everyone:
The birds are churping & there's a gentle breeze comeing thro the house. Sky is all cloudy like it wants to you know what today. I am getting ready to jump in the shower so I can get ready for church this morning. I fixed Dad breakfast, got Terry all taped up and he got his shower, folded 1 load of laundry, took my vitimins, took another load of clothes out of the dryer (they havent got folded yet). So needless to day it has been a busy morning. I thought I better get in here and post awhile I had a few minutes. After church Terry is bringing his new toy home. I will be changeing clothes, loading the car up and taken some thing I got out to Janet's house. Come home cook dinner for everyone. Fold the clothes that are in the basket. And then hopefully rain or no rain get my plant replanted. I am tired all ready. lol
Went to pretty good sales yesterday. Knee felt pretty good all day long just a little tender by evening time. Went and picked up my neice from work. We went to strabucks then sort of cruised thro town. Got to see Janet & her daughter get their hair cuts. I love the style that Janet's DH picked out. But I like better the way Janet ended up getting it cut. She look so GREAT!!!! Then we went to several tatoo parlors then I took them back to her car. Then I went to Lane Bryant and exchage a bra I bought. Got the wrong size thank goodness that I kept the receipt. Then I came home sat in the garage and went thro the garage sale items I bought. Sorted them out to who they go to. Got in the house put stuff away and pretty much surfed the interent for awhile then watched a tv program until I went to bed. But all in all have a really good day yesterday.
Well it is time for me to get off of here and get ready. I pray everyone has a blessed day and that everyone is safe here on the board.
God Bless
Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~
All this talk about pools-WHY dont you just rub some salt in my wounds? LOL LOL-No, Mel said yesterday we are going to call one of those tent companies - LOL and see what it would cost for a week-Silly woman!! But-that got my wheels in my brain spinning-and I am thinking tarp? or tarps? but from end to end on the chain link fencing around the pool area? Just may work-we will see how ambitious I get and how many BIG tarps we have around here-imagine there are lots of things I can find IF I werent too afraid of the snakes to go snooping through the big ol morton building!!
I still have to get my garage sale over with-and I am hell bent that it WILL be done this month~have asked my daughter and her fiance to help since they have no ailments like me and my hubby and mel and hers-LOL-so-between my oldest 2 girls, my oldest son and the future SIL-there is NO reason we cant hold it this month with their help. Of course, have offered monetary compensation-that gives them more incentive to help~
Okay-so I colored my hair yesterday (not telling you what color-LOL) and I went to see my old friend Robin-showed her the picture-and I really didnt want to do it THAT SHORT-and she said we could do it where I wouldnt be in shock-but it would still be a big enough difference etc-my hair was really dry and I had a ton of split ends-which I didnt quite understand because I dont use the blow dryer but once every 6 mos or so and I dont use curling iron or chemicals other than coloring every 3-4 months or so! I lost about 1/2 of my hair and she showed me how to style it for different ways to do something with it......Not sure IF I will be doing the highlights or not-will see-already have the kits here-just may do it one day and surprise everyone!!!
Yesterday-I had to take Steph to work-(joplin) dropped her off, went to Diamond right after and picked up Darrel from his overnite church lock in- he didnt have a voice- which was nice (LOL)...came home-we planted our lilac and pineapple bushes-we repotted the sunflowers and other stuff Jon planted with me a couple weeks back-and then used those window planters for our marigolds-and then also filled our 2 hanging planters with them as well-they are so beautiful and big (bought them in a flat-all 3 colors) Then we repotted the one you sent for Jon (Flower lady) because Jon wants it away from everything else-in its own special pot....I put those metal decorative deals around the lilac so it wont get run over by the riding mower-but decided that the pineapple bush needed one too-so used one of my candy canes from Christmas decorations (outside).....today we are going to plant our seedlings for the cardinal climber and our morning glories and get them started too....Jon planted corn on the cob 2 weeks ago-and they are HUGE-but guess what? the green beans I planted-the seeds didnt even sprout.....geez~
Ok-so then I colored my hair-showered, went to Joplin (again) and got my hair done, Mel and Steph came up-steph got hers done-and then we hit 3 tattoo shops to find our tattoo-didnt get it done tho. Steph keeps asking for a tattoo-I told her no! She wanted her ear pierced up on top (thought like mine is) and she said no-its called "the industrial" and they told her $50-$60 and I said-heck-I will take you to the maill and we will spend $20-$25 at the most-well-its NOT the same-its peirced in 2 places AND has a bar bell through it- EWWWW!~!! So, she is telling Mike when we get home that she wants a star (little one) tattoo-and he tells her YES....What the hell is happening to my husband and when are the aliens going to bring him back?
