Check out my webpage to see what I have been working on all week end. Don't know if you can really tell much about it from the pictures but maybe can get an idea. the retaining walls are so the rain wouldn't wash the mud into my ponds when it rains real hard. Hope you can see it well enough. I still have piles of rocks laying around so it makes it a little difficult to see exactly what we are doing.
I will post another one when I get it all done. I tried to put them on my profile but they wouldn't upload to there so went to the webpage.
Didn't do much of anything else today. That was enough. I was actually sweating today too. So I guess I got warm enough finally. If I had just been setting I wouldn't have been hot tho I can tell you.
Talked to Sugar today and she still is feeling really depressed and down. She said that the reason they gave her for not doing the Gall bladder surgery and sending her home to heal the ulcer is because they said you don't want to have any surgery with an ulcer if you can help it. It could start bleeding or something. Never thought of that. She said she had gained weight in the hospital again. And that losing weight was the farthest thing from her mind right now. That she just wanted to get well if that was possible. So please continue to pray for her healing and for her mental depression too. She feels like it is never going to be over. That she is going to be sick forever.
SHERR: Sorry you didn't get the new pup? So Bailey and Lucus didn't want you to bring another kid into the mix huh
Seems you are always having something done here lately. And most of them are big time things too. A gas leak no doubt. That could be really serious.
The garden sounds really good. I guess since you cant get any tomatoes to grow from seed you will have to go buy you a few tomato plants. My tomatoes don't look to good since I put them in the ground. Don't know why
Guess you are going to have to tell the neighbors that you want the pears now too. Lol
Yeah this is the second round of the syn visc shots that I am having. They didn't take all the pain away but when you hurt all the time they are such a relief.
MELISSA: Oh man you really are going to need some rest soon. Try to rest when you can. The doctor should be able to give him something so maybe he will rest better and then so can you.
Thanks for remembering Sugar in your prayers.
JANET: was going to ask you what do you put the concrete in to make the shape of the stepping stone?
So is your back feeling any better? I certainly hope so.
Did your daughter go ahead and go to the college that she has the scholarship in?
Oh wow I love iris. Don't care what color just Iris in general . Several of mine are growing and blooming too.
I hope someone does make you a stepping stone for mothers day. They are so neat.
I am thinking of having everyone make me one on Mothers day when they come down.
I want to have the stuff here and they can do it how they wants. The adults will do theirs without a handprint and they can put what they want in there. And I can scatter them out in the garden.
LANA: Hey there Hi to you too. Thanks for praying like crazy . LOL.
Hey I want to know why are you cutting down a butterfly bush? That isnt done here lol
Hope the back is feeling better and the other muscles too.
Guys this is really short but my head keeps falling onto the keyboard lol I guess I am really tired from the sun today.
Momma J,
You sweet, sweetheart....yes, I am sad about the puppy, but everything happens for a reason. I have made peace with the matter. Bailey and Lucais and I went to Nana's for Breakfast this morning...YUM YUM.....
Okay, the puppies didn't get to eat any human food, but they got lots of hugs and scruffles from Nana and Grandpa! LOL
The gas leak that the City Boyz are here fixing is smelly and that CAN'T be good....but, alas, it's being fixed!!
I am having the WORST cramps I have had in the 7 months since surgery today...HOLY COW.....doubling over...I wouldn't not MIND one bit to be DONE with this part of my life, let me tell ya!
I have so much I need to be doing outside before it gets HOTT this summer, and feel helpless today.
I am 179 as of yesterday, that's 9 pounds from goal....I can't believe it.
Hello Missouri,
I chopped down that butterfly bush mercilessly. It had just gone too wild. It will come back I'm sure but it had lots of dead canes and it just drooped all over the neighbors yard across the fence and looked ugly!!! I think they are pretty when they bloom but this was full of deadwood.
My little tomatoes look so pitiful. They are sort of bleached looking, I think from the wind and sun. They are going to be fine I'm sure. John says I have to water them every evening now and every morning when it gets hot. Is that true? We got our geraniums and petunias for the front of the house and two hydrangeas to put in the back in the shade. Got everything planted yesterday before I went to TJ Maxx. I have to go there once a week - it's the law.
I am so concerned for Sugar. I know she must be so discouraged. Keep your chin up Sugar, you're going to be fine and then you can be thinking about weight. Right now you need to just think about keeping your protein level high enough that you can heal.
Melissa, I cannot even imagine what you're going through. I know it's not Bob's fault but you cannot let yourself get sick worrying and caring for him. Know Terry would help if he could. I remember someone gave you some good advice about home health care, maybe you should look into it.
Wish I could get a new puppy. I'd love a little poodle!!! However, no new puppies for us until we no longer have Mike, our Jack Russell. He's psychotic and the cat just about put him over the edge so a new puppy would do him in for sure.
Hugs and love to all of you.