Jan C.
on 4/19/07 4:55 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
WELL, I NEVER, I'VE been to two fairs and an rodeo and I never heard that expression about my hummers (birds) ever. I must be more naïve than I thought. LOL I would have thought I had heard all the expressions and words there were by now. Hummm wonder what else I don't know lol. Well some things aren't really worth knowing to tell the truth, now is it. We spent all day working on the ponds. Got them all set . and leveling out the ground , went and got a load of flat rocks to make sort of like flagstone areas around them and part of the yard. Leaving pockets open to plant plants around the pond. Today in the mail I got a catalog from the lilypons company . anything and everything you need for ponds , fish and fountains, lights, and plants. I found a couple of water lilies that I want and some of the smaller Koi. Cant pay 30 dollars for a fish but maybe 6 is feasiable. That is if the coons don't get them but I think Rebel ,our dog will keep them run away. He keeps the deer out of our yard and away from my flowers. My columbine are blooming full force again. They started before the last freeze and it didn't even phase them it seems. I have one bed that is just for my columbine. I have some pretty ones. Yellow, purple, red ,pink and pink and white. I planted more seed in that bed that a girl sent me and she said it was assorted colors so no telling what I will come up with next year. The Hostas don't seem like they were affected by the frost either, neither does the bleeding hearts, seems as tho all of my shade plants are doing well. Has anyone heard anything from Andrew in the last week or so? I have tried calling him several times and get nothing but their answering machine. I am getting worried about them. I have called about 9 in the morning and in the afternoon and in the late evening. And nothing. Don't know of any one that that knows where he lives or close to them or anything so don't know. If I knew the name of the church he goes to I could call that but don't know that either. Brenda do you know? Maybe I might have a lead thru that Angel food ministery. I know his church does that I will look on their web site and see if I can call some one from there. OH FYI someone on here stated that Dr. Hornbostel didn't take Medicare any more. I don't remember who or even when but that isnt right. They do still take Medicare , seminars are the first Tuesday of every month at Bothwell Hospital. I got it from Dena who is the doctors Office Manager so I would assume she knows what she is talking about. Lol Garden Tip: If planting flowers from seed do not plant them any deeper than the size of the seed. Most tiny seeds I don't cover at all I scratch the earth with a planting fork and sew seeds in this scratch dirt then sprinkle with a water hose. Don't spray hard as you will wash them away just a light good spray , enoght for the seeds and the ground to get wet and cling to each other. SUSAN: whew sounds like you are going around and around doesn't it. But don't give up it is all worth it in the long run. You ask about the yellow chain tree .No it isnt hard to grow of course nothing seems like it is hard to grow in this dirt I have here. I got it as one of the 10 trees you get from the Arbor foundation for sending them 10 dollars . It was a tiny little thing and I planted it and watered it almost daily during all that drought last year it went from about a foot tall little sprig to about 8 feet tall they only get about 20 ft talk I think not sure on that so don't quote me . They are a beautiful tree. I hope it comes back after that frost. Did you get my email about www.parkseed.com is where I get most of my seed and flowers from. I am excited that you will get to be at the meeting Monday night. That will be fun to see you there.\ LANA: so very glad that you are feeling better. We get reminded don't we when we don't follow the rules. Yeah I know what you mean about the good friends we have from on this web site. I feel like all of you are part of my family . MELISSA: Well how did Terrys appointment go? Has he got a good cast on there now? How did your friend make out caring for you fil today. Have you heard from Janet today. I know she was to have her injection today. Hope she is alright. Anxious to know any good news from either one of you. BEL: Well as they say no news is good news. Lol. The drive in is in Aurora on old route 66 I think it is. Maybe we ought to all get togethere and go to the drive inn movies one night lol. They say the weather is suppose to be nice for the next 7 days anyway except for periods of rain. And we can use that. RACHAEL: I hope you are feeling better and better with each day that passes. Did you get the house cleaned up for the mil? You should have waited and giver her a dust cloth and an apron when she got there. Lol LYNETTE: have you figured out the web site yet and all. The post here is like a recap of what someone wrote to me yesterday. Hope that is as clear as mud. Lol DEBBIE M: well glad that you and Jake are both feeling better today. That is just too weird , (shaking my head) how someone can make a sexual phrase out of a pretty bird. Lol Leave it to you men. Well that was an interesting article abut dogs eating grass. That is too weird. Isnt it? Now tell me about the tordol shots? Do they provide pain relief for how long? No Debbie Blue Bunting birds are a different bird than a blue bird. We also have painted bunting birds down in this area but you get to see one so rarely that it is almost like we don't have them. But we do see the blue bunting often. Oh I hate black walnut trees. They are a pest as far as im concerned. They say nothing much will grow under them. Their roots put off a toxin to some plants. CRAIG: good about you coming to the picnic. And just everyone bring what they them selves want to eat. That way everyone will be able to eat what they are able to ok Yeah I think your appointment is the same time exactly as mine lol . I thought we would tell them they can put us in the same room for our exams lol I know what you mean about the tummy and getting it tucked lol I am more than ready. JANET: Sounds like you had a very busy day. I hope it was productive and you got some reliefe from the pain . Will be waiting to hear more from you tomorrow. Hope we didn't wake you with all of our talking. Lol We will be quite now and get ready for bed. ..talk to you all later. I think I am ready for bed. I know it is early but I am going to post this message early I think and get it out of my hair . I need to go take my pill for restless leg syndrome They are jumping all over the place. LOVE AND JOY AND PEACE ABOUNDS JAN.