So then we come back home-and Steph went to the bridge with her boyfriend, Spencer-so ALL the way BACK to Joplin.....then.....had to go and pick her back up!!! Holy cow-I didnt hit the bed until after midnite. Im so tired! I think my poor car racked up about 200 miles! I dont mind running with my sunroof open because I Know its not going to be long before I dont have the car anymore-so I am enjoying it while I can. Its probably my favorite feature on any car! Although it was so much fun running around with Mel in her Kia with the back off-like a convertible~WOOO HOOOO!!
**jan-on that pool-I called a place back when I lived in town, and it was xxxx amount to come and set up the pool-and then monthly payments then after...it was for homeowners only (which I know you own your property, just telling you how this offer was like 8 years ago) we got lucky and Mikes boss GAVE us their old above ground pool when they had an inground put in-and we just had to take it down-it was the HUGE Oval shaped above ground and we loved it-we didnt take it down until we sold the house in town....I loved it because it stayed up all year long-but its hard to find a really good deal on pools like that....Ive heard a hundred realtors say they have a hard time selling houses with pools-and I wouldnt want to give my inground pool up for anything. If I ever moved from here-would still want at least an above ground pool-I tell you-we are in that pool on and off ALL DAY long IF it doesnt rain. We even make our lunches and eat it out by the pool on our patio set and then get back in! I have to really get out there and finish weeding around the pool-we have that white decorative rock all around the concrete by the pool and the weeds are overtaking it!!! I need to spend a whole weekend just getting that pool area ready.....need to find some time!
Dont worry-with the stalker kid-we WILL call the police IF need be-you cannot discount any of this stuff nowadays-its way too scary the people that are out there and what people are doing now! Im sure it will work out-and I am glad that she has learned a valuable lesson without it ending in tragedy. Her biological dad called me and wants me to let Steph go out to Vegas with him on May 25 and then send her back with his mom a week or two later.....UM....dont really want to do that. Too scared of what will emotionally happen to her when I am not there to defend her or keep an eye on that jerk. Since he obviously doesnt think before he opens his mouth or who he has around her.
Well, I am going to end this post. I know I am forgetting something I wanted to say to somebody-but I didnt make my note like I thought about-SHOOT...so If I remember, I will get back on here and post it-LOL...have to run Steph to work and stop and get the dogs some food AGAIN....and then get some housework done.
Glad to see all the newbies-hope all our post ops and pre ops are all doing well- I pray for you all daily-take care everyone!! Love and Prayers- Janet
Happy Sunday morning!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am so glad that I am starting to feel so much better. I am starting to get the gardening fever from my friends here, and this is a first. I am proud to say my cucumber plant is doing great. I lost one of them but the other one is going so good, I am so glad. Is there a reason that I missed while I was gone from the board why Jan isnt posting herdaily garden tips? I really loved the info. I started a file and was keeping all the tips there,lol. I didnt want to bomb Jan with a bunch of questions all you pros would laugh at.lol. Well I am going to attempt to clean the garage with the family today, next weekend is our yearly neighborhood garage sale.
JAN This is the craziest thing. I cant find out where I can go to get the MRSA test done. I can find places that will do the culture testing, but will not do the dang swab. I have tried Dr. office, Quest Labs, St. Joseph's, Barnes St. Peters, Barnes Jewish, and St. Johns hospitals. I have even called infectious dieseses center in St Louis,(they said they treat the MRSA but dont do the tests!!!) If anyone can help, please let me know. I am calling doctors Scott's office on Monday and asking them what I should do. We were put on a certain kind of antibotic and there is no sign of it anywhere but it still worrys me. But we do not know 100% that is MRSA, but just in case we are taking all precautions!!! Yes and I am very excited about the approval with the insurance.
KRISSY Glad to see you on the board!! I hope those headaches are gone soon. I will be saying prayers for you.
MEL Yeaaaaaaaaa for you, I am so happy to hear about the blood clots and no more pills for the blood thining!!!!!!! Everytime you get to get rid of a pill it has got to be great! I cant wait until I get to get rid of some Of Mine!! Take care and hope your knee is feeling better. I am jelous that you get to spend so much time with Wings, lol but am glad she has a great friend like you to help her feel better.
ANGIE Glad to meet ya here at the Missouri Board. Hang in there with that liquid diet, you can get much help and lots of good tips and tricks from people here!! I know I have.
TAMMY Congrats on the extra weight loss. I forgot when your next appointment is with Dr. Scott. I hope that tomorrow when I talk to them I can ask if they have any openings on your day. If ya get time email me with your date and time.
LANA Just wanted to say hi.
Sent you a email and hoping that what I am thinking about is all in my head. You know all of my OH family is envited to my pool anytime someone is in town. Me Casa You Casa!! Its not the biggest but the hot wings we serve are outta this world, lol. By the way remember you posting about you getting in trouble and you and Mel being in jail, dont you girls worry, I will give you a get out of jail free card,LOL. Revenge on "useless sperm donating ex-husbands", are my favorite bonds to post.LOL I have one of those bas*%rds too!!
Hope to be seeing you all, (with Tammy-ammy) on the losers bench soon!!


Hello Everyone, Well my sunday is pretty uneventful. I started out my day with a slim fast drink and some meds. When my husband woke up he made me 4 sasauge pattys and 3 scrambled egss---I had a snack of a pickle and drank the juice. Then for lunch I had some pork rinds and made like a taco dip thing with sour cream and taco seasoning. Not too hungry currently bored so I am gonna play some rummikub with my husband. (I have to teach him lol wish me luck) I feel really energized and can move better with less aches and pains--not sure if it's mental or if it's because of not eating so much. Everyone still insists it's too cold for me to go swimming so not doing that today. I wish I had some sort of hobby or something to do other than sitting here on my computer all day everyday like I usually do. But I know when the pounds start coming off it'll be easier for me to get more active. Thank you so much for everyone's advice---I am sooooooooo thankful I found all of you!!! All of your advice has helped me tramendously!!!!
laughin at ya.. Re: your nursing license.. I hear retirement is grand.. sometimes it's nice to rewind and go back to work I'm sure.. however, I'll bet your having a heck of alot more fun where you're sitting!
My brother drives @ Central Missouri Speedway in Warrensburg, Mo. It's a 1/4 mile Dirt track, Yes.. kinda OVAL lol. He did pretty good for the most part.. 3 rd in his heat race, and 8th in the feature. I didn't get home until nearly 1am and had to turn around and go to work early this morning.. I gotta remember, I'm no Spring chicken anymore. I had a terrible time gettin these bones out of my nice, warm, comfortable bed!!
Work was pretty uneventful today for the most part. But.. I'm having an extremely brave moment coming up. On Tuesday, I'm interviewing for our Director Of Nursing's Job.. She has decided to move on, and I'm sort of in line for the job.. I currently do the MDS/Care plans.. wound assessments weekly, run the RA department.. I wear many hats.. I figure, I could possibly wear that one too? lol who knows. But I do need a new vehicle and the pay would be better. I've worked in the nursing home for almost 17 years.. so alot of the staff are supportive and pushing me to take over. I'll keep everyone posted on my interview results.. I'm good either way, I'm happy with what I do now.. and I could also use a new learning experience. We'll see. Have A GREAT WEEK EVERYONE!!!
RNY Scheduled JUNE 1st ~~