Brenda Minks
on 4/19/07 6:22 pm - Silva, MO
I don't know Jan, could be early or late depending on whether or not you have been to bed. lol I don't know Andrew's church name, he told me one time and I think it was the Nazarine in Ironton, but I'm not sure. I'm just about to get everything wrapped up with Dice and Sydney's prom! Dice gets his pin out this morning. I have to have him to the vet at 8:00 am. The vet thought, at first, he would be able to pull the pin with Dice awake. But, Dice has grown so much since this happened that the pin has almost disappeared under the skin so the vet said he will put him to sleep to pull it out. So hopefully that will be the last trip to the vet for awhile. Sydney is getting her hair done in a updo Saturday for prom Saturday night. She got her manicure and pedicure last evening. She got lilac tips put on her fingernails to match her dress. She got her hair frosted today, two different colors blonde. I told her she had to quick!!! She has just about broke the family with her dress, shoes, jewely, hair, nails, etc....................!!!! Well I wish I had the knack to name everybody but I don't so I will just say I pray everyone will have their prayers answered and that you get your hearts desire. Everyone have a great day! Hugs Brenda
Susan T.
on 4/19/07 11:07 pm - Saint Charles, MO
Happy Friday!!! I am so happy that I get to meet everyone Monday. I am going to try and post Saturday morning on here before leaving but then I will not be on the computer again until after I get back on Weds. If someone could e-mail me with the directions and address of the meeting I would be grateful!! My addy is: [email protected] Thank you in advance. Any one know a good place to stay in Springfield? Looking for one with a pool. Any help would be great! Well as you can tell I am excited!!! Jan No problem about the Sunflower vines,lol. That would really be pretty if there was a vine like that. Thanks for the advice with the ebson salt, I had no idea it does that. What would we do without ya!! Vesta I hope that you are coming to the meeting, I am looking forward to meeting you and maybe your sister! Mel I am definatley looking forward to meeting you too!! How did it go with Terry yesterday? I was confused it you ment he was getting the cast on Thursday or Friday. Did he get his hard cast? Hope your fil continues to get better Praying for you and your family. Lana I am glad your tummy is doing better. I am glad to be coming to this site and learning what can happen, even with little mistakes, such as too big of bites and chewing things. I know I keep telling everyone I cant wait to meet them, I just cant wait to meet first timers like me, and the Young timers,lol! Bel If you want directions to that Drive-In in Illinois just let me know. I have taken almost all of the neighborhood kids, plus my daughters girlscout troop. It is amazing that some people have never been!! Tammy Where are you? I hope that you are doing okay. I tried to get my appointment the same as you but the only time they had was the 14th of May. With my sleep study so far away, guess its gonna be a while before I get to the losers side. But I know I will get there!!! Let us know everything is okay. Deb M I am starting to get better at jumping them hoops, lol. I am finding out that one day you think you have hit a brick wall and the next day or two ya might just get it worked out for the better! I know that doesn't happen very often but I was lucky this time. I am glad things are heading in the right direction. Its just gonna take longer than I thought. Wings I am so worried about you. I am praying thru out the day for you and your family. That is too funny about your step son, that will teach him to steal cookies! One time my boyfriend worked at a factory where some guy was stealing food out of people's lunches they kept in the refrigerator. They couldn't catch the guy doing it so they put food coloring in the middle of a cup cake and when the guy took a bite, the food coloring went all over his hands and down his mouth! Too funny. Cant wait to meet my angel and all my new friends!!! Take care, (((((((((HUGS))))))))) Love, Susan
on 4/19/07 11:34 pm - Diamond, MO
Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ Jan-Im sorry about bringing up the hummers-it just took me back to last year-when I so innocently talked about the same thing and then (face red) found out what others thought I was talking about. Glad Deb explained it tho. I dont like walnut trees either-and had to chuckle about Deb doing the splits and such on them, because I have done that too-what a sight that must be for the people who see us.....and then hear me afterwards-LOL. I used to have one of the biggest magnolia trees EVER....and it was so beautiful since it stayed green ALL YEAR LONG and when the flowers bloomed on them-they were so BIG and beautiful and smelled so sweet-and it was right outside my bedroom window-but raking those leafs up ALL YEAR sucked big time!!! I would LOVE to have a weeping willow tree-they are so beautiful and I love how they sway in the breeze...dont see many around this area tho. Our pear tree kind of reminds me of a dogwood when it blooms-and those are so beautiful out here as well. We have a lot of them in the woods-so really alot of times we only see them when we are traveling down the road. Have a funny story to tell you since I really didnt get a chance to post yesterday. WE have A LOT of problems with my stepson. He is a compulsive liar and does pretty much the opposite of what you tell him constantly-his famous answer to everything is that "I forgot" Well, Weds night, went to get my pretzels out of the upper cabinet (above eye shot) and when I pulled them down, the wrapper of Mikes chips Ahoy cookies came with it-so I looked at Mike and asked if he opened them (as they were opened on the TOP of the package right in the middle instead of the end that just rolls back up) he says no-and I said-well, then Darrel opened them and tried to be sneaky because I told the kids NOT to get into Dads cookies (they have their own stuff) ok-so They werent opened on Tues-and steph worked till midnite-we knew it wasnt her, as my mom picked her up right after school to go to town on Weds...so we devise a plan, just in case Darrel lies to us-which we knew he would already....(this is sooo good!) So, Mike puts the cookies on the bar and Thurs morning Darrel is looking up in the other cabinet for his cereal and Mike walks up and says-do you know who got into my cookies? and he says-It wasnt me....(of course it wasnt)..without missing a beat-Mike says to him-Well, thats good-because I heard on the news this morning they are being recalled for something they found in the cookies and anyone who has eaten them needs medical attention...since you didnt have any-you will be ok. With that, he looks at Mike and says-oh, I THINK I may have had ONE, but Steph had the rest. Mike says-oh, well, one wont hurt you-thats ok....ten seconds later, he says-well, what IF I forgot and had two? Mike says-well, I bet you will still be ok....he goes and sits down with his cereal and looks like he is gonna bust out crying-I have to keep a straight face-and he says to me-well, what IF I knew I had more than two, but FORGOT how many I have had? I tell him I will call the doctor while he is at school and then take him when he gets home. Then he fesses up to the whole thing....and steph is standing there (she is our germ a phobe) and IF she would have eaten any, she would have demanded to go to the dr right then-and she says to Darrel-sucks to be you. We didnt tell him until he came home-cause he asked me if I made his dr. appt and I said-no, Dads doing that-and when Mike came home-he said "Oh, I FORGOT" and then we told him what we did, and WHY.....Maybe, just maybe-this time he has learned a lesson. When school is over, he is going to be going to his moms, and if his attitude doesnt change-he is going back to live with her next school year. I finally feel peaceful about that decision-and I even called one of my psychiatrist friends that lives up in Minnesota-we have known each other 25 years-and she says I am the classic Alanon behavior. I feel the guilt and do a lot of things I dont want to do because of the guilt. I did not get my epidural/spinal yesterday-the next one is scheduled for Weds 25th. I had my MRI yesterday-and what a day that was!! I would rather forget about it....I had my MRI at 9:30 am....I got 15-20 min into it and hit the clicker...it was a closed MRI and I am very very chlostaphobic. I even took a valuim before I went....anyways, I had gotten really hot, then I couldnt swallow-then I couldnt breath-and my arm hurt. I actually got a blister on my arm from it getting so hot...so, she says what if I call the dr and we give you some valuim, do you think you could finish then? We dont have enough to send to the doc right now. I say ok-they call, he okays it, get my shot-10 minutes later or so-I am back in there... HOLY CRAP...I thought IF I hadnt lost all that weight-I would NOT fit in there-even if they lubed me up with lard!! Got that done, and she tells me to leave my bra off because I have to go have x-rays. Told her I just had some March 9th-20 of them to be exact-we talked and she sent me over to Drs ofc 2 miles away to get them....I go-they give me ALL the x-rays they have there-they arent the ones of my back-AFTER I go back to radiology at the hospital. SO, I call ortho surgeons ofc-they had sent them back to Freeman Neosho hospital over 2 weeks ago-I go there-they still dont have them-say that ortho dr NEVER sends anything back to them on and on....we get into it-I go across the street in Neosho to my PCP and get order for my x-rays AGAIN...go back to hospital-they re-do them, BUT wont release them to me until their radiologist checks them out (HAVE TO HAVE THEM BY TODAY) ok-so I call ortho office again-and they ask me to go back in there-and they will do the x-rays AND give them to me right there-for no charge. ok-so I go ALL the way to Carthage-get the x-rays AGAIN....and then go to the hospital in Carthage and drop them off so the radiologist can read them and get report back to my ortho surgeon by today. HOLY CRAP....now-my back didnt hurt because after they gave me that shot-I would have bungee jumped-WOOOOO....BUT...when it wore off, right before BOTH sets of x-rays-I could barely walk when I left the hospital for the last time. I surely couldnt keep up with Jon, who was a little cranky yesterday to say the least...he is TRYING to come down with something. Woke up this morning with boogers and croupy cough....ARGH!!! I bet I logged over 200 miles on my car yesterday from all the running from one town to another and the hospitals etc. I was so tired when I got home-I got home right before the kids got off the bus and changed into my sweats and baggy t-shirt, laid on the couch with the heating pad and fell asleep...I took a 2 hr nap-and still went to bed early! I woke up at 4 am and have been up since. Today I am just going to do laundry and some odds and ends as we have invited Mel and Terry over tonite to BBQ and celebrate her b-day...We finally got her presents done from Jon-what an adventure that was. Will tell you about it tomorrow-LOL Susan-GIRL!! Cant wait to see you on Monday-am looking forward to it-and keeping me in suspense about the WLS is gonna cost you!!! LOL LOL...TELL ME, TELL ME!!! I hope its about them taking the psychs letter or an approval-keeping my fingers crossed. Still have a lot of people in need of prayer-and still havent heard from Andrew or Carissa-hope everything is ok. Sug goes to St. Louis today to get her drain out, doesnt she? Hope she has a safe trip and that she feels better when that is gone. I know I did!!! I will keep everyone in my prayers and will talk to you all later. Love and prayers to all-Janet
Debbie M.
on 4/20/07 12:20 pm - Harrisonville, MO
Howdy All... Sorry, I'm running a little behind today! I have been busy! All my strawberry plants have been placed in their little pots and are hanging on the nice, tall shepards hooks that I bought (if it gets cold again, I can just unhook them and bring them in)They look really nice! I hope I get bunches and bunches of strawberries! Update on Jake! He is eating everything I give him and he is lapping up water like it's going out of style...like he use to! No more sickness, no more liquid poo! He running hard and playing like theirs no tomorrow! Thank God for prayers!! I can't begin to explain how much I appreciate the prayers that went out for him as well as the ones that went out for me and for some of my family members. It's just that a lot of people don't understand those of us who love our dogs like their our children! As far as I'm concerned they act better and at least they listen! With me having to put my first retriever (SAM) down just 2 years ago at the ripe old age of 16 and then facing the fact that I may of lost Jake who was turning out to be a "very good" best friend was just too much to bare! Thank you all so very much!! Thank you Lord, for prayers answered!! Susan...I am soo happy for you! God does answer prayers, ya know! Keep us up to date on your journey! Melissa?....did you see my post to you yesterday about the help for your FIL? If not let me know and I will repost it, if you want. I'm glad you all liked my pictures and thought my grandaughter was cute....I think so too...about the granddaughter!...lol Yes, with this weight coming off I feel better, happier than I have in over a decade! Thank you for noticing! Janet...glad you liked the pictures...poor Julia had been after me to get a new one up for sometime, Jan and Barb were too! It just seemed like everytime I tried I messed them up! Last night they came together so easy, it's almost scarry!...lol Toradol shots are good for me! I don't have a lot of info on them but I'm sure you can find out whatever you want about them on the internet! They relieve most of the pain in my back but I can still do everything I need to do without being all groggy from the side effects of narcotics. I can't have the Toradol everyday but when the pain gets so bad that I'm just ready to scream I go and ask my pcp for a shot of Toradol. He gives it to me, well his nurse does and I'm good for at least 24 hours! I have had the shots give me up to 3 days of near pain free movement. I have so many different things wrong with my back that if I took a pill or two for every issue, I'd probably be in a coma! I try to go without and somedays I can do it....others, I have to take pills when I wake up and then lay back down until they take effect! I only ask for the Toradol when absolutely necessary but I have read that some people take it everyday. Good Luck and I hope it helps! I for one, am very happy that Dr H. is still taking Medicare! So many people on Medicare need him! I think God had put him there for a reason and that he is doing the Lord's work! I pray it stays that way! CRAIG...glad to see you posting! I don't see you on much anymore! You have been a mentor to so many of us on here, losing you would be like losing another one of my brothers! Thank you for staying! JULIA, ANDREW, BARBS, DEBS, BENNY, PATTY, PIX, LINDA, COL, CLAUDE AND SO MANY MORE but I just went blank! Where are yous?? We miss you but more than that, we pray that you all are okay!! Drop a line once in a while! May God Be with Each and Every One of You!! Love & Prayers, Deb M
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